Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 7 Only Children Make Choices, Adults Want All! [7, Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets]

Huagong University.

Dormitory 404 for boys.

Four people from Luo Fei's dormitory, plus three people from the dormitory next door, a total of seven graduate students from the same year sat around the table for a week.

The seven are ready to discuss a topic that will determine the direction of future research.

Luo Fei flipped through the phone, feeling a little puzzled all the time. Why didn't he comprehend the manufacturing principle of the phone?

He didn't know that now Huagong University, about his plan to set up the Nantianmen, has been rumored to be extremely outrageous.

for a while.

Seeing that there was no opening, Luo Fei put down his phone and spoke first:

"Let's discuss now, the seven of us, do we want to build this aerial unmanned fighter together!"

Zhang Tao took a big sip of Bing Kuo Le, hiccupped, and said:

"Brothers, is it reliable for us to do this?"

"The voices of the general environment are all saying to follow Yingjiang. Are we a little whimsical?"

Zhang Tao's words silenced everyone.

This is indeed the sound of the environment:

"Cross the river by feeling the eagle sauce!"

But again, this is also the loudest part of the voices criticizing Huaxia Military Industry:

"Only plagiarism, no innovation!"

"We are still students!"

At this time, Chen Zhe, who has always advocated imitating Yingjiang F-22, said:

"Because we are still students, we should have the courage to find a new direction of development!"

"To be honest, I don't have any ideas about Lao Luo's space unmanned fighter, but if I can find a way to develop a fighter that is completely different from Eagle Sauce, I would like to try it!"

"And the most important point..."

Chen Zhe looked at Luo Fei who was sitting opposite him, and said:

"I have been with Lao Luo for six years, and I have also competed for the first place for six years, and I am always suppressed by him!"

"So, if there is someone who knows him better, it must be me!"

"I believe Luo Fei now has a relatively mature, at least theoretically feasible, solution!"

Luo Fei froze for a moment, then smiled.


He Qiang touched his arm, grinned and complained:

"How do I feel that the two of you are suddenly full of love?"

"Shouldn't the person who knows Lao Luo best be Sun Xiaoyu, who has always been inseparable from him?"

"Old Chen, what kind of business do you want to meddle in?"


Chen Zhe rolled his eyes.

Everyone laughed, and then, their expressions became serious again.

"Let me tell you my opinion."

Li Tong from the dormitory next door said:

"My main research direction is the intelligent system, which is suitable for use on drones."

"I'm stealth paint."

Zhang Feng shrugged.

The last one is Prince Chess, who studies missiles, and said with a smile:

"As I said before, missiles are always attached to drones, right?"

"If it doesn't work, I can also study the flight control."

Luo Fei couldn't help laughing.

It seems that everyone has great ideas about cooperating to develop an unmanned aerial fighter.

Sure enough, the younger you are, the more reckless you are.

At this time, Zhang Tao made a suggestion:

"Everyone, since you are going to build a fighter jet, why don't you just build a manned fighter jet?"

"Although I'm researching the direction of drones, if I can make aerospace fighters, even if they are fighters that are against the F-22, I think it will be cooler than unmanned fighters. What do you think?"

Everyone couldn't help being taken aback.


Now that we are engaged in fighter jets, why not engage in fighter jets that can carry people?

And it can also be used against the F-22!

Luo Fei's heart skipped a beat.

Pick up a piece of A4 paper on the table, grab a pen, and start to draw.

Seeing this, the other six people looked over one after another.

However, then I also started to pick up paper and pen to write and draw.

They are not bystanders, but also participants, and they must have their own ideas in their hearts.

Do research.

You can't just sit in a meeting and talk.

Grab a pen and paper, write or draw something, and discuss it.

In order to be more targeted.

In about a quarter of an hour.

Luo Fei put down his pen first, and glanced at the sketches of the two models drawn from memory on two pieces of A4 paper.

I have my final thoughts about the completion of this cooperation.

Then, the names were marked next to the two models.

Looking up again, seeing that other people were already looking at me, I stood up the two A4 papers and said:

"I drew a sketch of two envisioned models."

"The one above is the aerial unmanned fighter jet in the Nantianmen Project, I call it Xuannv!"

"The one below is the aerospace fighter in the Nantianmen Project, I call it Baidi!"

Luo Fei's voice fell.

All six of them stared wide-eyed, quickly got up and surrounded them, competing to look at the two sketches.

"Fuck! The design of this model is too sci-fi, right?"

"Beautiful! The model is beautiful, and the name is beautiful! Yes, Luo Fei, it is worthy of the Nantianmen Project!"

"Brothers, I feel that after reading these two sketches, thinking about the F-22 is nothing more than that?"

"That's different. After all, the F-22 is something that already exists. This is still a sketch."

"What to do, after reading these two sketches, I want to do it!"

"Yes, what should I do? Which one is Bi She going to do?"

The eyes of the six people finally moved away from the sketch and looked at Luo Fei.

"Children make choices."

Luo Fei grinned, clenched his fists in his chest, and said:

"We are adults, so naturally we want them all!"





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