Complete Body

Chapter 636: : Galaxy Harvester

"That's the problem, I can't figure it out! If she didn't aim to hijack this collection ship, is it really because the power system is damaged and simply ride back to the normal galaxy?" Kaya grabbed with his upper arm Semi-circular head.

"I think you think too much, you look at this!" The captain finished and directly opened the super interest star map, a copy of the Xixi life code appeared in front of Kaya.

"This is the code of life? But its combination is completely different from ours, and it feels similar to ours before!" Kaya said in surprise.

"Yes! I obtained her life code in a special way. Maybe she didn't know it. Although she played a little trick, it was also for our safety. We can't read this life code. Obviously not us Clusters of galaxies, even generated by galaxy islands. You are right about this point. She is probably from a galaxy that we have not yet known. After all, we are still far from Italian civilization, otherwise this universe is very secret to us. Missing! "Said the sailor.

"Since the other party has a life code, it may be invalid for us, but it is absolutely effective for the galaxy civilization she is in. So she will naturally not be a rebel or a civilization race pursued by the galaxy civilization, and the worst plan is also Her mother star was destroyed, civilization disappeared, and she fled to the starry sky. Do you think such a person would rob a collection ship? "The voyager is well versed in knowledge and immediately made the point.

"You are right, the defector is not qualified to have the life code, then don't you tell me earlier?" Ka Ya shook his semicircular head.

"How do I know that you actually have such thoughts, and since she is not a dangerous civilized race, why should I bother you more." The sailor smiled.

"I hope so! As long as we can safely return to the parent galaxy, I don't think too much about the other!" Kaya said embarrassingly.

"Hmm! Miss Luoxi, I think it's extraordinary. Although I don't know which aspect is special at present, but the induction tells me that she will surprise us!" The captain of the voyage looked at Kaya and said meaningfully.

"I'm afraid it's good not to bring a shock. I'm nothing. The guy Blair is still thinking about keeping her." Ka Ya shifted the topic.

"Don't worry about him, just let Breer toss about it. It's no harm to us. Isn't that saving your energy! By the way, the data returned by the detector during this time is very good. The location is good. The first batch of collection should have a high harvest rate! Let others control the whole process. One round trip time is thousands of years, and we ca n’t afford it! ”Said the captain.

After Ka Ya left the long navigator's rest cabin, the Bunia star stared at the stream of life in Xixi thinking about some things.

"It seems that our luck was a bit bad this time, and we are in trouble!" At this time, within the Suzaku, Mayer, who had disappeared, appeared suddenly.

"What's wrong? Is the collection ship in trouble?" The quietly sitting Luoxi asked quickly.

"A group of reaper came from the star field more than ten light years away from us. It seems that these collection ships are going to cut meat again!" Mayfair opened the super interest star map, which showed that under the dark starry sky, a dozen A brown weird warship is sailing here.

"Ah, oh, it seems that it is really not good news. I actually encountered the reaper. It is estimated that the Bunia star is about to hurt!"

Fair mentioned the reaper before introducing some special things in the linear universe.

In fact, the popular saying is: galaxy pirates, their composition is similar to the ghost fleet, but they never survive by sweeping the galaxy battlefield. They ganged up to intercept large cargo ships, transport ships and trade ships on the star route, requesting a relatively small amount of trading materials and various advanced equipment.

Although these materials are insignificant for high-level civilization and will not affect the progress of civilization, this situation is very annoying.

Of course, there will be **** fleets to encircle and suppress, but what makes them helpless is that these harvesters will not hesitate to choose to surrender, at their disposal.

Opposite to this situation, the frigate is unlikely to die, after all, most of the stolen materials are extremely common.

Over time, a habit has formed, and these reapers will naturally take supplies from this galaxy in the universe, and most of the trade ships will be prepared to avoid casualties.

In this way, the reaper actually formed a special social form, they also have their own civilized rules, active in the linear universe.

If it is in the universe of singularities, it will no longer be encircled and suppressed.

Maybe this is also a special forgiveness that the linear universe has a great physical mass and a very high degree of civilization evolution.

"I hope that these harvesting fleets have already gained something, and do not fight the Bunia Stars' idea." Mayer said.

"There is a saying on our earth: thieves do not run away, meaning that as long as they steal something, they will not come back empty-handed! Do you think they will retreat without taking some back?" Luoxi finally expected something, naturally hope Get a little out of it.

"Are you afraid that there is no chaos in the world? The crystals are not an ordinary substance ~ ~ Even if it is enough for these civilizational races coming from afar, it hurts." Feier laughed.

"Shall I help them?" Luoxi smiled cunningly!

"I don't care, in fact, the amount we want is not large, as long as it is enough to protect the Suzaku! If you are too upset, you can make them happy!" Mayor understands what Luoxi is thinking.

"That line, anyway, they also took me in. If they can't solve the problem, and don't want to hurt, I will help for free!" Luoxi got up and said.

"That's right, I said that the card ya came several times and wanted to see you, but they were blocked by you. He is a good Bunia star, maybe he needs help after arriving in their mother galaxy. After all, we One of the most important conditions is still missing! "Mayfair nodded.

"I know it is the code of life! Do you mean to have the pass of this universe as soon as possible is the kingly way!" Luoxi naturally knows what is missing!

"Just understand, no matter the high order or low order, otherwise you will be more difficult to survive than the singular point universe!" Mayer confirmed.

"That line, start with small things first, and since they come to the door, I will accept this gift!"

At this time, the formation of five or six harvesting warships galloped, flying with more than four levels of curvature, so that they quickly approached the collection ship of the Bunia Stars.

However, they probably didn't expect that the robbery almost confiscated their battleship.

And the Bunia Stars issued an all alarm, all the crew were on alert, ready to deal with these harvesters.

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