Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 100

Zeng Jing: "Cut, a vigilant guy."

Obviously she didn't understand this stalk, and she was able to escape successfully, avoiding being embarrassed by Zeng Jing's yellow jokes.It can only be said that the women who grew up in the slums are of good level, and now they are bullied by Zeng Jing and can't come to Taiwan.

Forget it, leave her alone.

Zeng Jing turned her head and looked at the rain of flowers in the medicine field.

Hua Yu looked at Zeng Jing curiously: "Brother, I have built the foundation, what should I do now?"

"You don't need to do anything, the meridians are full of energy, and you can feel your purple mansion after you wait for the second channel of Ren and Du to open." Zeng Jing smiled and asked: "If you don't mind, I will help you see it with my spiritual sense. Now."

Hua Yu hurriedly said: "Of course I don't mind. Please also ask brother to take care of it. I don't know if I will succeed."

With the sister's permission, Zeng Jing was not polite and swept her mind.

Again, divine consciousness is very mysterious. After scanning it, you know everything, but it doesn't mean you see it.

For example, after this scan, Zeng Jing knew in her mind that Hua Yu's chest was B, but she knew it and didn't see it, so she didn't use it to fart.Just like you know that the school flowers wear white fat times today, but if you don't see it with your own eyes, it is meaningless.

He drilled his divine consciousness into Huayu's meridians and probed carefully.

When Zeng Jing built the foundation by himself, he didn't understand anything and couldn't release his divine consciousness, so he didn't know the whole foundation building process himself. Now he can see this process in others, which is actually quite interesting.

Hua Yu closed her eyes again and began to build the foundation earnestly.

Zeng Jing felt the aura in her body, now it has filled the entire dantian. After the qi was full, because the dantian couldn't hold it, she had to walk along the seven meridians and eight meridians. However, the aura was quickly blocked by Ren Duer. pulse……

This is a hurdle that martial arts practitioners will be difficult to overcome in their entire life, but it is just a starting point for practitioners.

The overflowing aura easily broke through the Ren Du Meridian, and then continued to walk through the meridians. Finally, an empty hole was formed in her body, which is the Purple Mansion, which is called the Little Universe in Saint Seiya. , The aura in the dantian rushes into the purple mansion along the opened meridian, expands the purple mansion, and finally, the purple mansion takes shape.

Zeng Jing discovered that the capacity of her Purple Mansion was quite small, at most it could only hold the spiritual energy equivalent to a hundred years of cultivation.Compared with the Purple Mansion with infinite capacity at the beginning, it was pitifully small.

It is estimated that this is the result that ordinary people can get through serious cultivation!

In the future, if you want to expand the aura capacity of the Purple Mansion, you must practice and increase your cultivation level. Every time you break through a level, the aura capacity will increase a little bit.

People like Zeng Jing who are infinite when they build a foundation are cheating!It is an abnormal monster.

Ziyu finished building the foundation, and raised his head: "Brother, can I be considered like this?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Congratulations on entering the Qi refining period. From now on, you will be a true cultivator, and you will be different from ordinary martial artists."

Hua Yu was overjoyed: "Then I can start practicing real cultivation techniques now?"

"Yes!" Zeng Jing moved out the set that Bai Yan told him back then: "Now you need to choose a series of exercises among the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. I see there is another in your name. There are flowers and rain. I guess you choose either wood or water."

Huayu shook his head decisively: "I want to choose gold."

"Nani?" Zeng Jingdaqi: "After a good rain of flowers, why did you think of choosing gold?"

Hua Yu was a little embarrassed and said: "I have lived in Jiangmen since I was a child. I like the golden horse and iron horse. I really don’t like flowers, flowers, grass and swallows. I have proposed this name to my father many times in protest. I think Change the name to be more imposing, but my father disagrees."

Zeng Jing: "..."

Hua Yu said: "Now I can choose by myself, then of course I have to choose gold!"

Zeng Jing said, "Well, let's ask Senior Sister Bai if there is any gold-type exercise for you in this school."

Hua Yu suddenly became nervous: "What if not?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "If not, let's grab the Jinzhu Gang's exercises. I think that every one of the Jinzhu Gang's disciples will play a golden bamboo. It seems to be all the golden exercises. Let's grab a few and ask about the exercises. The law is not enough."

Hua Yu: "Will this be too violent?"

Zeng Jing said: "They killed your family, snatched your golden hazel armor, and done bad things. We did the opposite. What can't be? Be a good person, you can't be rigid!"

Hua Yu thought carefully: "That's right!"

She easily accepted Zeng Jing's idea. After all, she was a general tiger girl, and she understood things like that of the enemy being as ruthless as winter.

Zeng Jing suddenly thought: "But, will the Jinzhu Gang's exercises suck? It feels like the little-known scum sect. The exercises are definitely not powerful. I hope that our swordsman has its own golden skills. Law."

He brought Huayu to the gathering spirit formation in Houshan, found Bai Yan, and explained his intentions, Bai Yan couldn't help but smile: "You two are really the same, you actually want to grab the Jinzhu Gang's exercises, let's Shushan Immortal Sword Of course, there is a gold system, and the gold system is still our swordsman's most powerful method."

PS: The last two days, give me the monthly pass.

Chapter 129

Zeng Jing couldn't help being curious: "Huh? Is the gold system our most powerful technique?"

"Yes!" The head Lori took the conversation: "The ancestor of the original school, the best technique is the golden technique. The flying swords he releases are all golden, with imperial swordsmanship, Wanjian Jue, The Heavenly Sword and the Sword God are both golden, and they are quite famous in the world. At that time, people called him Venerable Golden Sword."

Zeng Jing suddenly beat her chest and feet: "Ahhhhh!"

With his weird behavior, several girls turned their heads to look at him: "What's wrong?"

Zeng Jing stretched out his hands, palms facing the sky, five fingers spread out, and made a complaint: "Why didn't I think of it? The royal swordsmanship, ten thousand swords art, heavenly sword, sword god, etc. I saw in the game are all The golden flying sword, ah, ah, why did I choose a fire element? I was wrong! I was so wrong! The fire sword is not handsome at all, gold is the color of the sky. "

Zeng Jing rolled all over.

A few girls beside: "..."

Hua Yuluan was embarrassed: "Is this the same for seniors?"

The head Lori nodded and said: "Yes, this guy often gets nervous like this."

Bai Yan defended him: "It's normal for boys to like to be handsome, just like our women love beauty. How can this be a nerve? Don't spit out the younger brother's groove. Sister-in-chief, please practice quickly. Leave these trivial matters alone. Junior Sister Hua, come with me, and I will take you to pick up the golden cheats of this school."

In the past, Bai Yan would avoid Ji Menghan when he wanted to get the cheats, but now he has been with Ji Menghan for a long time, and he has more trust in her, so he can't avoid getting the cheats, and directly brings Huayu to the well.Let Huayu wait by the well, and she jumped into the well.

After a while, she came out of the well with a cheat book with a golden cover in her hand.

Hua Yu was surprised: "How do I collect books in the well?"

Bai Yan whispered: "At the bottom of the well one foot from the surface of the water, dig a hole laterally. There is a hole in it. If you hide the secret book inside, the enemy will not think of it, and even the enemy is too lazy to sweep such a place with God's knowledge. ."

Hua Yu suddenly realized: "This is really an excellent way."

The ancients were actually very smart, and knew how to use the blind spots of thinking.

Bai Yan put the cheat book in Huayu's hands: "I don't know this cheat book. You can do it yourself. If there is anything you can't understand, you can ask the headmaster. Although she has never practiced this, but She is a genius and she knows all the secrets at a glance. It’s okay to give you guidance. But you should also pay attention to the fact that the person in charge is very busy, except for things you really don’t understand. Go and disturb her."

Hua Yu nodded: "Understood."

Bai Yan said: "Now that the practice has been determined, your house must be changed. In order to facilitate cultivation, we will turn your house into a stone house, all made of stone."

Hua Yu nodded: "Native-born gold, right?"

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