Complete Body

Chapter 875: : Meeting organized by RIS

At this time, on an independent island in Northern Europe, an ancient castle was surrounded by snow. This castle has a history of five or six hundred years. It was originally a castle of the lord, which was later purchased by the dark angel and bought Renovated.

Now the castle has become the general base of RIS organization, don't look at this small island is not trivial, but RIS organization has created an invincible island for this.

When the United States wanted to completely destroy the Dark Angels, it also thought about destroying the island, but after investigation, except for nuclear bombs, other conventional weapons could not destroy the island at all.

Is simply an ultra-large-scale land carrier. In addition to the island itself having a strong offensive and defensive system, and within a thousand kilometers around the island, the seabed is full of potential attack submarines.

More importantly, once the island is not destroyed in the first wave of strikes, the counterattack command issued by it will cause all major cities in the United States to be counterattacked.

Of course, if you can destroy it at all costs, but the consequences are too serious!

Over time, with the low-key behavior of the RIS organization, the United States has dispelled this idea.

The appearance of the castle looks like it is made of boulders. In fact, these boulders are made of special materials. Conventional missiles can't damage them at all.

Even a nuclear bomb attack can resist.

There is also an extremely strict defense system outside the castle. Before ordinary people reach the castle, at least dozens of defense nets are needed.

Now in this castle, in the most luxurious conference hall, more than a dozen old priests and important core members have gathered together. This meeting has been open for three days.

At that time, the figure in the main seat was very burly, and the majestic principal Cayvar did not talk much during the whole meeting, and he always listened to the suggestions of his subordinates.

"Dear sacrificials, we have been discussing this matter for three days. It is not so much that it is to let our adults make a surrender decision. This kneeling of Sosny, who sold the entire RIS organization, if Now in front of me, I was the first to kill him! "The commander speaking was a grumpy commander in a military uniform. One of the trusted assistants.

"General Gurney, you have been saying this repeatedly over the past three days. Although Sosny was the first to surrender, I think everyone knows the situation at that time. The space city of Caesar has been preserved, although For the RIS organization, this decision is very humiliating, but it is not a bad thing! You have also seen these terms, and overall there is no harm to us! "Udine said.

"It's no harm to you, you can still enjoy power and benefits, but for adults he loses the most. And let a woman lead us? Even if you are convinced, I am absolutely not convinced, and one who only understands research is not worthy. Leading our organization, we have to change the name. "Xuani said aloud, although he had great respect for Udine, he had the most objections on this matter, and also represented most of the commanders in the organization. Views.

"General Gennier also makes sense. We naturally know the achievements of this academician. There is really no one else in the field of science, but it is indeed a little play to want to lead us. Although we have been acting low-key in recent years, but Arranging all the millions of people for normal operation is also an extremely energy-intensive thing. When we report everything to her, is n’t that messy? ”Said another core member.

"This worry is superfluous. She has made it very clear. The adult is still the adult. She just wants to know all the things in the organization and does not need to report everything. As for the name change, it should be to let us live in the sun And as long as she exists, the US restrictions on us will be eliminated to the maximum. For us, this is a good thing. From these terms, we can also get the most advanced scientific and technological achievements, and this happens to be our goal. It's the same! "Udine explained again.

"She relies on China's strength and can naturally speak such big words, but who knows whether it can be fulfilled! Do we still have to question it? Don't you understand the truth about Udine's sacrifice?" Commander Gurni said loudly .

"So why do you think she signed this contract with us? With her ability, she directly informed the United States of this matter, then the Caesar was already destroyed by the frigate. Our base here may become the target of the world, Now that she wants to take over the RIS organization, it will naturally not fooling us. At present, our first task is to transition this state and give all members an account. Moreover, from her point of view, she does not want human infighting. The Kataloni Stars incident begins. Our crisis is here. Do you think it is powerful to deal with alien civilization? Who has this ability? Yesterday I just heard that the convoy had found the flying shuttle of Academician Lu on the edge of Jupiter ’s Great Flare What is it? "Udine said to the old man calmly.

Udine's last sentence came out, everyone immediately shut up, and they naturally understood what this meant.

"Do you really think that her daughter's return after her disappearance was just an accidental accident? According to our internal report, too many things that seem to be impossible to explain are related to this Luo academician, and there are black hands of alien civilizations behind everything , And she can solve them one by one. To put it bluntly, we have to thank her for her existence, otherwise, after the incident of the Katharonis, can we still exist so comfortably? These things are actually secrets that are unspoken, and Now she took the initiative to extend an olive branch to us, why don't we accept it openly? "Udine priest continued, it seems that he secretly read a lot of information about Xixi in the past few days.

"Udine's sacrifice to the old is right, and the alien civilization that has been close to us in recent years has also converged a lot, although there is no evidence to show that it is related to this Luo academician, it is probably not easy to think about now!" Other sacrificials also said.

"Everyone seems to have a high opinion of this academician. Although I have never been too malicious towards the Orientals, their ways of doing things are often inconsistent with our thinking! So these years, the RIS organization Regardless of whether I am in office or myself, I rarely deal with them. This time, I have said this in the past few days, which makes me feel very surprised, but it is naturally related to the destiny of the entire organization. Although you have promised to surrender, it does not mean that the development of the whole thing will move in her direction. "Kaival sitting in the main seat at this time said with a loud voice.

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