Complete Body

Chapter 806: : Reaching the Dukel Galaxy

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"So many fortress starships were really destroyed by a shuttle? It's really hard to imagine how it was done! The monolithic crystals are really powerful!" Said Rodari.

"Monolithic crystals? Did you see that?" When Victor Aide first heard this, he was very excited.

"Yes, this is also the reason for summoning you. This alien civilization has a shuttle that is a fusion of monolithic bodies, so Ling Zun speculates that even if she was not a party to the fortress starship extinction, It must be a descendant! And now she is about to go to our Celinaia Galaxy Alliance Galactica! "Said Rodari, and then showed the picture of the siege war.

"It's too powerful. If she really drives this shuttle, we don't have any resistance at all! We are really in big trouble this time!" Victor Aide said murmured.

"Then what should you do?" Lord Rodari then told the original story.

"Hey, you guys are really stupid. How can a civilized race with such a shuttle be easily defeated? You also know that if you want to refine the monolithic crystal, you must have a space higher than the superstring space. This is also the highest form of superstrings. How can you beat it? "Victor Aide said, shaking his head.

"Now that she has been placed in the Dukel galaxy, the Lord ’s concern is that the planetary carrier is all survivors of Hedard and Soyada Star State, and they have the technology not worse than me, as long as With the right galaxy and sufficient time, it can definitely re-emerge quickly, which will inevitably have a great impact on our galaxy civilization! "Said Rodali.

"Ling Zun's concerns are correct, but they just thought of the appearance, but in fact the situation is not as bad as imagined!"

Victor Ed made the first staring at this super interest star figure carefully, and gradually, his expression did not panic as before.

"What do you mean?" Seeing Victor Aide's expression, Lord Rodari seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

"I think you guys think too much. For them, the Dukel galaxy is actually the most suitable galaxy. The excellent location allows their civilization system to develop at the fastest speed. But have you ever thought about it, Why did they choose the Dukel galaxy? "Victor Aide asked.

"With the help of this alien, develop your strength in the shortest time, and then nibble at the surrounding civilizations, gradually strengthen yourself, and finally recreate a new star state! This is undoubtedly the best location for the star field." Luo Dali Ling Di thought for a while and said.

"Dear Emperor Ling, I am afraid you and Ling Zun are wrong!" Victor Aide said, shaking his head.

"Are we all wrong?" Lord Rodari was puzzled.

"This matter needs to be analyzed in two aspects. The first is this mysterious civilized race. She has no malicious intentions for us. After all, there is no conflict of interest between the two parties. If she is a descendant of the fortress starship, you think Can the entire Ouary Star State resist several attacks from the other side? Is it necessary to occupy a small galaxy and develop slowly? Is it necessary to obtain a galaxy through intergalactic hunt? So her threat to us is negligible! Second Regarding the civilized race on this planetary mothership, they really need a properly developed galaxy. After that battle of destruction, they can integrate well with each other. This is the biggest gain. Whatever the civilized race , If you want to migrate to a new galaxy to survive, the advantage of adaptability will be greatly tested, especially after this disaster, they know how to go in the future. So I think they will never take the initiative to launch in the future Galaxy war, unless self-defense. Besides, with the protection of that alien, who dares to invade easily. Of course, the most important thing is to We will assimilate them out! "Then Victoria Eide made the first calm said.

"Assimilation? Do you mean to include them in our operating system? With a common goal, this is the best way to conquer!" Rodari said with a smile.

"Yes, such a planetary carrier, inhabited by hundreds of thousands of civilizations, they want to unify the steps, it is indeed very difficult! If we can help, then try our best to help them gradually adapt to our survival Way! In the end, do you think they will launch the engulfment plan? "Victor Aide said.

"That being said, it is extremely difficult to implement. We can't separate these civilized races one by one!" Said Lord Rodari.

"It depends on how your commanders will solve it. As a high-level civilization, if it can't even contain any symbiosis, then I think it is better to be swallowed. In fact, their arrival is a danger, and it is also different A generous gift from the star. "Victor Aide said.

"I understand what you mean ~ ~ assimilate them, this is the best solution!" Rodari Dali showed a smile on his face.

At this time, Luoxi didn't even think that she wanted to assimilate the Celinaia Galaxy Alliance, and the other party also wanted to assimilate the civilization race on this planetary carrier.

Time passed in a hurry, thousands of years passed, and when the planetary carrier was about to reach the Celinaia Galaxy Alliance, it was hundreds of years earlier than expected.

In these thousands of years, Luoxi has traveled every corner of the entire Celinaia Galaxy Alliance. Although she has seen countless such civilized races, every time she understands, it is different. An insight.

Especially when entering the planets of middle and low-level civilization races, since there is no outside interference, these civilization races can not answer the questions that many high-level civilizations cannot answer, and they can often get the most satisfactory answers here.

After another five or six hundred years, the planetary carrier finally reached the Dukel galaxy. Before arriving, Lingzun had marked the coordinates and planets established by the new parent star.

At this time, an asteroid that is twice the diameter of the earth looks very gorgeous from space. The thick atmosphere is surrounded by countless creatures and miracles.

Under the deliberation of all the members, the planet was given a beautiful name: Bidelifu, which means: bright light in Hedard Star State.

Thousands of years have passed since landing on a new planet, establishing a new base, and building a new city. On this beautiful planet, tall buildings rise from the ground.

Gradually a variety of shuttles began to fly over Bidelifuxing.

Everything is on track!

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