Complete Body

Chapter 1350: : Interstellar Predator

   Jianxi glanced at the other party, thought for a while, and made a decision in his heart.

   "Okay, since this is a requirement of the black market, I am a foreign race, of course, no exception. I come from the Milky Way galaxy and belong to the Earth Stars." Zhixi said generously.

   "The Milky Way galaxy? We have never heard of it!" Obviously, the Milky Way galaxy that is 1.6 billion light-years away is naturally not the star field that the Oclea Galaxy Alliance will pay attention to.

   "Yes, I am an interstellar wanderer, and I have been dormant for nearly ten thousand years before arriving here." Zhixi opened the Hyper-Interest Star Chart and let the other party see the location of the Milky Way galaxy.

   When this figure saw the location of the Milky Way galaxy, he also stunned for a moment, never expecting to encounter a civilized race from so far away from the starry sky.

However, his heart seemed very happy in this way. In addition to such a distant starry sky, coupled with being an interstellar wanderer, when he came to the Oclea galaxy alliance, no matter what happened here, I am afraid he could only swallow his breath. , Unable to resist.

"Sure enough, there is a problem. In that case, now we will take you to the Interstellar Wanderer Quarantine. Only through our verification can we sail in this black market." Although the other party's words seemed a little calm, Zhixi could hear it. The other party was a little excited.

   Obviously they treated Zhixi as a little sheep.

   "Interstellar Wanderer Quarantine? I have never heard of such an area, and on the star map of the black market, I have not found such a starry sky." Zhixi asked in a confused manner.

   "This is newly established, just to ensure the safety of interstellar wanderers like yours." The other party replied in a genuine manner.

   "Oh, if that's the case, that's okay!" After Miao Xi listened, she was forced to agree.

Then one of the star hunters protruded out a huge metal arm, and quickly grabbed the Suzaku and put it into the star hunter. Then the four star hunters started at the same time and flew towards the outside of the black market. Disappeared in the starry sky soon.

   In the starry sky, countless ships still shuttle, no one will pay attention to the few star hunting ships that disappeared, and no one will guess why this metal shuttle was taken away by the star hunting ship.

   Inside the Vermilion Bird at this time, Zhi Xi looked at the coordinates on the Hyper-Rate Star Chart. She knew that she was leaving the black market now, and the Star Hunter was carrying her to a strange starry sky.

   It didn't take long for the figure to reappear just now, but this time the other person's expression was not as polite as before, at least there was no smile on his face.

   "Is the quarantine area here?" Zhi Xi asked pretending to be unclear.

   "Isolation area? It seems that you have been wandering in the starry sky for too long, and you actually believe it?" the other party said coldly.

   "What do you mean?" Zhixi said.

   "It doesn't mean anything!" The figure disappeared after speaking!

   At the same time, in the command cabin of this star hunter, more than a dozen civilized races with different costumes and different appearances gathered together. Judging from their momentum, they should all be commander-level.

   And the figure just now was among them.

"Captain Laugar, you are right. This one is really too deceiving. Did you hear that? You are still asking me if I am in the quarantine area." The man standing in the middle of the command cabin is short. , But the civilized race with extraordinary momentum said.

   Captain Raugall, the captain of these four star hunters, he is an interstellar predator, the starman of Andrew.

   However, the star Antrus was destroyed fifty thousand years before he was born, and as soon as he was born, he wandered between the stars with his father, and later became an interstellar predator because he was not satisfied to be a wanderer.

   In his words, it is better to fight once instead of staying alive.

   Later, he really succeeded. With his outstanding ability and superb means, he owned a small star hunting ship, and lived very moisturized by abduction.

"This shuttle is probably the most perfect one I have ever seen. In addition to this appearance, one of the substances contained in its hull is something we have never seen before. And through comparison, There is no similar material in the Oclea Galaxy Alliance. From the results of the analysis, this material has a strong defense ability. There is also a high-order state superstring alloy that should be string energy! You should know the superstring What is the meaning of the string?" At this moment, another commander said a little excitedly.

"Haha, it seems that the detection equipment that I have paid a lot of money to exchange is really useful. If this shuttle really contains these two substances, what can we trade?" Captain Laugor's face was a little dry. , Showing a terrifying smile.

   "Planetary mothership? Or Kadraka-class assault ship?" The commander asked excitedly.

  Kadraka-class assault ship, the largest assault ship built by the Manatina star in the Oclea Galaxy Alliance, with a total length of 26 kilometers and powerful attack capabilities.

   "The planetary carrier may not be traded, but the Kadraka assault ship should be available. I didn't expect to encounter such good luck in the black market." Captain Laugar was also very happy.

   "However, since the opponent has such a shuttle, I am afraid it is not a simple high-level civilization. Once we encounter trouble, we may be hunted down by then. UU reading" Of course, other commanders are a little worried.

"The Milky Way galaxy, I just checked that it should be called the Bernadori galaxy. It is indeed 1.6 billion light-years away. And there is no god-level civilization in the galaxy group in which they are located. What to worry about! And I suspect that this ship is not owned by her, it may have been cleaned up on the battlefield of the galaxy." Captain Laugar said.

   "In that case, what are we waiting for? Hurry up and deal with this matter. There have been many ship transactions in the black market during this time."

The wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. These interstellar predators never thought that what they plundered was a supreme existence, and their miserable days had just begun, staying in Oclea in Zhixi During the galaxy alliance, these guys were ruthlessly called by Zhixi until Zhixi left. This is probably something they never want to mention.

   Suzaku was firmly fixed on a huge metal frame. In addition to the countless metal pipes locking it, there were also interference devices to prevent Chi Xi from sending out distress signals.

   When Captain Laugar led these commanders to the front of the Suzaku, he was even more admired by his close observation.

   "Connect the other party, let her open the hatch, and cooperate with our verification!" Captain Laugar looked at the golden Suzaku and said in a deep voice.

   Then the operator proficiently sent messages, hoping to communicate with Zhixi again, but at this time he found that the other party did not respond at all, and his compulsory interference with communication was useless.

   "Captain, unable to access the other party's communication, it seems to be shielding us!" After a while, the operator said in embarrassment.

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