Complete Body

Chapter 1343: : Tracing the Mystery of Origin

   The birth of the new galactic galaxy alliance, marking a concentration of power in the process of human beings towards a higher-level civilization, this is also the almost inevitable way for most civilizations.

  Of course, the election of Zhixi is unquestionable. Regardless of her qualifications and contributions, as well as all her contributions to mankind, her achievements are unmatched.

   Some people even began to worry that once Zhixi left, no one would be qualified for such a position. After all, the standards for wanting to match Zhixi were too high and too high.

   After completing the unification of the Milky Way galaxy, Zhixi did not immediately continue to expand. After all, the galaxy alliance closest to the Milky Way galaxy is also 160,000 light years away.

   Expedition at such a distance as the current human technological capabilities is still somewhat difficult, and there is still a large distance in terms of the number of fleets.

  According to the plan discussed by Zhixi and other members of the Galaxy Alliance, it will take 10,000 to 30,000 years for mankind to develop in an all-round way. The level of science and technology must reach the top level of civilization. The number of ships in the entire fleet must at least reach more than 600 million.

   This is an extremely time-consuming process, and it takes a lot of materials and economy, and it also has to deal with the challenges of other civilized races.

   Although judging from the current state of the Milky Way galaxy, humans will not be countered by other civilizations, but everything is changing.

   After all, the Pashtunmans are unwilling to be dominated by humans in the Milky Way galaxy.

   During this period of development, the Galactic Alliance is mainly to allocate and utilize the resources of the entire Milky Way galaxy reasonably, which is also to prepare for the future conquest of other galaxies.

   Compared to dominating the entire Milky Way galaxy, the expansion of the starry sky that spans hundreds of thousands of light years, or even millions of light years, is itself a time-consuming task.

  The general civilization race will only try after reaching the top civilization, that is, after starting to enter the high civilization.

   And this process takes hundreds of thousands of years.

   And mankind will prepare for one to thirty thousand years, which is actually very fast.

   Of course, Xi Xi understands that many things are too fast to reach, and what human beings lack is not time, but the accumulation of strength.

   In the first thousand years of the rest period, Zhixi traveled to almost every corner of the Milky Way galaxy, and she needed to do many things by herself in order to maximize the use of human resources.

   There is also the assimilation of the civilized races in the dominion, so that they can completely recognize the Galactic Alliance, so that the future expansion between galaxies will not cause internal conflicts.

After   泞浠 had arranged all these things, she began the tracing of the place of origin that she was most obsessed with, which was actually the tracing of the root of human civilization.

   After completing the unification of the Milky Way galaxy, an ominous premonition is always entwined in Zhixi's heart. With her current ability, everything in the universe can be completely controlled as long as she thinks carefully.

   But this incident alone made her seem very at a loss. She tried to enter the string space several times and tried to wake up Mayfair, but they all failed.

   So Zhixi knew that if mankind wanted to reach a higher peak, he had to solve this mystery himself.

   Otherwise, there may be genetic traps that will cause a fatal blow to humans. This is also something that Zhixi does not want to see.

   and Zhixi knows that this one he is facing is probably the most powerful opponent after he knows the body. His strength lies in the fact that he is still unable to find out who the opponent is?

   When tracing the genetic trap of the Mar Argon, she encountered a lot of difficulties. Although these were not complicated, the things involved behind it made Zhixi unable to see through.

   Zhixi is constantly thinking about what kind of civilized race this is, unexpectedly surpassing the complete civilization, which makes Zhixi confused.

   Is it possible that after this cosmic system, the development of life forms has emerged as an intelligent civilization that cannot even be controlled by the entire body?

   The answer is obviously no, but what is unquestionable is that the opponent is absolutely powerful. Before the fight, Zhixi vaguely feels that many things are controlled by the opponent.

   9840 in the ephemeris calendar, 12020 in the solar calendar, Zhixi left the solar system again, and she went to explore the place of human origin alone.

   All the affairs of the Galaxy Alliance are handled by other core members, and she can still control major decisions.

Zhixi didn’t know how long it would take to leave this time to return to the Milky Way galaxy, but she knew that this time was more important than ever, and that there were problems with the cosmic system. Although it was only an extremely trivial moment in these ten thousand years or so, Its seriousness cannot be ignored.

The Suzaku disappeared into the deep space again. Human beings are living in a step-by-step manner as usual. What they did not expect is that this difference is nearly 50,000 years old. Although she still maintains close contact with the core members, Naturally, people can only learn about this greatest guide in legends.

  泞浠’s first goal in quest for the Origin is to go to Katharoni to retrieve the metal block. Only by cracking this metal block can we explore the secret of human origin.

   The NGC 4485 galaxy, more than 36 million light years away, is also known as the Nabiana galaxy. It is the native galaxy of the Katjaroni.

   They dominate the NGC series of galaxy groups, and on the Suzaku's hyper-interest chart, it is shown as the Anoleta Galaxy Alliance.

   A few weeks later, when a golden shuttle appeared on the edge of the Anoleta Galaxy Alliance, it did not attract much attention. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

  Although Xixi has some prestige in the Milky Way galaxy and its surroundings within millions of light-years of light-years, but there are several galaxy groups separated from here, naturally no civilized race will pay attention to the existence of the planets.

   In addition, the Suzaku has changed its appearance, so that no civilized race can recognize it.

   Over the past ten thousand years, the star field of the Katjaroni has been continuously expanding. Three thousand years ago, they conquered one of the NGC series of galaxies and included it in the Anoleta galaxy alliance.

   This warlike civilized race, currently in the adjacent galaxy alliances, is considered to be extremely powerful and has a decisive right to speak.

   However, it seems that it hasn't been going well recently. It seems that several galaxy wars have been lost, casting a shadow on the crew and commanders.

   Suzaku sailed on the star course according to the signs on the Hyper-Interest Star Chart. Since it is currently located on the edge of the galaxy alliance, there are not many ships passing by, and even if there are ships, they are only a few light-years away.

   At this time, the Vermilion was only sailing at the third-level curvature speed, and the distance from the edge of the Anoleta galaxy alliance to the star of Kagaroni was about 2.6 million light years.

  Because it was a purposeful visit this time, Zhixi did not continue to use the superstring space to directly reach the vicinity of Katharoni, because once the inspection fleet found that he did not pass the authentication of the vital code, he would definitely be regarded as an intruder.

This will cause misunderstandings among the Katjaroni stars, and getting the metal block back will become very troublesome. Of course, Zhixi can also directly use force to capture it, but it is not just taking the metal block, but I want to know the purpose of the opponent when he went to the solar system to take it.

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