Complete Body

Chapter 508: : The horrible star

戋 Na En star people, a civilized race that is absolutely imprisoned by the Baide star people. The star is located in an extremely weird nebula in the Morigna Cluster. It was born three billion years ago. Its unique feature is not to revolve around the star, but it is lonely in a nebula with a disordered gravitational field. in.

All of its heat comes from the high-energy particle beams brought by the cosmic rays in the nebula, which are more than half the size of the Earth. Due to the infinite collection of high-energy particle beams for billions of years, the star is extremely dense, and its mass is thousands of times larger than that of the earth.

Although there is no atmosphere on the surface of the star, there is no normal planet's ecosystem, even ordinary water, here is also a semi-solid form that is thick like a paste.

Is just such an environment, but also born countless creatures living underground.

This kind of creature is born by eating the ore of the star, no matter its appearance or way of survival, it is almost completely different from the normal life system.

Five million years ago, while the Baed astral had not yet contended with the Atomic Alliance Chamber, in order to search for special metal elements used in galaxy wars, they came to the Nebula where the Star of Stars was located.

When they discovered this extremely special planet, they were immediately attracted by the tenacious life on them, and then they boldly carried out genetic reorganization, after millions of years of repeated cultivation.

Finally evolved the first group of 戋 娜恩 星 人, and then after millions of years of improvement, 怋 娜恩 星 人 was evolved into an absolutely powerful fighting monster.

Although they are extremely powerful, the fertility rate is extremely low, and the growth rate is extremely slow, the life cycle of the star of the Na Na En is about 8,000 earth years. The new 81 Chinese network updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

Because the star of the star is surrounded by various high-energy rays, the star of the star is born with powerful energy rays. Their appearance is similar to that of the Baed star, but the skin is hard enough to resist most artillery and high-energy clusters. attack.

Is infinitely powerful. With bare hands, it can directly penetrate dozens of meters of metal walls. It can be said that in the universe, except for the god-level civilization, no civilization race can harm them.

Even if they can concentrate the warships and set fire, they can survive in the starry sky for a long time, avoiding the wreckage of any ship wreckage.

Such a civilized race has almost no shortcomings, and even the Baed Stars are difficult to deal with them. Fortunately, they are not well-developed, and they only live on the Star of Naina.

Otherwise, it will be a demon of other civilizations.

To deal with them, they only have to lock them with gram stars, and then use the powerful shielding force of string energy to seal the gram stars.

When Luoxi was killing the Quartet, she suddenly sensed an extremely powerful and terrifying force coming from above.

"Mayfair, explore this area to see what is hidden!" Luo Xi said to Mayfair while rushing towards the ball.

"You are right this time, haha!" After a while, Luoxi heard Mayer's light smile.

"戋 娜恩 星 人? Didn't you detect it wrong?" When Luoxi saw the information provided by Mayfair, she couldn't help but be surprised.

"No, where there is a gram ball, there must be a star of the Naona, this is a necessary material for imprisoning them. Remember I gave you a detailed message of the civilization and race of the Morigina Cluster? I really met them. Good luck! "Mayfair said.

"Remember, this is the most special kind of civilization that I have experienced through so many civilized races. I was hard to imagine at that time that such a strange and intelligent civilization was bred on the planet of such a planet. . They count as real survival for galaxy wars. "Luoxi replied.

"Well, and this time there are three in total, I guess it should be dedicated to guarding the emperor ship!" Mayfair said.

"Three, I seem to be beaten again this time!" Luoxi was a little depressed.

"Haha! Then I won't be able to help you!" Mayfair disappeared!

Under the instruction of Guru Orig, the guards of the Baed star pushed the stream to the direction of the cubic space of string energy.

After more than an hour, Luoxi was forced into the space of string energy cube under the chase of a large group of mechas and flashers.

Thousands of kilometers of cabin, completely closed the string energy cube under fifty consecutive layers of closure.

When Luxi entered the string energy cube, it immediately felt that there was an absolutely powerful gravitational field in the whole space, which was the gravitational field generated by the gram ball.

But because Luxi has superstrings, this gravitational field has no effect on her.

Although there is no construction in the string energy cube, it seems that there has been fierce fighting before. The hard string energy ground and the wall are full of deep pits and long cracks everywhere.

Luoxi knows that this is definitely a trace caused by the powerful power of the Star Star.

Although Kezi Ball has a super gravitational field, Luoxi's attention is naturally placed on the star of the star in the Kezi Ball.

Just as Luoxi galloped towards the space of the string energy cube, the sphere ball suspended in midair was hit by a flash of light, and the string energy beam separated the sphere ball that had been divided into two.

Then three huge black shadows directly hit the ground, and the gram ball disappeared instantly over the cube.

When the sphere disappeared, the gravitational field in the string energy cube immediately disappeared, restoring the gravity field generated by the normal emperor ship.

The speed at which these three shadows fell did not decrease at all ~ ~ The height of four or five kilometers, arrived in ten seconds, followed by a loud noise. First launch https: // https: //

String can be smashed into three circular pits with a depth of more than ten meters on the ground. The vibration is extremely large, and the resulting shock wave will soon be known to Luoxi.

"It seems that these three 戋 娜恩 星 人 were released, and it is up to you to break through this time." Luo Xi said secretly while running wildly.

At this time, in the commander's cabin, Olige and five other commanders were also shocked by the powerful appearance of the star star Nao En.

They did not expect that the Nao Xingren, who had been imprisoned for nearly a hundred years, were not so tired, but still so powerful.

"Guru Orig, I think if one-on-one might be the star of Na Na, it is not the opponent of the Lord, but the three of them will definitely beat her. I don't know if I can hold it!" Deep pit, some commanders have a sense of regret for the arrogance of Luxi!

"I don't know the ending, but this battle of life and death is definitely worth it. No matter who stands at the end, we are all winners!" Guru Orig said.

"I hope so!" The chief commanders were probably shocked by the bravery that Luo Xi had just been in the passage, and could not help worrying about her.

In the cubic space, a huge roar came from the three newly smashed deep pits, which was filled with incomparable anger and resentment, resounding through the sky.

Then emerged from the three deep pits three black shadows, up to more than 20 meters, extremely powerful.


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