Complete Body

Chapter 836: :question

"General Shawkad, do you have anything to say!" Luoxi smiled slightly.

"According to the information we have, this incident is not as simple as the interference of the magnetic field!" General Shokad said.

"Oh, then tell you the real inside story!" Luoxi said as he looked at General Shokad.

"According to our information, this is a sneak attack on you by an alien civilization, and there is more than one! But in the end, I don't know why it disappeared, and you didn't receive any harm!" General Shaukad said one by one. .

"Ah? How is this possible, alien civilization attacked Academician Lu? Why is there no alert report at Mars Base?" Fret asked loudly.

"That is, I have never heard of such a thing! This is a bit ridiculous. If it is really an alien civilization, it is impossible for Academician Lu to survive without any loss!" Hydamny also asked.

"Alien civilizations have been lurking a lot on the earth for a long time. This is the highest and top secret. You naturally don't know. The real people in the world will not know more than fifty people. It's just that they act low-key and mysterious, and the technological power between us The gap is too big, so as long as they do not interfere with our activities, we can not make external announcements! "Zhang Tianwei said at the time.

"Why did you attack Academician Lu this time? Since none of Mars' defense systems found any anomalies, why did General Shokkad know? Where did you get this news?" Deputy Commander Fret asked.

"I naturally have a source of information, and I have also informed General Zhang. As for why the attack on Academician Luo, I am afraid to ask her! And it seems that Academician Luo has hidden a lot of things!" General Shokad looked at Luoxi and said .

After Shokade finished speaking, all who had spoken and had not spoken looked at Luoxi.

"Xiao Luo, what happened that day, were you really attacked by alien civilization?" Zhou Tong asked aloud.

"Nothing happened to Director Zhou, you can rest assured, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sit here without any problems! As for the source that General Shokad said, can you be more specific? Or who are you doing for? "Luoxi laughed."

"You ...! But if you want to know the source, I'm afraid you don't have this permission yet!" Shokad glanced at Zhang Tianwei, and said slightly panic.

"Since letting me participate in this meeting and have doubts about that incident, this is all your unilateral words. As a party, I said that nothing happened. And you have to say that there are untold secrets, why? Don't make it clear what you know! Is there a ghost in General Shokkad's heart? "Luoxi asked.

"What a ghost in my heart, all the heads of information are aware of it." Shokad said.

"Since the heads of state all know, then you can tell us what you should know! Or you can ask for advice now!" Luoxi said.

"Since I have spoken here now, General Shokkade, you will talk about specific things!" Zhang Tianwei said at the moment.

Then Shaukad sorted out some of the news provided by the Neilians, most of them said it!

After he finished all the things, many of the people present were stunned. It turns out that it is true that there is cooperation between alien civilization and high-level people on earth, not just folklore!

It's just that this kind of cooperation is very limited, and it stipulates that they should not participate in any internal affairs of the people of the earth!

Of course, for alien civilizations, their scientific and technological power is far superior to human beings. Naturally, they will not be interested in the internal struggle of the earth people!

"Now Academician Luo should understand why we know the inside story of that incident? What else can you justify?" Shokad looked at Luoxi proudly and said.

"It's still for the secret of that metal block, General Shokkad, can you provide us with the video material or evidence of my being attacked! I have only heard from the beginning that you are just saying, Ni The Erya Stars are saying, are there more than a dozen civilized races that ca n’t even provide any video footage? Take a step back, even if I was attacked, you do n’t want to hold the other party accountable, and you still question me? Is it the so-called The law is just an empty shelf? If you also suspect that I know the secret of the origin of mankind and do not want to reveal it, any test can be conducted! "Luoxi asked calmly without any panic.

"How could they provide the video? We have been working with each other for decades. They can't talk nonsense! Besides, you are not an ordinary person. Any test will not work for you!" Shokader replied.

"Very well, it seems that you would rather believe in these civilized races than believe in me? Indeed, in the face of any interest, you can sacrifice anything! As long as they can come up with evidence that they attacked me that day, I admit that there are Otherwise, I would have doubts about General Shokkad ’s motives! "Luoxi said coldly.

"Yes ~ ~ Since you said that there are dozens of joint actions of civilized and ethnic groups to encircle the academician Lu, such a large-scale conflict, there must be video messages. And what you are talking about is only the Neilian The argument provided, does the civilized race that can cooperate with us have feedback, they have missing ships or personnel? "Zhou Tong asked.

"Mr. Zhou is right, maybe after that incident, the Neilian star who was so worried about the metal block wanted to create suspicion between us. Seriously, if this thing is true, I do n’t believe that Academician Lu can In the face of such a powerful civilized race can escape safely and unharmed. "Apparently Frett also doubted General Shokad's words.

"And since your respective countries have secret contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations, why don't you contribute the science and technology provided? And how much has Academician Lu done for the entire human outer space system in the past two decades, haven't you thought about it? No matter what secrets she has, it is not important to me at all. What is important is her contribution to the whole humanity. When the Katharoni invaded, I did not see what you said these civilized races provide some help! It was n’t at the last moment that the academician Luo used that metal block to return to the present peace! I would like to ask General Shokkad, where were you doing what at that time? ”Zhou Tong ’s face was a little ugly, he continued to question.

"Yes, when Academician Luo and Mr. Zhou faced the Katyaroni star, I remember you thinking about how to arrange your close family members to avoid on the frigate ship? Why do n’t you let your so-called Nierya Star Does anyone come forward to stop this crisis? "Deputy Commander Fret sneered.

The words of the two came out, and General Shokkad's face became very ugly. He did not expect that Zhou Tong and Fred would react so much.

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