Complete Body

Chapter 894: : The future of the earth

Muxi returned to the Deep Space and began to do the leading work in the later period, the time rushed by and it was another five years!

The curvature engine has reached the final stage, the entire engine has completed construction work, and the final system adjustment has become the key to the normal and smooth operation of the entire engine.

In the vicinity of the Oort Nebula outside the solar system, here has been tested countless times with a curvature engine. Although there will be many deviations in the spatial coordinates of the curvature transition, overall it is already very satisfactory!

For example, from the two extreme extremes of the solar system close to the Oort Nebula, it took less than a month to conduct a curvature transition at more than half a light year. Although the transition coordinates are shifted by nearly 100 million kilometers, this definitely makes human interplanetary routes. With a qualitative leap.

Because Zhixi directly improves the efficiency of the curvature engine to the second level, it also directly saves mankind for more than thirty years.

The only thing that needs to be adjusted now is the accuracy of the transition. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The hundreds of millions of kilometers of the starry sky can only be said to be an instantaneous distance.

After the curvature engine was fully completed, the first mass production approved a total of 50 ships, of which 30 were equipped with frigates, and 20 were equipped with civilian ships.

Among the civilian ships, the five major aerospace nations are allocated two each, and the remaining ten are given to other important UN countries.

According to the truth, Mu Xie could be the first ship with curvature engine power, but she gave up this requirement, and it made no difference to her.

Especially in the past five years, there has been no movement on the side of the little bear constellation. Although one of the Zerg civilizations has destroyed several intelligent civilizations back and forth, their moving targets are not facing the solar system.

So the worries are a little easier!

But she knows that this hidden danger still exists. Among the thousands of known civilizations of the galaxy, there are not many threats to the solar system, but this does not mean that humans can sit back and relax.

It may just be that there has not been an interstellar expedition. Once this step is taken, it means that humans have entered their big family.

Then everything will come naturally, destroy other civilizations or be destroyed by other civilizations!

"Xiao Luo, after the first batch of curvature engines were completed in batches, the authorized agents of the consortium should also begin to execute in accordance with the contract stipulated in the original project. Now the Star Fleet has passed several meetings and intends to increase the number of curvature engines, but the European Union Bian indicated that the consortium should be given a share. What do you think about it? "

After five years, Zhou Tong appeared somewhat old-fashioned. After all, the old man of nearly ninety years old, although the life span of more than one hundred people with technologically advanced people is already within the normal range, the passage of time is still more or less consumed.

"After the distress signal five years ago, the Zerg civilization did not move towards our solar system, the danger is lifted. So the share given to the consortium can be provided, but not too high, especially the decentralization of agency authorization, the most critical The core components must be in the hands of the five major aerospace nations, which has been negotiated before. And I heard that the third batch of agency authorizations have also been issued in private, and the European Union ’s courage is really big, ”said Xixi.

"Well, yes! The proportion of the European Union is relatively high, and the attractiveness of the curvature engine is too large, and the benefits generated are eye-catching! This is not just the scope of the solar system, but the future gains in the development of foreign galaxies. This is absolutely impossible for any finance to refuse! "Zhou Tong said.

"Yeah! But this is also the driving force. Without their support, it is difficult to complete the biggest dream in human history in just ten years. The reward given to them is due, and on the future Star Airlines road, each All kinds of frontier platforms such as space cities and teleportation stars rely on them to build. After all, the curvature engine is not just a military ship, it is also a symbol of the progress of all mankind. "Xiao Xi laughed.

"You still look far, Xiaoluo! There is also a follow-up expedition plan for the curvature engine, which has also begun to enter the agenda of the leaders. After the construction of the first batch of fifty curvature engines, I am afraid it will start. From the inside information It is revealed that you are the first person selected, but Zhang Tianwei they seem to disagree, because for the importance of the entire humanity, your safety is the first! Of course, you also have the power to recommend yourself, or help us recommend some Suitable! "Zhou Tong said again.

"Chou Lao, don't you have this plan, want to go out and see?" Mu Xi asked with a smile.

"If I were to be young for 20 years, I might be willing to go. In these years, with you and this group of excellent younger generations, this vast starry sky is no longer mine! Maybe it is okay to give lectures to the children!" Zhou Tong lamented,

"I'm afraid Zhou Lao is not the reason, I heard a few days ago that you promised to take the best students at the graduation ceremony of Yanjing University ~ ~ Cosmic world! "Said Xi Xi.

"This is nothing but encouragement, are you serious?" Zhou Tong laughed.

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, Zhou Lao really needs to go out and see. Those of us who are striving for this goal all our lives need to give ourselves a reason!" Yi Xi also smiled.

"Interstellar expedition is a tiring job. I know that I am not suitable for this. Recently, more and more students have come to Nuwa space city as an internship. Our research center intends to train a batch of them to be the first step in interstellar expedition. It's up to you to check! "Zhou Tong turned the topic away!

"I heard that, but once our manned expedition ship breaks through the Oort Nebula, then humans cannot hide themselves! For those who have or have been here, humans are no longer Eden "It's over!" Mu Xi said implicitly.

"We understand this truth, as small as a drop of sea water, as large as the entire universe, becoming a king, defeating a king, and survive a weak death. There is never an exception! No matter whether we exist due to alien civilization, since we have reached this point, we must also Step out! "Zhou Tong understood it clearly.

"Old Zhou sees clearly that everything in this world is two-sided. Since we are human beings on earth, we have to defend our dignity regardless of fate!" Xixi nodded and said.

"Actually, I understand that it is our pleasure to have everything with you!" Zhou Tong said in a pointed manner.

"Chou Laoyan's words are too heavy!" Xixi smiled!

When Zhou Tong's figure disappeared in the holographic screen, Xi Xian looked at the busy ship outside the space city through the window and she seemed to see the cruel future of the earth!

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