Complete Body

Chapter 824: : This is the law

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Half a year later, Luoxi left the collection ship and continued to go deep into the eye of the universe.

"Captain, she doesn't seem to be heading out of the starry sky." Priegar looked at the flashing mark on the super interest star map and asked!

"Do you think she was really thrown here by dark energy?" Wilbur asked.

"I know this is her lie. This planetary star is very unusual! There are many secrets in her! Just go alone into the star fog body, are you not afraid of crushing bones?" Said Puli Jiaer.

"Don't worry, her abilities are not what you and I know! I'm curious, what exactly did she want to explore when she went to the star-fog body? After entering a distance of one hundred light years from this edge, no ship could approach! The star mist body is the biggest mystery in this universe, and now almost all views believe that this is the origin of our cosmic world. As long as there is enough power to enter it, it may go to the entrance to another world. We suffer Looking for the edge of the universe that is hundreds of millions of years old does not exist. If you want to cross the universe, it may be this star mist body! "Wilbur said.

"Did she also want to enter another universe?" Asked Priegar.

"Unable to do this, the range of more than 500 billion light-years, don't say we enter, even the edge can't be explored in depth. This star mist body is like the mystery of this name, if you want to enter, you can only smelt the crystal The final form, otherwise no matter can resist the gravitational field inside. "Wilbur replied.

"It's not easy to get the final form of the crystalline ions. I haven't heard of any star states that have been refined. And once we reach that state, we may not be far from the final civilization! Although it is only one step away, it is still There is no difference! "Said Priegar.

On the Suzaku, Luoxi looked at the endless starry sky in front of it, and there is no difference on the surface from other starry sky, but in fact the space here has already begun to distort. If it is not now that the monolithic crystal is fused, I am afraid it ca n’t support The powerful energy field generated by the eye of the universe.

Despite this, Luoxi still felt the horrible fluctuations. The Suzaku was like a boat sailing in the sea, not even a boat!

"The time and space distortion here may be difficult to achieve if you want to make a jump. According to the current state, you can enter up to the 100 million light-year range of the Eye of the Universe, which is probably the limit of life. If you get closer I am afraid that it will be particleized, but this range of 100 million light years is super close observation for the Eye of the Universe! You can almost touch its pulsation! "Mayfair said.

"I look forward to it! This is the result I got after so many years, everything is worth it!" Luoxi said with a smile on his face.

Indeed, the distance of 100 million light years is really only a small distance for the cosmic starry sky. Luoxi is already very satisfied! She may be the first living body ever able to get close to the eye of the universe.

In addition to close observation, Luoxi can also understand what happened in the early stage of the birth of the universe, which can directly depict how this linear universe was born to grow up!

This has a crucial role in studying the cosmic system, because in the understanding of Luoxi, the uniqueness of all individuals leads to the diversity of creatures in the universe.

Then the cosmic system may naturally not escape this law, and the different effects produced in the early stage of the birth of the cosmic spores will burst out different cosmic structures!

Even the three cosmic structural systems currently known are determined by the early stage of this cosmic spore!

The closer to the eye of the universe, the space is compressed and overlapped indefinitely, and time gradually begins to stop. I am afraid that the concept of time no longer exists here. Even if it is sailing for hundreds of millions of years, there will be no signs of aging!

To some extent, this represents eternity, and the eternity with this universe!

The speed of the Suzaku has gradually slowed down, the power system has been unable to support the navigation of the fifth-degree curvature, and the transition of the superstring space has also been hindered. If you want to traverse this distance of more than 200 billion light years, I am afraid that it will require hundreds. Ten thousand years!

Luoxi naturally has enough patience to wait, she can go to sleep completely, but she does not want to miss a lot of wonderful pictures.

No civilized race has reached the depths of the eye of the universe, and naturally there is no record of this.

The starry sky becomes more and more thorough as it goes deeper. This kind of transparency is not just the kind of transparency. For Luoxi, it is not only the transparency of the senses, but also the transparency of the spiritual power.

What she thought and what she said was very clear in her mind, and even like the super-divided screen, all of them will appear in front of her.

No matter in which universe this thing happened, it will appear in front of Lu Xi's eyes exactly.

Even Luoxi can clearly feel their existence, not just illusions!

"Mayfair ~ ~ Isn't this Vata Star? I can feel this is real, familiar breath, and the kind of vitality that lives on this planet, definitely not a superb picture! This is a small ball, and this is Pamel! Is this a step back in time? Is the eye of the universe the connection point of the cosmic system? "Luxi was very surprised, she issued many questions one after another.

"You are right, this is indeed a real picture, not a superb projection!" Mayfair nodded.

"Why do these appear here?" Luoxi asked.

"Because this is the eye of the universe, a special being that can see itself, no matter what you have done in which universe, you can see it in any eye of the universe! It is not the connection point of the universe system, but It is the source of matter, the foundation of the universe spores! It allows you to see anything! And you can enter into that time node and change everything at any time! It is both a source of matter and an end point! .

"Here, this is amazing too! No wonder there is no life experience here, and if it is used, the entire universe will collapse!" Luoxi was very excited.

"No, in fact, when the master created the cosmic system, these have already formed naturally. This is an indescribable rule that governs every small link, not the master deliberately!" Mayer said.

"Can the completed civilization reach here if it grasps the cosmic waves?" Luoxi asked.

"It can never be reached, it can only be approached indefinitely! Even if they can smelt monolithic crystals, they can't do it, because that's the rule!" Mayer shook his head.

"But why can I?" Luoxi asked.

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