Complete Body

Chapter 857: : R & D curvature engine

Is about one year away from the gambling time. Xixi is not worried that the Neilians will play tricks because they need to be proud to defeat the earth people, so they will stop a lot during this time.

Although they think this is only a trivial matter to the Neilians, they still selected the most elite fleet among the fleets belonging to the major captains to meet this gamble.

And they only do this, not to deal with the mandarins, but to deal with the unknown civilization forces behind the mandarins.

Compared to the fleet of nearly one million warships dispatched, their observation fleet has gathered most of the core members of the Neilian Star Alliance.

In the following year, in addition to the newly appointed mayor of interstellar, Nuwa space city found a signal similar to alien civilization in the starry sky fifty light years from the solar system.

For the public, this is the first time that the International Center for Alien Research has released news to the entire humanity that clearly confirms the existence of alien civilization in the Milky Way.

Although the Kataloni Stars incident has been a talk for more than a decade, this discovery is enough to make countless people who like to explore the starry sky full of expectations.

However, there are still many people who are concerned. In case this discovered alien civilization signal is much more technologically advanced than the earth, the earth may be caught in another disaster.

In the shining super interest star chart, this newly discovered alien civilization is called: Helga, advanced civilization, at least three to five thousand years ahead of human development.

They have mastered the speed of light and the curvature of flight. Although they have not been to Earth, they have completely transformed their star system.

The Helgas are a little weird in shape, covered with thin thin slices, and the shape of the facial features on the head of the inverted triangle is almost triangular. They are not belligerent and focus on technological development.

For the International Center for Alien Research, the significance of this major discovery is more important than the invasion of Kajaroni, marking the discovery of the first intelligent civilization closest to the solar system.

This is also the third milestone discovery in the process of exploring alien civilization after the moon base and Katharoni invasion.

For the current technological level of mankind, the distance of fifty light years is no longer a dream. The sub-light speed shuttle of 150,000 kilometers per second can be reached in a hundred years.

And recently, Xixi has planned to use the latest technology to introduce humans into the age of curvature flight, which will greatly shorten the time of interstellar navigation.

The dream of flying at a speed of light from a science fiction movie over a hundred years ago is also the foundation for Shimani to lay the ground for humans to reach and land in other stars in their lifetime!

Muxi intends to start preparing for the curvature flight research plan after the end of the gamble, and she has submitted this practical report to the world's highest physics research center for review.

The principle of curvature flight was proposed hundreds of years ago, but the technology at that time was limited, and some theories were only at the stage of conjecture, and they could not be tested and confirmed at all.

With the current breakthroughs in human power system research, the possibility of curvature flight is getting greater and greater, so this project is mentioned on the schedule!

However, it is known that according to the current technological capabilities, it takes at least 10 years for humans to achieve breakthroughs in the real construction of curvature engines.

This difficulty is even greater than the construction of the interstellar fleet, because the power system determines everything in space navigation, and it is also the most difficult and the most representative of the technological level of a civilized race.

Now Xixi re-proposed this plan, which is beyond everyone's expectation, because all scientists are currently considering the power system's unrestricted approach to the speed of light.

The focus on curvature flight is obviously not enough.

But the construction plan submitted by Mu Xi, in addition to detailed theoretical support, also has the entire process flow of the curvature engine power system.

At the beginning, Zhou Tong disagreed with the plan submitted by Mu Xi. He believed that it should be reviewed by experts from national organizations before being submitted to the world ’s highest physics research center.

However, Xi felt that these technologies could not be built in a single country. This is a more complex power system than the Star Fleet.

It needs to gather the most elite scientists in the world to complete, and Xixi has a deeper meaning, which is to show everyone that all the research results on Nuwa belong to all human beings and will not be used by an individual, organization or group. The monopoly is concealed. I also hope that all the latest technologies acquired by other space cities will be open to the public to share and promote the human development process.

Kajaroni star event surface, only by working together can face future challenges.

For the release of this plan, the most certain is that these alien civilizations hidden on the earth, their curvature flight has become one of their most important means of star flight.

Therefore, they have the most say in this construction project of Muxi!

In more than half a year of discussion and verification ~ ~ Mizumi is soaked in the conference hall of the world's highest physics research center almost every day.

Finally won the approval of all members, and approved and set up a R & D team with the core of Shiji.

The R & D team involves more than fifty construction systems and hundreds of related industrial foundations. This is also a new field after the interstellar fleet, where mankind has once again concentrated all its strength and begun to break through.

Once the curvature engine is successfully constructed, it means that human exploration of galaxies will achieve the time standard in terms of Earth years.

Crossing the interstellar distance in units of light years will no longer be a dream!

For ordinary people on earth, it is entirely possible to reach the intelligent civilization planet outside the solar system in their lifetime, and truly realize the dream of the third type of contact.

And for the entire human being, the development of high-efficiency engines means that more abundant and rare substances can be discovered and mined, thereby greatly making up for the increasingly scarce solar system resources!

The headquarters of this R & D team is arranged in the deep space space city that is about to be completed in Europe. Such arrangements are very happy. For the construction of the latest and largest space city in Europe, the R & D team of the curvature engine has enough reasons to set up here.

Is getting closer and closer to the time of gambling. After arranging all this, he took a shuttle to the outer periphery of the solar system on the grounds of detecting the depth of the Oort Nebula.

Soon in the silent deep sky, a golden shuttle drove through the darkness and flew towards the Lykari star field!

A battle of one man and one ship is about to begin!

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