Complete Body

Chapter 1091: : You are too much like Jina High Priest

"Look at the high priest, this is the disc creature we've seen, and the one that attacked us, and look at similar humanoid creatures."

"What's this? And this person can actually float in a seat,"

"Wow, this is such a huge thing and you can change your appearance at will!"

When the grand priests were brought into the base, they were completely dumbfounded. This is another world. Except for the dazzling light, everything here is completely different from their city.

Everything is blinking items, various suspension vehicles, landing ships, and modified mechas, which will open their eyes!

"Luo Yun She Chang, are these all created?" Grand Priest of Aoao said for a long time.

"It should be said that these are made, as long as you can think of anything, you can basically be made!" Luo Wan smiled.

"This is also amazing, Luo Luoshe, you just said that you are from the earth? What is this place?" Finally, everyone came to a bright hall, there was no one in the hall, the transparent dome can see the starry sky outside .

"We are from another world, very far away!" Luo Wei started the curtain of the dome, and an extremely bright star appeared in front of everyone.

"What are these little white dots? How far is your world from us? Is it farther than the Demon Territory to our Cherishina She?" Now Libanguo asked.

"These little white dots represent these galaxies, and the distance between our world and you is not what you imagined. Now I tell you that these will not be understood, and you will understand in the future!" Luo Yun smiled.

"Then why did you come?" At this time, the proud priest returned the question just now to Luo Wan.

After staying in the hall for a while, all of these people have been sterilized after the invisible detection. After taking off the isolation mask, Luo Yun revealed a charming face.

"Gina Grand Priest?" When Nuolixunuo saw Luoyun's moment, he immediately shouted excitedly.

"Gina Grand Priest?" Luo Wan was also very surprised.

"It's too much, really it's too much!" Mengao priest murmured to herself, his expression also very excited.

"We thought you Feiyu had passed away. So you really aren't dead yet?" Nuoli Pannuo stepped forward and said quickly.

"I'm not Jina High Priest, do you deny the wrong person? Or do I look like her?" Luo Wan replied, but she was shocked by what she seemed to think of.

"Senior Lord Nolihamu may have a past with Gina High Priest, so he may have admitted wrong! But you are really similar to Gina High Priest, although the difference in size is a bit big, but this momentum and smile make me I remembered this great priest. "Grand proud priest said.

"This world is so magical, we are from a distant world, and we can still imagine with your high priest. It is indeed very interesting! You just asked us why we came, this question cannot be made clear in a moment! You are outside the base After staying so long, I think I will rest for a while, and then we will continue to understand. "Luo Yun smiled.

After finishing the talk, Luo Yun asked the other members to take them to the specially prepared rest cabin, and let people send a message to the backup team, telling them to retreat without waiting, and everything was safe.

When Luo Yun returned to her cabin, she reconsidered what they said about the Grand Priest, and she began to understand the reason.

Then she retrieved the database of Jina High Priest, and she suddenly had a clear idea in her heart.

"Mother, have you been to Dali Artesin before?" Luo Luo then communicated with Shiji.

"Yes!" Li Shi knew that this matter had nothing to hide from Luo Wan and nodded.

"I said why the information you gave me is so detailed. It turns out that you have spent two years investigating, and now the high priests of Pangao see me saying they look like you, so I remembered that this matter must be related to you." After knowing many secrets of Luoxi, Luoyun knows that her mother is almost omnipotent, so she naturally links the high priest Jina with Luoxi.

"The grand priest is not simple. Like the prophets on our earth, he has a very keen sense of everything, and he is also a good person. He is a trustworthy evangelist," said Luo Xi.

"Mother, are you not going to see them yet?" Luo Yun asked again.

"Is there any difference between seeing it and seeing it? I have left everything that should be left. They are also an extremely intelligent civilization. They have experienced countless rebirths and have extraordinary creative abilities among their remaining genes. Some may be better than us Humans are more powerful, and their adaptability is also very strong, limited to the constraints of current social development. For humans, how to pass on our technology and cultural concepts to them is definitely the best experiment. And for them Saying that this will be a brand new social revolution, no matter what the future will be, their destiny will be closely connected with us! "Xi Xi said with a smile.

"But I just read a lot of information about the high priest Jina, and found that they have unlimited worship for you. Mother, I think such similar scenes seem to have appeared on our earth. Perhaps the countless ancient so-called prophets and gods are Apostles like you ~ ~ the knowledge they provide has changed this social structure and changed the rules of the world. "Luo Yun said.

"Perhaps, the development of intelligent civilization is extremely complex. Hundreds of millions of civilizations have almost different experiences. But in the end they all want to reach the same level of civilization. This is probably the most powerful high-level civilization in the universe. Said it is an eternal civilization. "Xi Xi said.

"Have you seen the finished civilization?" Luo Yun asked curiously.

"Complete civilizations are extremely rare. I am afraid that only a few of the hundreds of millions of universes will be born. The existence of complete civilizations is almost the epitome of the universe in which they are located. The energy source they need requires the entire universe to provide them. And for an ordinary universe like ours, it simply cannot provide a huge source of energy. "Said Xixi.

"Mother, is this too exaggerated? The entire universe can't provide the energy of a complete civilization? Then they can't control the entire universe?" Luo Yun said with great surprise.

"In the cosmic system, a universe like ours is very weak, and this category is beyond human cognition. If the entire cosmic system is treated as a complete universe, then the universe we are in may be floating in the starry sky. It ’s just a little dust! "Mu Xi smiled.

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