Complete Body

Chapter 666: : The decisive battle begins

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Chapter 666: The decisive battle begins

The result of the fifth round was naturally not beyond everyone's expectations. Amir won the victory extremely hard. He paid a high price, and the surface of the Creek was scarred.

Nonetheless, there is still a battle to be taken from the last step. At this time, all viewers are not doubting that Emile is hiding his strength, and he is not lucky.

This is definitely a pain for Amir. He knows his strength. Even if he wins the game, he also knows that there are unknown civilizations who are helping him.

The time for the decisive battle is coming, but he still recovers his physical condition as soon as possible. Since he has already reached this point, he will really step out.

In the face of the final battle, Hudav no longer has anything to explain, and the two superpowers he arranged knew that his fate was decided in this battle.

There are very few dramatic changes like this time on the European Arena. Emile has been so full of miracles along the way, but the fact is that they have reached the final round.

No matter how questioned before, victory is the best proof.

Compared to the previous two wars, Amir, who was a little timid, has now abandoned all his burdens. These few battles have made him find a kind of confidence. This thousands of years of escape has made him extremely dark.

And now he deeply feels that his fate can only be fought for, otherwise no one can help you!

Faced with this change in Amir, the most happy nature is the Luoxi. No matter what the civilized race, if you want to rise again, you must have self-confidence. If the leader himself loses confidence, then the entire civilized race has no hope Now!

After waiting for three earth months, the final game of the one-year European Championship is about to begin.

During this period, Emile became a flamboyant figure, but this was the first time that their combination entered the final battle with zero kills.

However, Emile knew that this last battle was under great pressure. If it fails, I am afraid that even Xixi will not be able to survive.

The final battle area is twice as large as normal, and two European ball will appear randomly, that is, both sides have a chance to get one, depending on who can use the European ball first to open the excitation device.

And within the established rules, the excitation device of the last scene is only turned on twice.

If the two sides are evenly matched, the gain can be equalized, and this gain is large enough to double the ability of the participants.

And the cruelest thing is that if you want to get the final victory, you must kill the other party. If you just beat it, it will not be over!

This is probably the most exciting place in the entire European competition. The mandatory brutal result makes this competition full of excitement.

When Amir and Luoxi entered the last venue, the super-large screen set in the living area of ​​the transport ship played their highlights from the previous rounds of the game.

From the original questioning to the current crowd, the viewers show that the world is still the rule of winners.

Judging from the expression of Amir, there was no slight tension and panic on his face, and confidence and firmness completely exuded his temperament.

For this game, Amir and Luoxi have drawn up detailed actual battle plans, he hopes to do his best to win this victory.

The two opponents are from the same race of civilizations on the same planet. This is a very peculiar planet named: Venda Starman.

This civilization is still in the stage of top-level civilization. After being accepted by higher-level civilizations, its own comprehensive strength develops slowly, but their living environment creates a powerful superpower.

This ability is similar to the fusion ability in the Baroca Galaxy, which can make your body instantly merge with the surrounding environment and give the other party the most lethal blow.

This high-level stealth capability is a deadly weapon that allows opponents nowhere to escape. Even with their sensitive perception of the gravitational field, they can adjust their own gravitational feedback and avoid the search of multiple detection systems.

Moreover, they can transform the civilized races of similar size to the maximum extent. This transformation is not a simple appearance change, and it can also play the special ability of the other party.

This is a terrible ability.

The Venda Stars therefore do not have an accurate fixed appearance, but the most basic is still similar to the normal civilization race, not a monster-type intelligent civilization.

In the face of such superpowers, Amir and Luxi can only fight in groups, because they cannot know where the other party is and how to attack.

Therefore, fighting in groups can minimize the casualties caused by sneak attacks.

When they stepped into the arena, Emile felt a little depressed, the other side was not visible, and there was no habit of provocative dialogue between the two sides.

It seems that only the two of them exist in the whole venue.

However, Emile knew that the other party must have waited in a corner, or that he had already started the search for the European ball!

"Ms. Luoxi, let's find the European ball first. If we get two of them, we will die without a burial." Amir said as he walked with Luoxi forward and back vigilantly ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Emile, if I guess correctly, the opponent must be waiting for us in a corner. Instead of looking for the European ball, it is better to kill us first. They definitely think that we should first look for the European ball. "

Luoxi can perceive the hidden place of the other party naturally, and she needs to slowly guide Emile to kill it.

"Well, even if we find the opponent with our strength, I wouldn't be able to kill without the benefit of the European ball. Rather than waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative to attack, as long as we cooperate well, they are not afraid of their raid!" Amir replied.

"Also, this is the terrain we have studied thoroughly. We want to predict the best corners they may ambush, and then avoid these local buildings first. If you can find the European ball, this is the best. If you ca n’t find it, you can only go to Search for possible hidden places. "Luoxi opened the super interest star map and marked the hidden corners he thought above, of course, including the hidden places of the two Vendas. 33 Novel Mobile: https: /m.33xs/

Amir looked at the places marked by Luoxi, and then thought about it, marking the places he thinks so that at least the most dangerous areas have been marked, they can guarantee to find the European ball to the maximum extent without damage. 33 Novels https: // https: //m.33xs

At this time, the Venda Stars who had been reclusive did not know that their whereabouts had been exposed. After all, they had already integrated themselves into the environment for the first time. (, Domain name (remember _ 三 <三 小》 said (net) w, ω, ω. 彡, 彡, x` ¥ sc, oм text) but unfortunately, this time no matter what, they will Become a cannon fodder, and any secret in front of Luoxi will not be a secret.

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