Complete Body

Chapter 1366: :chase

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You must know that with the unification of the Oclea Galaxy Alliance, the frequency of galaxy warfare is relatively low. If you want to become the captain of the total fleet, the nominations are at least five thousand years old. Many commanders at this age are still just The captain is nothing but a captain commander.

It can be seen that the captain of the Kanyargar fleet has extremely good command capabilities, and his prestige in the fleet is very high. Although the battle is very harsh and even ruthless, it is precisely because of this attitude to govern the army. Therefore, all the fleets he commanded are invincible.

And also has a Keni fleet named after him, which is one of the most combative fleets.

This time, when he heard that the commander-in-chief of Tinorli was ‘missing’, at first he wanted to track it with the best he could and planned to start a rescue plan, but later saw that the situation had become confusing, so he had the idea of ​​succession.

In addition to the accumulated popularity in the fleet, the forces that secretly support him are very wide, and even in the Alliance House, nearly half of the core members are optimistic about him.

After all, a person who can stabilize the fleet will be able to prevent chaos in the Oclea Galaxy Alliance once he becomes the commander in the future.

The other two are called: Elder Hybria and Admiral Seni.

Elder Hybria comes from an interstellar family, but this family is not big, because for the balance of power, the Manatina star will not allow the interstellar family over a certain size to participate in the core members. This is also a restriction, so as not to be overhead. Command power.

?Admiral Seni turned out to be one of the commanders most trusted by Tinori. He has a unique ability in governing the development of the Galaxy Alliance. Due to his insufficient age, he has not yet become an elder, but in the eyes of many core members, he The importance of is already on par with the elders.

Elder Hybria originally had some contradictions with the commander-in-chief of Tinorli. These contradictions did not come from individuals, but were differences in the governance of the galaxy alliance, so there was an irreconcilable relationship between him and Seni.

The two of them have similar prestige, and are naturally inferior to Kenimarga, but things can’t be absolute. Everyone has the support of their forces, and they are preparing for themselves during these periods, so it’s not at the end. Know who can win.

Therefore, this alliance star club is also extremely important.

Although the commander-in-chief of Tinorli also requested to do a good job of the Alliance Star Club through messages during this period, he never thought that the current situation had undergone a fundamental change.

In the space city, the members of the Star Association are arranged in the cabins in their respective regions. This arrangement is naturally based on their respective spheres of influence and the relationship between them. This is a kind of unspoken rule and default arrangement, to a certain extent It reflects the degree of control the three successors said to themselves.

Alliance star clubs generally have to be held for half a year. After all, the issues discussed, the position arrangements of related members, and the frictions that various civilizations said during the Hundred Years have not been resolved in peacetime, so in this alliance star It must be completely resolved at the meeting.

In this way, there are many things and need to be mediated. Therefore, the commander and the elders and other core members will deal with it in the fastest and easiest way, and aim to balance the various forces.

This is also their busiest time.

The situation was different this time. After informing the commander in advance that he could not participate in the Alliance Star Club, most civilized races were very surprised. Such important things rarely happened after the establishment of the Oclea Galaxy Alliance. .

But they did not suspect that the commander had been'missing'. After all, this was not a glorious thing, and such a powerful galaxy alliance, if even the commander was inexplicably abducted, it would definitely be an extremely embarrassing thing.

It is now presided over by three quasi-successors. Although they have not clearly told them, they will deal with the affairs of the Alliance Star Club together, which gives all civilized races a strange feeling.

The Alliance Star Club was held very smoothly at the beginning, with normal processes, normal topics, normal personnel transfers, and normal fleet deployments. Everything was proceeding step by step. Wonderful book

At this time, in the Asna star field, the Vermilion bird had tracked the source of the mysterious message.

Although it is impossible to reversely determine which ship the opponent is using, the source of the information is extremely confirmed.

But the Suzaku tried to get close to each other, but was cleverly avoided. I don't know if he found that Zhixi had tracked them down, or was avoiding something inadvertently.

Although Zhixi did not pursue the full force, but at the current speed of the Suzaku, the opponent could still avoid it, which shows that the technological level of these ships is very strong.

The two sides chased each other for several days, always keeping a certain distance, and the two sides kept switching between normal space and cutting space.

No one has the upper hand.

Such a situation is very rare for the Suzaku.

However, Zhixi was not discouraged. She was at this point. She knew that the other party should be the man behind the scenes she was looking for. If not, she would not be far away.

At this time, Zhixi and the other party had already left the fortress starship, far away in the starry sky hundreds of millions of light years away.

Among the black ships, the commander-in-chief of Tinorli seemed very calm. He had been here for nearly three mi years, that is, nearly four earth years.

Since being hijacked to this ship, he has not been in contact with any civilized race, and every time he talks and communicates with him, it is the intelligent system.

And in the process, the other party did not tell him any reason for the hijacking and how to deal with him, but fortunately the other party allowed him to communicate with the core members of the Oclea Galaxy Alliance every period of time, and deal with and issue some Order, otherwise the hapless commander might be crazy.

Although he has not been questioned or treated unfairly, this situation is a great insult to the commander of a super cluster.

Besides, the other party didn't even show his apparently didn't pay attention to it at all.

No matter what method the Tinori commander uses, the other party is indifferent, saying everything that should be said, and he doesn't know everything that should not be said.

I am afraid this is the darkest moment in his life as Commander-in-Chief Tinori.

"An unknown ship has been tracking for more than a dozen days. It seems that your rescue fleet has arrived! Are you very happy?" An intelligent voice familiar to Commander Tinorli and extremely hated resounded again.

When the manatina star commander who was not very tall heard this, a ray of light appeared in his eyes.

"We didn't expect the other party to find you so quickly, it's not bad, it's good!" The intelligent voice continued.

"Who the **** are you? Why do you want to do this?" Commander Tinorli was going crazy by this doubt.

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