Complete Body

Chapter 685: : Base exposed

The invisible energy passes through the area of ​​the Nine Palaces and rushes towards the golden pillar. When the two reached the top in a shuttle, the light cyan haze emanating from these small holes spread like ripples outward and upward.

Small circles become large circles, and large circles become giant circles. The circles and circles are interlaced without any disorder, forming an extremely perfect geometric pattern.

When these corrugated circles reached a kilometer above the top, they stopped diffusing again, and slowly overlapped and extended.

This process is very slow, but it is very clear, they can even touch these corrugated circles in Luoxi, but it will not affect their formation at all.

This is a high concentration of agglomerates of energy bodies.

"Luoxi, this is too shocking. Standing here, I can feel the extremely powerful force, even if the whole universe can be broken." Emile shouted with his arms spread out.

"You can't absorb this energy, but you seem to be much stronger than before. You can use the superstring ability mentioned by the Xia Gexing star above. Why didn't you find it before?" Luoxi laughed.

"I do n’t know, the superstring ability is extremely powerful, and the Betty Bastars have it, but we have only used it in the military, and we have never tried to integrate it into life. I think it is after the European competition, my body has produced A different change may be that time, that mysterious civilization race integrated superstring power into my body! "Amir laughed.

"I also think that yes, his step by step may be to lead you here, because only those who know here know that activation of the gold pillar requires superstring power. Do you say he is a Xages star?" Luoxi asked Road.

"It's possible, in addition to being able to build such a building, only know how to open it! But why did he do it? Can't you tell me clearly?" Emile said.

"I'm afraid it's related to the Xages star hideaway here, what they might be avoiding, or some other reason. So they can't appear in this normal space, so I mean the mysterious helping hand behind this should be Xagex Starman. "Luoxi said affirmatively.

"Well, you are right, and all this is only known when you see them." Emile nodded.

A few hours later, the corrugated light mist wrapped the entire top, very thick, and gradually these holes slowly disappeared, leaving only the corrugated mist pillar.

Amir carefully approached the pillar of light and flicked it gently with his hand. He clearly felt that the surface of the pillar of light and mist was very elastic.

"We should be able to go in!" Observed with the detection equipment for a long time and determined that there was no danger, Emile said.

When the shuttle slowly entered the fog, the entire shuttle began to melt, slowly dissipated, and finally disappeared completely in the fog.

At this time, the prospect of Luoxi's eyes had completely changed, and the shuttle was still there, flying them in a space full of light spots.

The detection equipment on the shuttle shows that the force field here is extremely unstable, and the irregular distribution of dark energy leads to space instability.

Just as they traveled through this unstable starry sky, a shuttle of the Adalos star appeared over the Fitlow star.

The three old men in very strange costumes in the shuttle, each with a serious expression on their faces, seemed to be deciding on a major event.

"This is the planet of Fitlow they went to, but they have not found any signals now, and they must have entered the planet." One of them should be the oldest Aalodos old man, his name is Pelewa It is one of the hundred lords of the Emperor Adolius of the Apollo.

The other two are also a little fatter: Kadegal, and the other one is Stupa.

"The Sirzer galaxy is a stellar system without any life, so there is not much attention. As for the violent state of Fitlow, who can think that there will be a base for the Betty Ba star here." Gal said.

"Yeah, we were negligent! Actually, it wasn't that we were negligent, but we didn't expect it! But now from the search results, we have not found any trace of the shuttle, and both of them disappeared. I think it should be entered Underneath, and here they have their defense system, shielding everything. "Pelewa nodded and said.

"If it wasn't for Emperor Ling to want Amir, it would be most reassuring to destroy the planet directly. Their technological strength is not worse than ours, so it is not easy to explore the defense system here. From the topographic maps currently displayed Look, there is no slight difference, and there are no traces of underground passages or artificial structures that lead to the ground. This shows that their defense network is very advanced, which can completely avoid and deceive our detection system. "Kadigaer was a little grumpy.

"Yes! Such a large planet, it takes a lot of time to search one by one, or simply take the planet back and study it slowly! Is there anything we can't find in our hands?" Said De Bami, who had never spoken.

"If you can bring it back, you don't need to let us go to ~ ~ Since let us come over, naturally we have to crack the defense network of the Betty Bastar." Pelewa said.

"Well, start super-sine wave detection, I still don't believe I can't find your entrance!" Kadigaar said directly.

It didn't take long for the super-sine wave detection to show its power, and the channel hidden under the defense net appeared.

And the entire underground state of Fitlow appeared on the super interest star chart.

Natural metal building is also invisible!

"Sure enough, they set up a base under this, and this is not small! It seems that Emperor Ling's judgment is correct, there are too many secrets in this Amir!" Seeing this, the Peleval Ling Zun was a little bit Excited.

"However, no signs of life were found in this metal mansion, and they did not appear in Amir! What the **** is going on?" Stuart asked the superstar.

"The Emperor once mentioned the origin of the Betty Bastars. If we speculate correctly, this is not just a base, but a teleportation point connected to another star field. Because the Betty Bastars have been wiped out by us, so here There is no trace of their residence. The two must have left Fiterox with the help of the transmission system inside, and it seems that we are one step behind! "Said Pelewa.

"I think the teleportation system must still be there. As long as we figure out the destination star field, we can send troops to conscript! This is definitely not a problem!" Kadegal replied.

"It would be nice if things were so simple! Emil came here so secretly, naturally it would not be easy for us to crack all this!" Pelleva shook his head and said.

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