Complete Body

Chapter 867: : Successful rescue

This matter is classified. Ordinary people did not expect that the first human space nuclear bomb attack occurred on Jupiter ’s orbit at this moment. This attack is not to resist the invasion of alien civilization, but only an emergency rescue.

Zhou Tong and Zhang Tianwei were together, and although they knew that Muxi may handle this matter, no one could survive the nuclear bomb attack, let alone a dozen nuclear bombs.

The cabin block may be able to withstand the shock wave and radiation of the nuclear bomb, but the flying shuttle is absolutely unbearable!

"This **** Strad, compared to the research and development staff in this cabin, Xiaolu's importance is simply irreplaceable! If it was not for her own decision, how could we just wait here!" Zhou Tong looked at the hologram The dazzling explosion on the screen said with great hate.

"Since the decision made by Academician Lu, she naturally has her own purpose. Since she came back, she has done very decent things. She won't make fun of her life!" Zhang Tianwei is very confident about Luo Xi's collapse. !

"It seems that you are more stable than me. Before you changed it, you sent a fleet to intervene!" Zhou Tong looked at Zhang Tianwei and said.

"A lot of things can only be understood if you understand the inside story. We are glad to have the academician Luo!" Zhang Tianwei smiled slightly.

At this time, the extremely powerful impact generated by the violent nuclear bomb explosion in Jupiter's orbit, forcibly deviated the cabin's flight path from Jupiter's gravitational field.

After adding Xie to let Mayfair fully take over the main control system of the module, the module gradually stabilized the flight trajectory after violently rolling.

Then the frigate immediately surrounded the cabin tightly, making sure that the cabin had been controlled, and then extended the connecting pipe to firmly fix the opponent.

After the frigate stabilized the cabin, the mayor's heart on Mayor's side finally dropped.

"Mayor Si, academician Lu's flying shuttle seems to be gone!" At this time, although the subordinate's voice did not sound, it appeared exceptionally loud in the silent main control cabin.

"Yes, I just saw from the monitoring that the flying shuttle rushed down to avoid the nuclear bomb attack, it seems to fall directly under the force of the shock wave and fly to the atmosphere of Jupiter. The other flying shuttles are far away, except for one that can't escape. , Others have left the danger zone! "Other monitoring staff also said.

"How is this possible? The location of the nuclear bomb explosion just now has been calculated, and Academician Luo's flying shuttle is not within the blast range. She is fully capable of leaving. Why is this happening?" Mayor Strad carefully revisited Looked at the picture just now and said.

"Unclear, it seems from the screen that the flying shuttle does not know why there is an anomaly and is out of control! What now? What should we do to send an **** fleet to search?" Others asked.

"Nonsense, search immediately for notifications, and call the Flying Shuttle of Academician Lu uninterruptedly!" Mayor Strad naturally knew the importance of Muxi. Although he was usually not too dealt with, he was convinced from the heart. Know that this project will be delayed indefinitely if there is no possibility of completion.

"Mayor Si, what's the situation with Academician Lu? I don't seem to see the return of the flying shuttle!" At this time, a very outdated signal was forcibly accessed, and Zhang Tianwei's majestic figure appeared on the holographic screen.

"General Zhang is very sorry. Academician Lu's flying shuttle was affected by the impact of the nuclear bomb. I am now falling into the atmosphere of Jupiter. I am now organizing a convoy to search for it." In the face of Zhang Tianwei, Mayor Strad did not dare to hide. No matter how powerful he is, he is only the top manager of a space city.

And Zhang Tianwei is the chief commander of the interstellar fleet, regardless of his official position and power completely crushed him.

"Who gives you the power to use a nuclear bomb attack? Academician Luo's flying shuttle has control of the cabin, and she can handle it with her ability. Why not give her time?" Zhang Tianwei asked harshly.

"General Zhang, who passed the Academician Ditch before this time, has a one-hour time limit. If the time is exceeded, the cabin will fall directly into Jupiter's atmosphere. We have also informed her that he will use a nuclear bomb to attack." Long explained.

"Did notifying her that it would be possible to use a nuclear bomb attack? Many decisions have to change as the situation changes. This is the most basic requirement for the commander. All operation records are in the cabin, and I will keep it at that time. The power to sue you. "Zhang Tianwei continued.

"General Zhang, please take your breath away. Now we will not discuss this for the time being. Let us first find a way to search and rescue the flying shuttle!" Mayor Strad knew that it would be useless to explain everything now, as long as you can search and search When the rescue comes back, this is the best remedy.

Zhou Tong was smiling secretly at this time. He knew that this was Zhang Tianwei's opportunity to beat the European Union. Since the establishment of the curvature engine plan, the European Union finally won the R & D right of this project.

As a research and development base, Shenkong, in many respects, in order to highlight the importance of the R & D personnel of the European Union, is holding back the power!

These things are very clear to Zhang Tianwei and Zhou Tong ~ ~ But they have also consulted with Xixi several times, but the response they received is that they do not need to be entangled in these minor matters. Everything is under her control!

So this time Zhang Tianwei will naturally be in trouble. Although now life and death are unpredictable, Zhou Tong understands that Xiong never does things that are not sure!

And no matter how to deal with the result of this incident, Mayor Strad ’s disposal method will definitely cause a series of adverse reactions.

Nature will naturally submit a protest application to the United Nations!

"Sosny, I didn't expect Strad to actually use a nuclear bomb for rescue. This guy is really dead! Now the cabin has been out of our control, and the illegal teaching seems to have been cracked and invalidated!" In the city, monitors are closely watching developments in Jupiter ’s orbit.

"This guy actually used a nuclear bomb to attack, so brave!" Sosni was a little unwilling!

"No, there is another flying shuttle flying towards Jupiter's atmosphere, this should be the one closest to the cabin just now!" Suddenly, a monitor stared at the holographic screen.

"Hurry up and enlarge the picture to see who is driving this flying shuttle?" Sosny said quickly.

"This ship seems to be driven by the academician Luo. We have recognized it before. Could it be that the impact of a nuclear bomb attack knocked the flying shuttle off and fell into Jupiter's atmosphere?" The subordinate said directly.

"Hurry up to pick up the ship, this is really God's eye-opening, and actually delivered this gift to our eyes. Compared to the research and development personnel in this cabin, this Luo academician is a hundred times stronger than them! "Hear Sosny overjoyed here.

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