Complete Body

Chapter 630: : Cosmic wave

I don't know how long after that, when Luoxi opened her eyes, she found that she was still sitting in the rest cabin, and nothing happened.

And I didn't see the eye of the universe through the Suzaku, but I seemed to have experienced a great war, and I was extremely exhausted and completely out of shape!

And there was no memory of everything that happened before, she only vaguely remembered that her soul seemed to leave the body, and nothing else!

"Are you back?" Mayfair still stood beside her, and didn't seem to leave.

"I'm back? Have you ever left here?" Luo Xi was a little surprised when she faced Mayfair.

"You haven't left here, but you are back!" Mayfair's words are very weird!

"I ..." Luoxi didn't understand why Mayfair spoke this way. She looked at the other party carefully and found Mayfair didn't have anything unusual.

"How long have I been sitting?" Luoxi asked.

"Normal time and frequency have passed hundreds of millions of years, but due to the force field of the Eye of the Universe, you have only sat for ten Earth years!" Mayer smiled.

"Ah! Is there such a long time?" Luoxi was startled, and the time beyond the space mirror has passed hundreds of millions of years.

"Normal, because you have experienced a lot! And just came back at this time, I also feel some surprises!" Mayer smiled.

"What have I experienced? Why can't I remember anything? Is it a dream?" Luo Xi thought of his last memory.

"Let's leave here!" Mayfair didn't answer Luoxi.

"Okay! But what about the whole body?" Luoxi nodded. Although she had doubts in her heart, she still put it down temporarily.

"Master has long left! He asked me to take you out of this universe!" Mayer smiled.

"He's gone?" Luoxi felt very disappointed.

"Well! Your growth has exceeded his expectations, no matter how long you are here, as long as you come back, then you can leave here and cross the universe!" Mayer replied. First launch https: // https: //

"Can we do it without him?" Luoxi asked suspiciously.

"You can, don't you believe in yourself?"

"I?" Luoxi was stunned by the words of Mayfair.

"Yes! As long as you come back, you have enough ability to cross the barriers of the empty sky." Mayer nodded and said.

"Ah! How is it possible, you mean I have mastered the cosmic waves?" Luoxi was a little excited.

Fair nodded reproachfully.

"What's going on, I actually grasped the cosmic wave, but there is no change in my body?" Luoxi jumped up in excitement.

"You can change when you come back!" Mayer smiled.

Luoxi immediately hugged Mayfair, she believed Mayfair ’s words, and at this moment she had been looking forward to it for a long time, through the universe, is the ultimate dream of all human beings.

As for why it is inexplicable to control the cosmic waves, and what I have experienced during this time, I will know it slowly by asking Feier.

"Go, let's get out of here!" Luoxi dragged Mayfair to the cockpit.

The eye of the universe ahead still floats in the void, but Luoxi feels a lot stranger, I do n’t know why.

The Suzaku slowly glides in the starry sky, accelerates, and quickly disappears into the mirror image of the space. There is no change in the eye of the universe. It still exists quietly until the day of the collapse of the universe.

The speed of getting out of the mirror image of space is much faster than the original. When Luoxi saw the familiar space of the galaxy, it only flew for a few hours.

"It ’s so fast to leave the eye of the universe. It ’s so difficult to get close. No wonder no living body can reach it." Luoxi ’s mood is naturally very comfortable,

"That's nature, but it takes a long time to find the eye of the universe again." Mayer stood beside Luxi and smiled.

"If you don't go, will every child of the universe spores give birth to the eye of the universe?" Luoxi asked.

"Yes, it's just that the expansion of the eye of the universe, which is the origin, is different." Mayfair nodded.

"What's the world outside of the quiet sky barrier?" Luoxi asked this question again.

"I don't know this! I'm afraid there is no biological knowledge other than the owner." Mayer replied.

"Now when I cross the barrier of quiet sky, will I lose all perception as I did last time?" Luo Xi asked again.

"Yes! Even I will fall asleep!" Mayer nodded and replied affirmatively.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, the static air barrier is the safest area, even if you are lost in it, there will be no danger, just permanent wandering in it." Mayfair continued.

"But how do we determine the cosmic destination we want to cross?" Luoxi continued to ask. Starting

She clearly understands that the nature of crossing the universe and crossing the starry sky is completely different, which is an unattainable height for almost all civilizations.

This is also the repression of the laws given after the cosmic system is completely created, and also to balance the balance between the universes.

When she went to the eye of the universe, she told her more secrets about the universe system, which was unprecedented in Luoxi before.

This made her clearly realize that everything she experienced was really the foundation, in the cosmic system created by the whole body ~ ~ she only learned what she knew.

"There are hundreds of millions of universe numbers on the Suzaku. Now that you have mastered the universe waves, the authority of these numbers has been fully opened. This is also edited by the owner for you, as long as you enter the universe number you want to go. Cosmic waves are not only a means of traversing the universe, but also one of the media connecting the cosmic system. "Mayer said as she opened the super interest star map.

Luoxi looked at the countless microcosmic pictures of the universe on the super interest star chart, and was extremely excited. I am afraid that she never dreamed that she was able to select different universes to cross. This is absolutely unimaginable for human beings.

"Then can I return to my universe?" Luoxi asked.

"Of course, but the galaxy has long since ceased to exist. Remember that the master explained to you the first time!" Mayer nodded and replied.

"I understand, forget it! Let's talk about this later, and I promised that I will let me go back!" Luoxi thought about it and said.

The Suzaku flies aimlessly in the stars. For Luoxi, she needs to make some adjustments in order to face the first journey across the universe controlled by herself.

After leaving the mirror image of space, Luoxi felt that the entire universe appeared in front of his eyes. Every planet, every galaxy, every creature, every civilization, any corner of the universe could not escape the extension of his spiritual power.

She tried to reach the cosmic starry sky she wanted to reach in an instant, faster than cutting space.

This is probably the most powerful place of cosmic waves.


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