Complete Body

Chapter 1310: :Mutually

The appearance of the Pashtunmans is not much different from what humans imagine. This is mainly because humans have a certain sense of commonality with them, because the Pashtunmans dominate the Milky Way galaxy, although it is still not known for sure. The place where mankind originated, so in everyone's opinion, the Pashtunman might look similar to humans.


   But when the two sides met, they were indeed similar. The Pashtunmans looked a bit taller. Their average height was about two meters and their stature was quite burly, not as thin as imagined.


   The huge head is in the shape of an inverted triangle. The facial features are almost the degenerate version of human beings tens of thousands of years later. The eyeballs are prominent, the nose hangs like two meat sticks, the mouth becomes a slit, and the lips disappear.


   Their hair is completely gone. There are five or six small fleshy protrusions on the ears, and there are countless small holes in the fleshy protrusions. This should be the sound-receiving organ of the Pashtunans, and they cannot be called ears.


   The Pashtunman’s body is fairly well-proportioned, with powerful limbs and strong three fingers. It looks like it can easily crush humans.


   The skin exposed outside the protective clothing is slightly rougher than that of humans, and the skin colors of the few people I meet are somewhat different, which may be similar to humans, including yellow, white and black people.


   A silk-like metal coat is very decently designed, mainly dark gray, and a few very conspicuous bright metal wires outline the figure of the Pashtunman, which is very aura.


  Because of the different living environment between the two parties, the Pashtunman wears a fully transparent mask respirator.


   The meeting place is the sky platform built by humans long ago. It is a disc-shaped platform with a diameter of about one kilometer, floating smoothly in the starry sky.


   Judging from the body, the two sides were overwhelmed by the powerful momentum of the Pashtunman as soon as they met. The head of the star was visually measuring more than two meters four, which made Zhixi had to look up, which was a bit difficult.


"Dear ambassador, my name is Zhixi, and I welcome everyone on behalf of the earth stars!" As the host, Zhixi naturally speaks first. She said very politely and directly converted into Pashtoman language through the synchronous translation system. .


   "Why did you planet Earth assign a woman? Is it because you look down on our Pashtunman?" The leader was obviously a little arrogant. He looked down at the delicate Zhixi, and seemed to be talking to the woman. He felt very upset.


   "You come from afar, we will naturally not neglect, for us planet people, there is no difference between men and women in doing things, and in some things, women's wisdom may be far superior to men!" Zhixi replied neither humble nor overbearing.


   "Oh, according to what you mean, your men on the planet Earth are all rubbish? Does such an important matter require a woman to make judgments and decisions?" The other party continued to say without being forgiving.


His words immediately made the atmosphere tense, especially on the human side. The six Star Mission members standing behind Zhixi were naturally a bit angry in their hearts, not to mention that they did not talk about any substantive content now, even if there were two parties. In a state of relative equality.


   And now the other party's words are clearly not taking humans seriously and extremely contemptuous.


"Perhaps it is the difference between civilizations. According to the habits of our planetary people, such things are not important, so there is no need for men to make decisions. They have more important things to do. So I can only make it difficult. Meet you." Zhi Xi replied expressionlessly.


   As soon as her words came out, the arrogant Pashtunman's face sank. He didn't expect the earth woman in front of him to be a little difficult to deal with.


   "Are you despising us?" the other party said loudly.


"We did not despise you. Our attitude depends on your way of expression. If you talk about who is more important on such an occasion, it doesn't seem to make any sense! Of course you have come to talk to us about this after tens of thousands of light-years. Naturally willing!" Zhixi said softly without being overwhelmed by the other's momentum.


"Emissary Xixi, I’m sorry, the Envoy Medel spoke more directly. It may be that there is a misunderstanding of the differences between the civilizations of the two sides. You don’t need to care. What he meant is that you don’t want to waste too much time on such an important occasion. You don’t need to apply for replies multiple times if you negotiate at one time.” At this time, an older Pashtunman standing behind the Medel star spoke.


"Since I am a celestial envoy, I naturally have decision-making power. Besides, we still have six members of the celestial envoy, enough to make any choice that is beneficial to the planetary people. Otherwise, there is no need to meet with you here. The powerful fleet wants to strike at us, and the Earth stars have no resistance. Now that the stars can communicate with us in this way, it shows that you do not want to solve it by military means. Based on this, the earth The stars are already very grateful, so we are full of respect for you, and we hope that there will be a result that both parties can accept." When Zhixi heard someone making a round, he naturally lowered his posture and froze with the other party at the beginning. It is not conducive to communication, but as long as you let the other party know, although the planetary people are only low-level civilizations, they are not allowed to be crumpled.


   When the Pashtunman heard what Zhixi said, his tight face finally relaxed a little. No matter what wisdom and civilization, kind words are always very useful.


"Well, since you also know our intentions, UU reading explains that you have a certain understanding of the message we expressed before. The galaxy in which your planetary people are located, which is what you call the Milky Way galaxy, belongs to We dominate. In other words, everything in the Milky Way galaxy is our attachment. You haven’t left the solar system before, so we let you develop. But now your evolutionary process has become part of the universe’s ecosystem, so your body For the ruler, it is natural to communicate with you and tell you clearly what you can enjoy and what is restricted in this cosmic ecosystem!" The older Pashtunman continued.


"Oh, but we don’t know all of this. In other words, you said that the Milky Way galaxy is your subsidiary. This requires certain evidence. If we agree to become your subsidiary civilization, we will come to other civilizations after a while and repeat yours. Then, what should we do?" Zhixi asked rhetorically, pretending not to know.


"This kind of thing will not happen, there is a contract between us, and the rules of the universe's ecological circle are very strict, and there will be no random actions by civilized races. Once discovered, they will be wanted by the entire galaxy alliance. This consequence is beyond any civilized race!" the other side explained.


"Becoming a subsidiary of a high-level civilization is naturally a good choice. Although it will be restricted, at least it can survive stably in the universe. This is indeed very tempting for most low-level civilizations. But the planets Don't want to exist in the galaxy in this way. We have our own dreams, our own goals, and all have enough motivation to fight for our own future. If we refuse to become a subsidiary civilization, what will be the result?" Asked calmly.

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