complicated marriage

Chapter 21:- I am # foreversingle

I was smiling

But my heart was crying

My eyes were tearing

but my hands were cheering

I wished her by singing

But my voice was trembling

I was wondering

if UD had any feelings....

For me, who was nothing for him.

Was I even required their. It was the first time I saw UD's bright and dazzling smile. His smile was so bright that even tears in my eyes seemed like small pearls. I was so damn downhearted that I couldn't even understand. What was going besides me.

I didn't knew my first love would end up like that. As it is said ,


I became completely know a drunk man in love....


At that time this poetry suits me best;

♢♢♢As I look up, I gazed upon your face 

So warming and caring 

Your eyes so full of life 

I knew from the moment I saw you that you were the one for me 

The one who would love and care for me 

Who I would spend the rest of my life with 

As an artist I love poetic verse 

I thought about you day and night 

I said nothing to you and you said nothing to me 

We just passed by each other from time to time 

Never knowing, always wondering 

When I went to sleep the night I dreamed sweet dreams of you 

When I saw you again I just couldn't stand it any longer 

I had to tell you and I did 

I leaned and whispered in your ear, just three simple words 

I love you and you said the same in return 

Our love for one another flourished 

Like a dozen roses in the spring 

And I knew then 

As I know now 

That you were the only one for me.♢♢♢


okay!okay! I know I am not good at this but then my life was almost finished.

But that I think about it I really like that couple... I mean think of it one is FeelinglessGod and another who doesn't have feelings for any other girl. Like the match made in heaven.

I accepted that I can't win against Feelingless God they both just looked magnificent couple. As if Krishna and Radh; Shiv and Parvati; Kit kat and winter bear; Yato and Michi; Gina and Tomato.(Note:- those are few famous couple in my life)


I must accept that Feelingless God is seriously Feelingless. She took away my very own first love. Hmph ! I sacrifice my love for my idol now at least that I can do....

After party both UD and Gracily came to me and asked for my blessings as I was the first female friend of UD. They even gave me their engagement invitation card. I was the first person who got privileged to touch their engagement invite.

I took my leave... though I accepted them my heart was still saying "how can you give up so easily? "

I was hanging between my mind and my heart. It felt like a electric dipole placed in a uniform electric field to experience the torque. ....


I went out and waited for taxi but suddenly a black BMW appeared in my view. Blocking my path way. I ignored it and walked ahead, that car walked behind me. Finally tired of that stalking I went and knocked at the window. Window went down and I saw shameless tomato wearing black shades at night time. hmph! indeed tomato don't had brain after all.

I mean who ware shades at night time. In darkness you are wearing shades making it more darker. I asked him why was he stalking me...

He didn't reply and just picked me up and carried me till car and tossed me in the car as if I was a punching bag. I got angry and he told me....

okay before telling what he told me. Let me tell you whatever he told made me shut up I didn't even spoke a single word after that.....strange right? How did I keep my silence even though I was tossed like a punching bag.

Okay so let me tell you the answer...

He said if I didn't keep silence and even try to shout for help he would kiss me...and if he change his mind a kiss won't be enough for him....

I was like what the hell? How can someone say such things in broad daylight such a perverted tomato. I knew that he was a total freak and jerk so it was better for me to keep silence.....

What do you think would Adi have kissed me if I hadn't kept my silence?

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