Complete Body

Chapter 819: : The secret of metal blocks

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"Great, I know that you are really different, and now you can sort things out so clearly!" Zhou Tong said with excitement.

"It's definitely too late to go back and get it now. You immediately notify the personnel at the lunar base to send a complete video of this metal block! Although we have no way to destroy the entire moon, we can bluff each other and throw this metal block Into the sun, we can't get it, and they don't want it! At present, there is only this way to try it out! "Luoxi said.

"But we can't move this metal block at all!" Zhou Tong said.

"This is not important, as long as you can test out the problem, it will be fine!" Luoxi replied.

"Well, I see, then I immediately asked the moon base to send a copy of the latest video material! I hope we still have room to maneuver!" Zhou Tong said with a smile on his face.

Looking at Luoxi, he admired the woman's strength from the bottom of his heart. I don't know why. He always felt that anything handled in the hands of Luoxi was always confident, without any panic and hesitation.

Although Luoxi has never admitted that it has encountered an alien civilization during this decade of disappearance, this is no longer a secret. It has long been an irrevocable topic in the scientific community!

In fact, for Luoxi, she also just remembered this metal block. She wanted to stop the attack of the detector. She has countless methods, but she needs to sort out a way to convince everyone else, otherwise it will be a little troublesome!

As for the metal block, Luoxi also looked at it after returning, and re-examined its internal structure. There is nothing special about it.

The internal structure is dense, and the size of 5 or 6 meters square is actually composed of hundreds of millions of parts inlaid with each other. If you want to unlock this metal block, I am afraid that you can only find a way to open these parts.

Luoxi can also untie this metal block naturally, but it takes time. It was not clear that this involves human origins, so her focus is not here.

Half an hour later, the video of the metal block came over, and it was a very detailed shooting in all directions. Luoxi returned to the command cabin. At this time, there was no one in it.

Zhou Tong looked at the big holographic screen nervously.

Luoxi was very skillful in inputting and sending commands, and forcibly sent the video. She knew that the other party must have shielded all signals of the earth at this time.

Because the Katharonis no longer have any need to cover up the planets, they launched an attack after twenty hours, even if they could not destroy the earth, but they used the attack and defense system on the detection ship, enough to wipe out the human military power. Exhausted.

This is the gap between civilization levels!

"Dear Shangguan, I just got the message of the Earth Star, and I need you to watch it personally! Do you want to transfer it?" At this time in the rest cabin of Bennett, the sound of the ultra-intelligent system sounded clearly, and the eyes were closed. Bennett, the reverent, was taken aback.

"What? Forced intrusion again?" It wasn't the sound that surprised Bennett, but the system was invaded again.

"Yes! I didn't find any loopholes!" The super intelligent system replied.

"This **** Earth star, transfer it!" Bennett, despite being very annoyed, let the super-intelligent system transfer the video sent by Luoxi.

"This, this, this is indeed a sign of the Manatina star. Does the planetary star already know that this metal is left by the Manatina star?" Bennett looked at the breathtaking picture in shock.

"They shouldn't be clear, but this is indeed an item of the Manatina star, and the message in our mission is exactly the same." The super intelligent system said.

"Immediately connect to the signal of the earth star!" Bennett thought for a moment, then said.

Ten minutes later, when Bennett appeared in front of Luoxi again in a breath-taking state, Zhou Tong was surprised. He did not expect this video to really work.

Regardless of the result this time, this piece of metal is definitely a secret left by that civilized race.

"Governor Bennett, we meet again!" Luoxi said looking up at Bennett calmly.

"You sent this message?" Bennett confirmed.

"Yes, I sent it! Since the Kataloni stars want this secret, we naturally give it with both hands, but let you confirm it first. I don't know if this item is what you are looking for?" Luoxi Nodded and smiled.

"I don't know where you found a metal object. I'm afraid you will be disappointed! If you don't tell us a secret like this, you will never know it!" Bennett stared at Luoxi for a long time and said. .

"Really? Since you don't think so, then forget it. Director Zhou would trouble you to tell the personnel at the moon base to throw this piece of metal directly into the sun. It's so annoying to actually try to fool me!" Luoxi smiled Say something to Zhou Tongsha.

"You ..." When Bennett heard this from Xixi, he was very surprised and froze!

"What's wrong with Bennett Forces ~ ~ You are about to launch an attack on us, no matter from the military and technological level, we are all crushed. It is useless to keep these secrets, it is better to destroy them directly. , Save your eyes, flying more than 30 million light-years to find this item. "Luoxi looked at the other calmly, said slowly.

"So you really want to use this as a bargaining chip?" Officer Bennett immediately thought of something.

"It's not a bargaining chip, but a space for survival!" Luoxi said.

"But even if we agreed, you will still encounter a similar situation after all!" Bennett said again.

"Then do you decide to attack our earth now, even if we are destroyed by you, but the probe ship will naturally be left by us, as long as the metal block is cracked, what if your fleet is there? Maybe there is a powerful Weapons, otherwise why would that mysterious civilization race leave us this item. "Lu Xi's words were very calm, without any impatience.

Bennett never imagined that the Earth star actually found this item. From the information obtained from the Manatina star, he learned that this metal block was mixed in countless living area blocks in the lunar base. Tell, it is impossible for the planetary star to know the secret!

Now he feels in a dilemma. This item is a task specifically explained by the coach. If he goes back like this, he will not only be scolded, but also how other commanders will see him.

I am afraid that he will question his ability and laugh at his efficiency, which is what he cannot tolerate!

Instantly the entire command module fell into silence!

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