Complete Body

Chapter 822: : Pros and cons of ultra-intelligent systems

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Although there are still countless doubts about the identity of Luoxi, this Yikexing finally relaxed his vigilance about Luxi, and the coordinate of the star field given by Mayfair is really just a destroyed civilization race, although The shape is not the same as that of Luoxi, but after the interpretation of Luoxi, it is also a round field!

In fact, the Echo Stars can also use other methods to easily find out the true identity of Luxi, but for them, as long as they are not the rebels who are astrological predators wandering among the stars, they can!

Coupled with the humble shuttle in front of you, it will not pose a threat to the huge collection ship!

The most important thing is their status in this universe. As one of the nine super star states, they dominate hundreds of billions of light years, and no one dares to easily provoke them!

Luoxi originally wanted to continue flying to the depths of the Universe's eyes, but the Yikexing actively sent her an invitation to guide her out of the place. No matter what the purpose was, Luoxi wanted to land on the collection ship and see!

Under the guidance of the guided beam, the shuttle quickly entered the collection ship!

What surprised Xixi was that this collection ship, which had a length of tens of thousands of kilometers, was rarely seen by the crew.

From landing into the ship and then to the designated living area, the whole process is accompanied by super intelligent robots. Luoxi knows that these are not difficult things for high-level civilizations, but among the countless god-level civilizations and Italian-level civilizations she has been in contact with, few intelligent civilizations have completely replaced artificial intelligence with super-intelligent robots.

At the beginning, Luoxi did not understand very much, because for high-level civilization, their super-intelligent robots and bionic mechas have been infinitely close to real life bodies.

And in some ways, it has far surpassed the inherent capabilities of civilized races.

No matter in terms of life, trade, military, economy, etc., it is more than enough to replace civilized ethnic work, and the work efficiency is higher and the error rate is lower!

But in such a state, high-level civilization still relies on its own ability to deal with it, especially in the galaxy war, it can completely achieve zero casualties, but after the first galaxy war in Luoxi, to Until the last fierce battle of stardom destruction, the personal control of the crew will always be the same law of these high-level civilizations.

Later, in the conversation of the Xagen star, Luoxi slowly understood the true ideas of these high-level civilizations.

Super intelligent robots can indeed replace all the work of the civilized race itself, but in this way an extremely serious problem of civilized race will be highlighted.

That is the evolution and development of the civilization race itself. The super intelligent system will become more and more perfect, and it can even virtualize everything in this world, but they can never replace the evolution and development of the civilization race itself.

This is an extremely dense shortcoming. No matter what kind of civilized race, from low to high order, it is because of their own development that they can create and build a strong social system.

Once stopped, the final result will be the decline of civilized races!

This kind of result will never appear or be experienced by low-level civilizations. Instead, ultra-intelligent systems will make the entire civilization develop rapidly, but this situation gradually slows down to high-level civilizations.

Finally, there may be a reaction!

Under the guidance of the Xagen star, Luoxi gradually understood the profound meaning.

So now she was surprised to find that the EKS people used super-efficient systems so efficiently that they almost completely replaced the crew's work.

"Mayfair, you search, how many crew members are there on this collection ship?" Luoxi asked.

"According to the scale of this collection ship, the normal minimum configuration of the crew needs about 16.71 million, and the full configuration is more than 28 million! Now there are only more than 30,000 crew!" Mayfair quickly found out the results.

"It's too different! Why do they go the other way? According to the Shaggens, the higher-order civilization's reliance on super-intelligent systems is getting smaller and smaller, and it really becomes the auxiliary of the civilization race! And it ’s not the whole of their social system. But this Yikexing is very special. Does it mean that their collection ship needs such an efficient system? Or! ”Luoxi questioned.

"The tech power of the EKSTARs is very powerful, and they have achieved the ultimate control of the ultra-intelligent system. Among other Italian-level civilizations, they are undoubtedly the highest utilization rate, which may be the particularity of the collection ship. The cumbersome control, plus the peaceful stars here, almost no accidental wars will happen. However, only 30,000 crew members control the tens of thousands of kilometers of the collection ship, which is really surprising. To be honest, it is even more You can do it with a small number of crew members, but in case of any errors, the ultra-intelligent system may not be able to handle it properly. ”Mayfair replied.

"It seems that they trust the super-intelligent system they have built, but I think the most reliable one is our own brain. This is why intelligent civilization can create a new world, and the super-intelligent system intelligently builds a new world. This It is the most fundamental difference! Although the ultra-intelligent systems have surpassed the human brain in terms of attributes, what they never have is imagination. "Luoxi said.

Just between the talks of Luoxi, the Ekos who met just now appeared in front of her again ~ ~ Welcome to the collection ship Saisir, my name is: Puli Jiaer, how do you know? Call you? "This Ekosian appears to be a host of other civilizations who came to collect ships.

"My name is Luoxi, thank you very much for your help!" Luoxi also responded very politely.

"Our collection ship still needs three thousand centuries (one centimeter is equivalent to 2.5 Earth years). I don't know how long you plan to rest on our ship? Do you need to be taken to the nearest Star City for transfer?" Puli Jiaer asked.

"It will take so long? I do n’t know what is happening to my parent star. I do n’t know why I ca n’t find the location of the Milky Way galaxy! I want to go back soon!" The matter replied.

"I'm very sorry, your galaxy has been destroyed. At present, the Ouluni stars we have discovered have withdrawn from the Milky Way galaxy!" Said Puli Jiaer with some regrets.

"What? Our real galaxy is gone? Was it occupied or really destroyed?" Luoxi repeatedly asked.

"Like what you said before, it was really destroyed. It is not clear how many survivors there are, but it must have become a star slave. If you go back now, I am afraid that you will encounter the same end!" Pugliar replied Road.

"Thank you for your reminder. Can I take some time off on your ship first?" Luoxi asked, pretending to be sad.

"Of course, no problem!" Puligar nodded and comforted.

When Luoxi looked at the disappearance of Puli Jiaer, he let out a long sigh of relief, no matter whether the other party really believed his identity or not, at least there is now a reason to leave at any time!

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