
Chapter 119 - 119

We were back in Reed's bed, his arms around me, my back to his front. His breath blew over my damp hair across my neck. I listened as his breathing slowed, and he fell asleep holding me. We needed to talk. I had so much I wanted to say, but he needed sleep. I'd seen the exhaustion in his eyes. We could talk later.

His tightening arms woke me up. His stomach growling made me laugh. I could feel him hard against my back.

"I'm hungry." His rough, sleepy voice was precious.

"There's a frozen lasagna in the freezer that I can heat up."

He turned me so I was on my back and moved down my body while he spoke, "That's not what I'm hungry for."

How could I not laugh? I'd heard his stomach. "You're such a liar."

"Okay, so I'm hungry for two things. Stay still or I'll tie you down."

"What if I want to be tied down?"

He did what I least expected. He stood and pulled me off the bed. After opening a dresser drawer, he handed me one of his t-shirts. I wasn't sure what just happened.

"If I'm tying you up, I'm taking my time and I don't want to pass out. Food first."

"You're such a romantic," I said as I slipped the shirt over my head.

He grabbed a handful of the t-shirt and pulled me close, kissing my nose. "You got it, baby."

We heated the lasagna and carried it back to his bed over my protests.

"I need a ride to the airport in two hours. I was hoping you would take me."

Two hours. He'd only been here for three. His finger turned my face back to his. "I'm sorry I can't stay longer, but I needed to see you."

I understood and was so glad he came, but it broke my heart to have him leave again. I decided our serious talk could wait. I wasn't wasting a minute. It was more important to feel him right now and for him to feel me.

I gave him a small grin. "You better eat quickly, then, because tying me up could take a while."

"Then feed me, woman."

I did. I put the fork to his lips and watched him chew before feeding myself with the same fork. He never complained, just lay propped against the pillows and let me care for him.

"Are you done?" The sparkle was back in his eyes.

"Yes," the word was little more than a sigh.


Two hours later, I drove him to the airport. Well, he drove and taught me how to use the navigation system so I could find my way back home. I watched him drive while he held my hand the entire way.

"Your plane takes off Saturday morning and that afternoon you'll be in my arms again. I've booked us a suite so Jon and Bitsy aren't alone. A large suite." He gave me his goofy leering grin. "I have a game Sunday, but Monday is clear for Disney World. Between games and practice, other than Monday, I'll only be available in the evenings. You can come watch practices or relax at the hotel. Both works too. I've rented you a car so you can take Bitsy back to Disney on Tuesday. It's a lot to see in one day. We'll go back when I'm in off season and do it right."


"Yeh, baby?"

"You're rambling." I'd never heard him do that before.

He brought my fingers to his lips and kissed them. "I don't want to leave you."

"I'll be okay." For the first time, I was comforting him.

We didn't talk after that. He pulled up to the departure gate and we both got out of the car. He gave me a kiss that wasn't decent in public, but I didn't care. Without a word, he walked away. I wiped the wetness from my cheeks and followed all the friendly directions spoken to me from the speakers in the car and found my way home. I still had laundry to do and kids to feed. I would be okay.


The week dragged by. Lawrence delivered a credit card in my name and more papers for Reed to sign, along with cash for my trip.

"Reed told me you're not allowed to argue with an old man and he doesn't want to worry about you or your sister and brother. There's money for tips and anything else you need."

I peeked inside the envelope. There was enough cash for us to live on for months. The credit card took it far overboard, but I kept my thoughts to myself. "You were friends with Reed's father?"

"Yes." I could see his relief that I would let the money and credit card issue go for now.

"What was he like?"

Lawrence smiled and started talking. "Sam was a complete playboy back in his day. We met in college. He got all the girls and I was the nerd. He wanted to play college ball, so he walked on the field and got a spot. He was that good, but his parents weren't keen on the idea. His dad needed him to take over the business. His mother wanted him to settle down. They were good people and deep down Sam was the best."

"Maggie told me Sam could have played professional ball."

"Without a doubt. After Sam married Deli-, um Delores, I mean Mrs. Tyler, they regretted forcing him to follow in his dad's footsteps. Delores made their lives miserable."

I just couldn't believe she had that much control. "One woman?"

"Yes. Things were different back then. Sam's dad had a mistress for years. Delores discovered it and held it over her father-in-law's head."

"Do you really think things are so different now?"

Lawrence's face turned red. "You have a point, young lady, and a gentleman shouldn't have mentioned it to begin with."

That made me smile. "Go on, please."

"Mrs. Tyler was-is a manipulative, driven woman. Social status with enough money to keep it is all she thinks about. I can say that now that I'm out of her finances and only deal with her when she needs Reed's handouts."

"I thought she has her own money."

"She lives off a trust. It should be enough to keep her comfortable, but she always wants more and expects Reed to foot the bill for her many charities. They're good causes so it's hard to argue, but that woman has never been satisfied with anything in her life."

"So what did Sam see in her?"

He hesitated for several minutes and I didn't think he would answer, but finally he said, "I don't think anyone knew what he saw in her and I know I didn't. The saddest thing of all is that Sam loved her. He died loving her."

Lawrence left the house, late for another meeting, and I was depressed. Reed's father loved his mother even when she made him miserable. I was actually relieved that I worked at Tasty Burger that night. It took my mind off my earlier conversation, and for once, I didn't mind the smell of old grease.

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