Complete Body

Chapter 1328: : The leader who controls 1 cut

At this moment, on the Transcendent Star Chart, Reald saw that his fleet was declining. Starting from the outermost patrol fleet, the ships disappeared into the starry sky unpreparedly and silently. .

"Commander in chief, the big thing is not good. We seem to be swallowed by an unknown space. Like the forward fleet, our fleet is gradually disappearing." At the same time, many assistants reported what they had seen. .

   "What? We haven't entered the Oort Cloud, why did this happen?" Reald was so shocked, he stared at Ming Xi, trying to see some clues from her face.

"I said, what you have to consider is whether the fleet can leave the solar system alive, not someone who can avenge us! Enjoy this last moment in this universe starry sky!" Zhixi laughed, and the incorporeal body gradually Dispersed, but her voice lingered in every commander's heart like a nightmare.

Although they still don’t understand what happened, it is possible that all of this was designed by this leader. This is definitely a super space technology. Once activated, no detector can detect. Measured.

   The previous forward fleet must have been trapped in another space, and cannot communicate with the current starry sky.

   "It's horrible, everyone retreat quickly, turn on the maximum protection, and sail with the curvature jump!!" Commander Reeld has no time to take revenge on Zhixi. He ordered loudly, only hoping to leave alive!

At this time, the human crew members didn’t know what had happened. They only saw the weird sight reappearing just now. The Pashtunman’s main fleet was also disappearing, and then the opponents all began to retreat, trying to think To escape the solar system.

   "What happened to this?" Everyone had the same question.

   A few hours later, in the Zhixi command module of the expeditionary fleet, the subordinates reported that all the Pashtunmans had evacuated, and no ships were left behind, and the Earth Alliance fleet had no loss.

   This report stunned all the commanders, and when they saw the message sent back later, they couldn't help but subvert their own perceptions.

   Is this weird area occurring in the Oort Cloud natural or man-made? What kind of technological ability can create a mysterious area that cannot be detected by a high-level civilization.

   This area is absolutely stronger than a black hole, because it cannot be detected, so once it strays into it, it will be swallowed quickly without a trace.

   And all these questions pointed the finger at Zhi Xi.

  Of course, this is the cutting space of Zhixi, separating all these warships from the normal cosmic starry sky.

   But no one dared to ask, because of the expeditions over the years, they understood a truth. They would know what they should know, and they only need to execute the order.

   This leader has a mysterious ability beyond imagination. Except for her face that never ages and her beautiful face, she seems to have insight into everything.

  Any plan of action or combat plan, she has arranged everything in detail, as long as they can understand and implement it in detail, and there is almost no need to question whether it is correct.

  Because Zhixi is very familiar with every civilization and race, he knows everything well, so no matter what plan is made, it is targeted, so the effect will often be twice the result with half the effort.

There is also the Suzaku that no one else is qualified to enter. It has always been the dream place of the crew. They know that the Suzaku absolutely has the most amazing advanced technology in it, and everything that humanity has developed to the present may be the same as that It is related, and even said that the Suzaku is the cornerstone of the entire human modern science and technology civilization.

   The current leader, without a single soldier, completely defeated the Pashtunman fleet, to be precise, directly using mysterious means to make the opponent unable to parry.

   No wonder Heina said before that there is no need to worry about anything. It seems that Zhixi has arranged everything long ago.

   In this way, all commanders admire Zhixi even more.

   For these newcomers, Zhixi's legends have been heard too much. Although many of them sound true and credible, for these young people, there is still a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts.

   Therefore, I can face Zhixi most directly, experience the feeling of doing things under her hand, and truly feel the charm of Zhixi.

   One Earth week later, when the decision makers in the Pashtunman power center heard about Rilder’s defeat, they couldn’t imagine it being true.

  A civilization level is different, the number of ships is completely crushed, and the opponents that are smashed by technological strength actually wiped out almost all of them.

   And the opponent hasn't lost a soldier or even a star bomb.

   From the last count, there were more than 10 million warships, and only more than one million ships returned to the inspection base.

   This is simply a shame I have never had before.

   When they saw and heard the whole process, they felt even more incredible, and after thinking about it, they couldn't help but produce an immense chill from deep in their hearts.

   They couldn't believe that their technological level could not detect the space created by the other and such a huge area envelops the entire solar system like a thick protective layer, so there is no need to worry about being invaded by other civilizations.

   For black holes, the solar system is too small, and the gravitation generated by the powerful force field can swallow everything.

   It is amazing that human beings can also build powerful spatial regions.

   Although it is still unclear what kind of space force this is, the Pashtunmans know that this level of technology has long surpassed them.

   In combination with the previous Earth Alliance destroying their fleet with absolute power, the Pashtunmans have realized that this insignificant civilized race thousands of years ago has actually become an invisible powerhouse.

   But I am arrogant and want to conquer each other.

   Faced with such a result, the new commander and the other elders were silent. If it was said that the decision to send a fleet to tentative offensive behavior had a certain degree of hesitation, then now they don't have any strong tone to fight again.

  Because such a space area can definitely swallow the invading ships indefinitely. Although it cannot be confirmed at present, the Pashtunmans have reason to believe that humans can do it.

   This failure was not announced to the public. For the new successor, this is definitely not a good beginning for reign.

   If it is made public, it will inevitably arouse suspicion among civilized races within the dominion. This is undoubtedly the best news for the terrestrial people who are on the expedition. The Pashtunman naturally understands the trade-offs.

   But how to face the crew after such a failure is probably the most troublesome thing for the successor.

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