Complete Body

Chapter 815: : Historic contact

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When the frigate reached the periphery of the space city, the communication with the Katharoni was still not connected. At this time, all people's hearts were concentrated.

At the beginning, Zhou Tong ’s proposal was not accepted by the Earth Defense Alliance. It was considered to be too cautious. Since the other party traveled to the earth on a long journey and was only a detection ship, it was naturally a good intention.

But with the passage of time, the leaders of the five major aerospace nations began to question, but still did not change their minds, thinking that this is a golden opportunity.

If humans are not active, they may have missed it!

Under the temporary arrangement of Luoxi, the frigate did not dock around the space city, but docked far away and locked the detection ship within its attack range.

The super squad is responsible for evacuating all personnel in the space city in the event of an accident!

Of course, during a real crisis, these fleet captains have absolute command. After all, Luoxi is only a scientific researcher, not a fleet commander!

When it was more than an hour before the Katharoni star attacked, Luoxi once again asked the staff to contact each other, and she forcibly sent the intrusion instruction in the past.

Although the intrusion order of Luxi is very different from that of Mayfair, it is naturally unstoppable for Katharoni.

"Hello, distinguished guests from far away! It is a pleasure to contact you again!" When the connection was reconnected, everyone was excited again, and the contact person in charge said loudly and politely.

Although the control interface shows that the connection is successful, the other party does not respond.

At this time, the Katharoni stars were a little bit confused, and they were shocked by this sudden forced connection!

"Governor Bennett, Earth Stars are connected to us again, do you need to reply?" The ultra-intelligent system informed Bennett immediately, and activated the defense system, because for them, they were forcibly connected by low-level civilizations I am afraid it is absolutely impossible.

"Did I tell you that, shield the signal, just attack directly!" Bennett was enjoying a moment of tranquility in his personal rest cabin at this time. This trip was too boring, and I thought it was still a bit Fun, but now there is no trace of interest!

"We have blocked the system, but it was still invaded by the other party, and the system was manipulated by unknown commands!" The super intelligent system replied.

"What? Are you sure that the earth star invaded?" Bennett was also surprised, he asked aloud.

"Yes, the other party's instructions forcibly lifted our shielding system. Now I am doing a self-check and hope that other systems will not go wrong!" Said the super intelligent system.

"How is it possible, how can they invade our system!" Bennett quickly opened the control system, and quickly searched for the intruded system command.

"This is the Nuwa space city, call the Katharoni, please answer it if you hear it!" At this time, Bennett's ear constantly heard strong and steady calls from the other party.

At this time Bennett saw only half an hour before the attack time he ordered.

"Temporarily cancel the attack plan, answer the call, and you can make your first contact!"

Bennett didn't know why, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart. He hesitated for a long time before he gave orders to the super intelligent system.

When the commander of Nuwa space echoed the response of the Katharoni star, everyone boiled again.

And this time the other party not only responded, but also asked for a meeting.

If this is true, then this moment is really waiting too long for too long!

Just at the headquarters of the Star Defense Alliance, it was also a joy. Many of them couldn't help but hug together. From the response to the meeting, all previous worries disappeared.

But they never knew that if it were not forcible invasion of Luoxi, humanity would suffer a fatal blow. Luxi turned the matter around.

It is absolutely terrible for Bennett to invade the system by the other party, not to mention that this ship is a detection ship, although the defensive weapons installed can strike the earth fatally, but once the system is controlled by the other party , Then the consequences will be unbearable.

So at the last minute, he chose to temporarily cancel the attack plan and try to meet the current intentions of the planetary star by meeting.

He needs to find a reasonable explanation for this accidental intrusion into the system, and this explanation is related to whether he can successfully remove some items on the moon base this time.

For predatory civilization races, as long as there is any chance, they will not hesitate to choose war. It is precisely because of such a state that the Katharoni stars can have such a vast star field.

Now that the meeting has been determined, regardless of the true or false purpose, the Kajaronis are still fully prepared. In contrast, humans have to make extremely detailed arrangements for the number of people to meet, the specifications, and the content involved in what needs to be said.

This is definitely one of the biggest news events since the discovery of the moon base!

Since it was the first time to meet with an alien civilization, the five major aerospace nations quickly convened a meeting to vote on the designated candidates.

Seven days later, Nuwa space city ushered in a group of mighty fleets, which carried all the people who met this time. These personnel covered the most reputable people in all aspects of the world. The most prestigious class on earth.

The meeting place is arranged in the sky dome hall of the Nuwa space city. For the Katharoni, the meeting between galaxy civilizations is extremely common, but for humans this meaning is completely different.

Luoxi knew why the Katharoni star canceled the attack plan ~ ~ and promised to meet, so she was still not at ease with the other party.

But she can't control the decision made by the Earth Headquarters. If she disagrees, she will be criticized!

However, Luoxi is not worried about an accident when she meets because she has enough power to ensure that there will not be any unexpected situation at this meeting.

As for whether the Kataloni stars will change their mind after the meeting, it depends on the result after this meeting.

But Luoxi is not optimistic! She has seen too much of this kind of scene while traveling through the stars. Is it like when ants look up at humans, will humans change the destruction of the ant colony because of the ants' favor?

The arrival of thousands of people caused the space city to become more lively, and the frigate and super team felt that the responsibility is extremely important. Once an unpredictable situation occurs, these people will influence the development of human civilization, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

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