Complete Body

Chapter 870: : Be your master

"Are you going to deal with me?" He said calmly when he saw the terms of the transaction proposed by the RIS organization.

"This is nature. Since you want to persuade us, you must naturally show sincerity!" Sosni pointed to the holographic screen.

"Although your conditions are a bit excessive, but I can understand your feelings, but these do not seem to be transactions between us!" 択 浠 smiled slightly.

"Not a transaction between us? I don't understand some of your words!" Sosni was very puzzled.

"Yes, what you are proposing is a transaction with the country, so these are meaningless to me, and I can't give you anymore!" Lu Xi replied.

"Are you talking about jokes and empty talk before?" Sosni was a little angry.

"Mr. Sosni, what I said before is not empty talk, I hope you join us is my real idea, rather than become a bargaining chip!" Said Luo Xi.

"Then you ...? Do we give up everything unconditionally and accept the humiliation we have suffered before?" Sosny asked.

"This is natural. If you can't let go of everything before, there is no room for this matter. But what I said about joining us is not the camp of the five space-faring nations, but you have to submit to me!" Xi looked at each other and said.

"Succumb to you?" Sosny was taken aback, which was probably the most shocking sentence he heard in these years!

"Yes, since I concealed this matter, you naturally have to surrender to me. So I naturally cannot agree to the conditions you put forward!" Said Xixi.

"How is this possible? Do you want to be our principal?" Sosni said.

"When I am the principal, I don't have this time and energy, but all your major decisions must pass me! Of course, it is not without benefit to surrender to me. After the R & D of the curvature engine can be completed, you can get all the design drawings through special channels! Of course, in the future, all the projects that I participate in, you have the right to get it! "Xi Xian smiled slightly.

"It sounds very tempting, and I also know that you can get the most cutting-edge technology with your ability and identity. I have no doubt about this. But there is no guarantee that we can get it! And even if I promise, other priests will not be willing! You should know that these sacred elders are diehards, and their parents are the elders of the dark angel organization, so their loyalty to the RIS organization is unmatched. And the current principal is a very arrogant person, although he is extremely Less in Space City, but know everything about everything. "Sosni said.

"These worries should be, I can understand, but since I have the patience, I naturally want to solve all this matter." Said Xixi.

"Academician Lu, is it true that none of these conditions can be promised?" Sosni was a little unwilling!

"Yes, don't say anything else, just the compensation amount, do you think I should give it to you? So it's best if you want to rephrase what I mean and think it over again!" Mu Xi replied.

Seeing Mu Xi refused without hesitation, Sosni was a little disappointed, but Mu Xi's words were indeed true, and most of these terms were aimed at the country.

She was naturally unable to accept these terms.

"What, she wants to be our principal? And all of our terms don't agree? Is this academician silly? I thought it was Nuwa Space City. She decided all things?" When the core members of the RIS organization heard Sosney's feedback again, almost everyone could not believe it!

"Sosny, did you not make things clear, since this Luo academician wanted peace talks, why didn't you agree to our terms." There is not much emotion for Ji Lao.

"Everyone offering sacrifices to the elders, these clauses we made are indeed for the compensation of transactions between countries. If she only negotiates with her personal identity, these are indeed difficult to agree with. However, the empty mouths she said are useless. How do we Believe? Once let her go back and take a bite, we will be defeated! "At this time Udine said to the old man.

"Udine sacrifices the old man right, we can hardly guarantee by her words alone! I don't think she has any sincerity, she still thinks about how to leave! It's really impossible to force her to use the curvature engine information as soon as possible, this is what we are The purpose of this time! "Said the other sacrificial elders.

"Also, Sosny, you will bring this academician over tomorrow, and we will come to an end to all the things that should be said and done! We can't do it softly, we can only come to the hard, we can develop to the present level. It's not easy! It's impossible to destroy everything once because of her words! "Said Udine Sacrificial Old Man.

"Well, it's so decided!" The other priests also nodded.

At this time, at the headquarters of the Star Fleet Alliance, Zhang Tianwei and Zhou Tong had not rested for three days. The convoy had searched Jupiter's atmosphere for countless times through all means, but still did not find any trace of the flying shuttle.

Although there is incomparable confidence in Muxi ~ ~, Jupiter's terrible atmosphere has discouraged countless ships. So far, no real ship can penetrate the Jupiter atmosphere to reach the surface of Jupiter.

So they are also very worried about the fall of Jumei into Jupiter's atmosphere. Although it is not clear what her purpose is, it has been three days. No matter how powerful Muxi is, it is impossible to resist the harsh environment of Jupiter's atmosphere.

"Old Zhou, can you be sure that Academician Lu will not be in trouble? Our anti-gravity ships need to be very careful to travel in Jupiter's atmosphere, this flying ship can't resist the raging Jupiter storm at all!" Asked Jupiter.

"It should not be. I have known her for decades. I have never done things that I am not sure about. She knows her responsibilities. It is impossible to put herself in desperation for the purpose of researching and developing the crew. It's just that I can't think of her purpose this time. However, it can be known from the communication records on the block that she had controlled the matter at that time. Since she did not intend to retreat, it means that all of this is already in her plan. She may have known the source of the illegal teaching, so ...! "Zhou Tong replied.

"You mean this illegal instruction came from within Jupiter? How is this possible!" Zhang Tianwei said in surprise.

"Impossible, at present I haven't thought about the context of the incident, but I always find it very simple, so Academician Luo wants to solve it personally!" Zhou Tong explained.

"Does anyone want to illegally hijack R & D personnel, and then detach the cabin block, use Jupiter's atmosphere to introduce it, and steal them away stealthily by stealing the sky for another day." Zhang Tianwei deserves to be the chief commander of the Star Fleet He has a keen sense of smell. After Zhou Tong's remarks, he immediately came up with a rough idea!

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