Complete Body

Chapter 784: : Perfect solution

Faced with the dominance and calmness of the Luxi, all Ania stars were stunned. They couldn't imagine a civilized race actually speaking such arrogant words. This is the rhythm of challenging their Ania stars.

Watching the Luoxi disappear in front of everyone, Holmaner calmed down and did not take drastic measures.

Just a moment when he saw the eyes of Luoxi, I did n’t know why there was an irresistible sense of fear in his heart. He had reason to believe that this unknown civilization race had the ability to do all this, for her The Ananias can be defeated at will without any resistance. x

When the corpse of Luoxi disappeared, the advance fleet imprisoned in the cutting space also returned to normal space.

It did n’t take long for the elders to be shocked when they heard this message!

They couldn't believe that the troublemaker whom they had been tracing was actually present in the opposing fleet, and declared the planetary mothership to be hers.

"How is this possible! The Aniya star actually did not fight back" In the conference hall, the elders and other managers were intensively discussing this matter.

"According to the messages sent by them, there is indeed no reply, which is equivalent to saying that the other party's statement is acquiesced." Youzhang nodded and replied. x

"Even if she wants to receive us, she has to ask if we agree"

"Do you think it's needed"

"That is, even the Ania Stars dare to threaten, what do we count in her eyes. If it were not for this galaxy war, how could we be reduced to the present level and become a traded item!"

"I don't believe she can make us succumb alone"

"Don't you forget how the thousands of warships went missing?"

"If she deprives us of our management status, don't you have to be patient"

"How do you want us to leave here"

These managers talked eloquently.

"Okay, please don't say anything, this matter is handled in this way temporarily, the other party has not contacted us, we can only wait patiently, no matter how at least this planetary carrier is kept. This is the most critical, otherwise we have "What qualifications are still standing here to speak?" At this time, Senior Parker said.

The words of Sparky made everyone silent. At least the other party kept the planetary carrier, otherwise it would have become the dust in the starry sky!

"So how long do you have to wait for us to say what we should do and heard that she is going to participate in the interstellar hunt, this is clearly the rhythm of death!" You Zun said.

"Since she wants to participate in the interstellar hunt, she naturally has her ideas, we now have no ability to change all this, no matter how at least she should be kind to us! Or it will not help us block this time! Senior Parker said.

"That being said, but how can she resist the counterattack of an entire civilized race? I think you all know the contrast between the strengths," said Bernida.

"The world is unpredictable!" Sparky said with some emotion.

"That's the fact, but this is not something we have to consider. There is no longer any power to issue orders to this planetary mothership! In fact, I am full of hope for this mysterious civilization race!" Sparky continued. x

The news that Luoxi took over the planetary carrier was quickly informed by the various civilizations within the planetary carrier, and their response was completely different from that of the elders.

Although it is not clear what she brought to the planetary carrier, at least to prevent the planetary carrier from being destroyed, this is enough to cheer all civilizations!

A few days later, when Luoxi appeared in the planetary carrier again, her identity completely changed. When she first actively connected to the internal management signal, these lords despite some hostility to the Luoxi newspaper , But they did not make excessive actions and words.

For them, Luoxi did not blame too much. No matter before or after the war, everything has the right to speak.

So for what they have done before, Luoxi has nothing to hold accountable!

After all, this is a weak and powerful world, no matter what level of civilization has developed

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