Complete Body

Chapter 524: : Stripped space of chords in one

Although the edge of the nebula belt is only 500 light-years away from the star of Naina, the fleet of the Lontrell Galaxy Alliance can only reach 50 to 60 years through the transition space!

If Luoxi can't effectively prevent it, or she can rely on her own power to contend, this galaxy war will definitely not end in a hundred years.

This is the commanded time of Commander Gelus. As long as this is delayed for another hundred years, the forefront of his expeditionary fleet will stabilize and have the ability to fully counterattack.

So before leaving, he told the captain of the Yaguar fleet through the elders of Bakiril that he must fight for a long battle!戋 娜恩 星 can be finally extinct, but the Lord of the Gallo Alliance must hold me back.

On the side of the Star of the Stars, they have mobilized the whole family to build a solid defense system on the Star of Stars! Relying on the observation base left by the Baid star, Luoxi has made appropriate improvements so that this observation base can detect what is happening within the range of ten light years at the first time!

The entire Naenxing people only have a population of about 20 million. This number is definitely low for civilized races.

Moreover, their reproductive ability is low! As a result, the population has been continuously decreasing!

Therefore, Luoxi does not intend to let them sacrifice too much, but their own planet must defend themselves. Only in this way can they understand how difficult it is.

Time passed quickly, and forty or fifty years passed in an instant! There are dozens of battles between the Gallo Union and the Expeditionary Fleet of the Lontrell Galaxy Alliance.

Is here on the Nebula Belt. The Fleet of the Baed Stars is unsurpassed, and it is within the range of 20 stars from the Star of Naina!

During the, the Suzaku did not harass at all, allowing the captain to drive in.

During this period, the communication between Luxi and Wuzhu benefited her a lot. Although only a few thousand years of experience, she had no less perception of life than Luxi.

Is filled with longing for new life between her lines, but is also disappointed with the cruel reality!

At this time, the Lord's heart was still grateful for everything the Bade Stars gave, but it was also painful to them and Xingnu. This will also be a feeling that the spiritual leader of the 曋 娜恩 星 cannot escape.

Of course, in addition to feeling powerful and mysterious in Luoxi, she is more of Xixi's mind and dignity!

Is always warm like sunshine in her side.

Lady Lord has never raised the issue of the strong, and Luoxi did not deliberately ask, after all, because of this matter, the Na Enxing talents and the Bader Stars fell out.

Is not actually concealed by the concubine, but they really have unexplainable pain, and the concubine also wants to use his own ability to solve this problem.

She wants to let Luoxi know that Shuna Enxing is not just a civilized race that depends on the strong!

As the Fleet of the Bede Stars gradually approached the ten-light-year range set by Luoxi, the star field near the nebula belt became a little unstable!

The erratic stream of rays began to attack the entire fleet as the superstar erupted.

At the beginning, the Fleet Star's fleet defense system was very powerful, and the penetration of the ray energy was mostly blocked outside the ship.

But when the fleet flew into the range of ten light years, the defense system of the fleet seemed to have reduced a lot of force, and the dark energy drawn by the power system was also very unstable, which made Aguar uneasy!

As a fleet of god-level civilization, galaxy navigation has become the norm, and the design of the ship has long been very mature.

Tens of millions of years of galaxy warfare has made the ship of the Bede Star experience numerous improvements, and there are enough technology to cope with most of the universe. First launch https: // https: //

The energy flow of rays like this nebula belt can't damage the ship at all.

However, because of this, Captain Aguar felt something was wrong. He paused and allowed the logistics system to analyze the ray energy state in the star space and make corresponding defense system adjustments to adapt and resist these from The power of the universe.

"Fair, can you say they can survive the three settings?" Suzaku docked over the Star of Starship, and watched the Fleet Star's fleet enter from the super interest star map, and asked quietly.

"At least two passes can be made. The dark energy unstable collapse you use has little effect on the ships of higher-order civilization. They can even automatically adjust the defense parameters of the entire collapsed starry sky to let the ship fly away steadily! And you guide The high-energy ray stream can temporarily penetrate their defense net. After all, most of their power systems are made of string energy elements. It is not easy to paralyze the power system! As for the last setting, it is what they really have to face! The stripped space of the strings in one! "Mayer replied.

"Stripping the space, even a state of space that you can't enter, I almost couldn't return to the normal star field after I woke up for the first time! You said that the unique space control power after this string body is united, the power is endless! Is it in this universe or is it connected to another universe? Otherwise why can't you even enter? "Luoxi asked.

"It's not that I can't enter the space, but I still need to sleep and evolve! It still exists in this universe, but it exists in a very peculiar way. The space of separation exists in your spiritual power, that is to say, your spiritual power of the string A kind of space created. It can imprison all matter, in this space, everything is still. When your spiritual power is strong enough, stripping the space can swallow the entire galaxy cluster, galaxy vortex, or even the entire universe space! "Mayor replied ~ ~ So can they escape this space?" "Luoxi asked again, this is what she cares about."

"Unable to escape, unless you release the shackles of mental power, then they will randomly return to the star field, as if crossing the dark wormhole. So the damage to them depends entirely on you!"

When Mayfair talked about this, Luxi suddenly felt a terrifying feeling. No wonder the unity of strings is a manifestation of a higher level of superstrings. Its power is so strong that it is equal to its own spiritual power and the movement of the universe. Bundle together.

Luoxi didn't dare to ask what level of civilization it should reach, she could also master the string body, and she didn't want to know or dare to know.

Fair naturally understands Luoxi's thoughts, just smiles!

When the fleet of the Longtell Galaxy Alliance stabilized the defense system, they continued to fly forward. Due to the unstable and collapse of dark energy, they were forced to adjust their parameters. The flight speed was naturally slow, and the distance was only ten light years. It took ten light years.

Such an annoyance made the elder Bakiril very annoyed. Looking at the star of Naina in the superstar map, he was more anxious than any Baed star.

However, the captain of the Yaguar fleet, who was very experienced in the galaxy warfare, did not show too much quick success. When traversing the star field of ten light years, he knew that the dark energy area was originally very stable, and there was no collapse area. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //

So he was more worried about the last sentence left by Luoxi!


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