Complete Body

Chapter 627: : The end of the times

"Mayfair, when are we going to leave here?" Luoxi stood at the very top of the power center, overlooking the earth. All these are achievements that she has achieved after thousands of years of hard work, and now it is about to become a thing in the past. Sad!

"You can ask the owner!" Mayer did not answer, but said with a smile.

"I ...!" I don't know why Luoxi didn't dare to face the whole body. She wanted to see the body again for thousands of years, but when she really met, she was still in awe.

For her, no matter how much height she reaches, the radiant creator behind her will always be incomparable.

"You can leave whenever you want, but is it a pity to give up all this?" Wan asked at this time behind him, his voice still old and deep.

"It's a pity to say it's fake, after all, it's my own hard work, but I want to be like you, so I have to know how to give up!" Luoxi gritted his teeth and said.

"Oh, the singularity universe is just the most insignificant foundation in the universe system. It contains the most primitive memory of the universe. Although you currently master the unity of strings and can cross between the universe, these become the higher order universe. Normally, many rare substances in the singularity universe exist in a large amount in the linear universe or the equilibrium universe. You still have a long and long way to go. Many laws of the linear universe will make you completely change your view of the universe. "The whole body continued."

"I understand that Mayfair told me! So I want to reach the realm of cosmic waves, maybe this is the root of living in a linear universe." Luoxi nodded.

"Now your starting point is completely different. Although the cosmic wave is the only way to travel between the universe, it is only a medium. Don't forget that the most powerful thing in the universe is the life I created. Their magic is everywhere. "Full body said.

"Yes, I always use this as a standard to warn myself and fear life, only then can I strengthen myself!" Luo Xi thought of here and answered solemnly.

As the Suzaku slowly rose, the sky above Gadi, and even the entire Ido galaxy was packed with ships coming to see you off.

Hundreds of millions of people watched the guardian deity of the Gallo Union from their respective screens. Although she rarely appeared in front of other civilizations, everyone knew that only her existence could have the Gallo Union. Brilliant.

She represents the entire history of the Gallo Union, and all the civilized races who had the honour to witness her departure will witness this moment.

The current commander of the Gallo Union came to the Suzaku on a floating platform. He knelt on his legs and said goodbye to the Lord with the highest courtesy.

The age of Luoxi finally came to an end. He knew his responsibilities on his shoulders. An extremely large galaxy alliance needed him to control it alone. Only then did he understand why Luoxi was so great.

For ten million years, it is she who shoulders this responsibility alone, and her petite body contains endless power.

Luoxi frankly accepted his kneel, facing the commander, she couldn't help but think of Eugene's kneel, it was the first time the Gadis recognized themselves.

Has changed since then, and he has to choose to leave after tens of thousands of years, although the inevitable ending at this time is really no regret for Luoxi.

At the same time, almost all the civilized races on the ships are kneeling down. In their hearts, this is an irreplaceable Lord. No matter where the Gallo Union will go in the future, this alien beauty from a distant mysterious galaxy will It is the eternal Lord of the Gallo Union.

When Suzaku disappears into the starry sky, everything will start again!

"Mother, our recent research shows that there is indeed an edge in the universe. Although the expansion coefficient is greater than the space-time escape rate of the universe, it is confirmed by quantum observation data."

The first year after the establishment of the Oort Nebula Solar System Human Early Warning System, Luo Wei and her observation team made major discoveries.

Thousands of scientific researchers are working day and night in the largest Nuwa space city of the Oort Nebula, and the data detected from here is much more accurate than on Earth.

"The edge of the universe exists, but we can't find it, no matter what way it is!" Luoxi, an elegant casual wear, stood beside her daughter and said, looking at the starry sky displayed on the holographic screen.

"Why? Mother, I heard from others that you must have encountered an alien in the ten years of disappearance. Maybe you have been to other universes. Although you do n’t admit it, the director of the International Center for Alien Civilization Research and his assistants are both I think so. "Luo Yun asked with a wink.

"It's their guesswork. After I came back, I didn't know how many times I was inspected, but I was dissected and sliced. In the end, there was no result. Don't look at the universe as dark, dark matter and dark energy fill the entire sky. But it also looks like a super big funnel, maybe someday this funnel is leaking, and some of us have been sucked in again. "Luo Xi touched Luo Luo's small head and smiled.

"Mother, I have never heard of you in this world outside of the funnel!" Luo Yun was interested.

"You are curious about this every day. By the way, I recently watched a young man under the director of the early warning program of the Pangu Space City. He often ran to our side. Isn't it interesting to you?" Luo Xi smiled and started the conversation. .

"How is it possible! Xu Haoran is just helping to transfer some data equipment, he is not the type I like! Silly!" Luo Yun said with a blushing ~ ~ Oh is it? Actually, the names of others have been said, how do you know that I am talking about her? This young man is calm and restrained, and treats others with humility. If you don't say anything else, these two characters are suitable for you! Looking at your hot temper, I wonder how your grandmother raised you in the crater for ten years? "Luoxi said.

"Mother, you too set my words!" Luo Yun immediately blushed to the back of his neck when he heard this.

"Now in this society, do you still look at the face value? What kind of looks can't be made, but the nature can't be changed, you can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it for a lifetime! It's true to listen to your mother, you are not small , Talking about love is a must experience in life. "Luoxi laughed.

"I know that you usually teach me to look at people but not skin, and make friends only. The final commissioning stage of the mother's early warning system has entered. I heard that the mayor over there wants you to go to the test in person. Have you agreed? "Luo Yuan nodded and said cleverly.

"The invitation letter hasn't been sent yet, don't worry! Besides, if I pass, I will take you! I know that you want to see Xu Haoran around the bend. Just now I said silly and silly!" Luoxi knew What her daughter is thinking.

"Hey, I know you are the best!" Luo Yuan hugged Luoxi and kissed him a bit after hearing these words.

"Okay, okay, you can show me the data observed during this period, and by the way, a device addition plan is prepared. The content is in this server. I need to put some more small ones in the range of the Oort Nebula Detector. "Luoxi didn't know why, she felt inexplicably throbbing.

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