Complete Body

Chapter 650: : Disappeared out of thin air

Please remember the domain name of this site: Golden House Complete

Chapter 650: Disappearance

"It should be the last monolithic body formation process. All the ions in the material are undergoing a dense reorganization to form a huge field of ions of matter, which is its unique kind of force field." Mayer was not worried.

"Then the entire refining base will not be destroyed?" Luoxi was anxious.

"No, this situation will not last very long. At this time, the last dense reorganization before the crystallization of 鄄 is formed, and each of the most basic 銄 is combined in order. The femtoseconds are carried out in units. When all the reorganization of the fast crystallization is completed, all states will disappear. The monolithic body will declare success. "Mayer explained.

"What do you mean, how much of the number of moles determines the maintenance time of this state?" Luoxi asked.

"Yes, fortunately, only a little bit of material is quenched, otherwise, the small quenching base will be wiped out immediately." Mayer nodded.

Sure enough, the anomaly in the cutting space disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

But Sonic at the refining base experienced a life-and-death test. The dense recombination of the luminous material field almost adsorbed all the peripherals together. When they watched their respective metal blocks from the window port, they collided with each other. At times, that desperate mood is beyond description.

"Are we still alive?" When Sonyi opened his eyes for the first time and looked at the messy surroundings, fortunately the metal blocks were extremely hard, and this did not break, otherwise they would have died long ago.

Outside the window, the twisted metal container is so close, but everything is very calm, it seems that the thrilling just now is just an illusion.

"Chief, we are all fine, the other group members are not bad, the group structure is not damaged, but the connection between us is all broken." The other members also gradually woke up, except for minor injuries, all There is not much damage.

"The chief will not wait any longer, she should be aware of what is happening here and will strip us away!" Said the other staff at this time.

"Yes! Anyway, as long as you return to the Gunnar star, the results will come out. After all, the situation here is not under our control!"

"Well, then inform other personnel, check the damage to the base, and wait patiently to leave here." Sony Keith thought for a moment and thought it made sense.

Sure enough, after they had waited anxiously for a week, the surrounding starry sky changed instantly. When the familiar light of the star Szildzi shone into the metal block, everyone cheered, and they knew they were back in normal space. Thousands of years of suffering has ended.

Although I don't know the result yet, it is the greatest relief to come back. Thinking about the scene a week ago, even Sonyi's face was still in shock.

When the broken refining base appeared above the Gunnar star, all the monitors were stunned. Because they did not know what was happening, they thought the refining base was hit in the cutting space.

The old stars contacted Luxi for the first time. After Xixi explained everything, they were relieved this time, but whether the final monolithic crystal was successfully quenched, and now there is still a huge twisted Among metal containers.

Soon the metal container was transported back to the ground and was directly transferred to the safest underground city. Without the advice of the star elders, no Malitz star should be close to it.

As before, no detection equipment can scan, and the metal container is like a huge black hole.

"Ms. Luoxi now all our equipment is out of order and cannot detect the internal condition. Our suggestion is to open it. No matter what the situation is, we can only face it!" The old stars informed Luxi of the current situation for the first time.

"Well! No matter what the result is, open it to know whether it is successful or not!" Luoxi naturally looked forward to it too. Although she didn't catch the disappointed expression from Mayfair before, she still wanted to open the metal container and see What kind of material is the final form of crystallization of madness that has made countless civilizations crazy?

When all the relevant personnel were gathered in the huge enclosed space of the underground city, Luoxi and Xinglao stood on the floating platform and looked at the dark brown twisted metal container.

The stars of all constellation families, including the Malitz star, looked extremely nervous and excited.

The huge high-energy beam emitter has begun to cut accurately, and for safety reasons, the metal container is enveloped by a strong force place.

When a circular hole with a diameter of ten kilometers was cut out from the top of the metal container, a strong illumination beam directly irradiated it.

Then dozens of aircrafts flew in along the round hole, and all the pictures inside were presented on the super-bright screen.

In the picture, the interior of the ferrous metal is illuminated by snow, but it is empty, and even if these dozens of aircraft scan every corner ~ ~ nothing is found.

"How is this possible? Even if the final quenching fails, it may be decomposed into shaped crystals?" When Sony looked at this situation, he did not believe this scene at all.

"That is, for thousands of years, all the monitoring records have shown that the crystallization of ions has not disappeared, and they are well enclosed in this container." Other members said inconceivably. (, Domain name (remember _ 三 "Is this the previous accident, let the crystal of 銄 disappear? It ’s not possible, although it ’s not a monolithic body, but it is also a very hard substance, it ca n’t disappear so easily! ”Sonyki can only think of this only explanation,

At this time, the old stars were also extremely disappointed and anxious. This result was absolutely unacceptable to them. Although the previous Xixi did not guarantee absolute success, at least she was very confident!

"The crystal of Lian didn't disappear, it's still inside, just you can't see it!" Luoxi said calmly, because when the metal container was opened, she sensed the special and familiar force field of the crystal.

Of course she was also wondering why she could n’t perceive before the metal container was opened.

"It didn't disappear, but you saw it just now. The aircraft checked all the corners and found no abnormalities, even a little special substance."

"Let me go in!" Luoxi said. After all, the area of ​​tens of thousands of cubic kilometers can't really be found by these dozens of aircraft. The hardened crystals are less than a single volume.

It can't be found if it is dropped in a twisted corner. Besides, no civilized race has seen the monolithic crystal. Perhaps it is now an ordinary black metal attached to a metal container.

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