Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 111

The leader then ran out like Fei, and went to the front to fool Lori and Bai Yan.

Fang Wushang pulled Zeng Jing and said, "Brother Zeng, come with me."

He dragged Zeng Jing into a small room, which was filled with various messy things collected by the outer disciples of the Black Mountain White Water Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance. Among them were a lot of animal skins and various animals. All have.

Fang Wushang grabbed some fox skins and said to a fox head: "Brother Zeng, what do you think of this set?"

Zeng Jing rolled her eyes and pointed at the tiger's head hanging on the wall next to her and said, "I like that."

Fang Wushang: "Don't you claim to be a real fox? You use a fox head anyway."

Zeng Jing shook her head solemnly: "Since there is a tiger head, of course I use a tiger head. The tiger head is obviously much more handsome."

Fang Wushang: "But, aren't you called Real Fox?"

Zeng Jing: "Oh, now I am a real tiger."

Fang Wushang: "Would you like to be so self-willed?"

Zeng Jing ignored his complaints, took the tiger's head on the wall, and put a cover on his head. This time, the preparations were much better than before. There is no need to stick tiger skins on the body in a mess. Fang Wushang specializes. Brought him a set of white tiger skin robe, and put it on, looking like a thief.

With a white tiger head on his head and a white tiger robe on his body, there is a sulky air in the shape.

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Very good, very satisfied."

Fang Wushang whispered: "I somewhat suspect that you are the elder of Shuai Zong."

Zeng Jing: "What?"

Fang Wushang quickly said, "I didn't say anything."

Zeng Jing said: "Well, you can also help me fool the senior sister and the boss, I slipped out to work."

Fang Wushang nodded, and of course he could guess what Zeng Jing was going to do next. At this time, he had to help the boss to cover.

He also ran to the front quickly, mixing into the crowd, only to see the leader is bragging with Bai Yan, the head of Lolita, I don't know what they are doing, anyway, the attention of the two girls is completely on the leader. , It seems that for a while, I can't think of where Zeng Jing is.

At this time, Zeng Jing sneaked out of the fur-stacked room, and swept the surroundings, only to see a circle around the Alliance’s house, and there were many moon worshipers cult members attacking inside. They were very careful. He didn't go deep into the sword formation, lest he had to deal with the sword formation while also dealing with the opponent's people.

He was standing at the very edge of the attack range of the sword formation, and he was just right against the sword formation.

Anyway, the sword array is composed of a lot of magic weapons. As long as these magic weapons can be shot down, the sword array will become useless in the end. Zeng Jing glanced at it and saw the ugly wooden sword he had made. , Was flying and spinning in mid-air, and was inextricably beaten with the magic weapon of a moon worshiper.

This was originally a commodity he sold to the Alliance, and the Alliance was going to sell it on the other hand for a price difference, but now that a strong enemy is coming, it has to be put into the Mountain Guarding Sword Formation and brought out to meet the enemy.

The worshippers tried hard to urge a silver ring to knock the ugly wooden sword down from the sky. However, the magic weapon made by Zeng Jing was much stronger than that made by ordinary people. The worshippers took a lot of effort. Just can't clean up the Ugly Wooden Sword.

At this moment, the congregation suddenly had a flower, and a big tiger head appeared very close in front of him.

The congregation was taken aback: "The distance is too close to see clearly."

He leaped back quickly, but before he started moving, Zeng Jing stretched out a hand and put it on his shoulder. Once he pressed it, the person's backward leaping motion could not continue. Frozen in place instantly.

Zeng Jing added a little bit more strength in his hand, and pressed down, the congregation swiped the ground and was pressed into the ground. The Tianling cover was flush with the ground, and the whole person was embedded into the ground.

In this way, where could that person control the magic weapon, the silver ring that was fighting the Ugly Wooden Sword in mid-air fell weakly and fell to the ground with a thud.The Ugly Wooden Sword lost its target, but didn't stop. With a cry to the ground, he flew toward another enemy.

Zeng Jing had no magic weapon to use now, and it was inconvenient for the thief, so she simply picked up the silver ring that had fallen to the ground.

Miaojiang people like to use silverware, so many religious people’s magic weapons are silver products. Silver rings, silver medals, silver jewelry, and all kinds of messy silverware are used to refine magic weapons. Zeng Jing has seen many magic weapons. It's a silver product.

Not to mention, the material of silver is better than iron, and the quality of the magic weapon made is not too bad.

Zeng Jing poured his aura into the silver ring, and the silver ring immediately rebelled, because it recognized the congregation as its master and would not let others use it easily.

However, Zeng Jing added a little bit of aura and instantly destroyed the silver ring's resistance and seized its ownership.

The silver ring belongs to gold among the five elements, and gold produces water. This magic weapon is applicable to his clear water and flying frost art.

He picked up a jujube and threw it into his mouth. Zeng Jing sacrificed the silver ring and jumped on it. The Yuhuan flew towards the front of the mountain gate.

This flight immediately felt something wrong.

The force of Yuhuan's flight is really scumbag, where is Yujian so handsome?

Unhappy, severely unhappy!

Zeng Jing flew to the gate of the mountain with a turbulent air, dragging a cyan tail.

At this time, the man who was attacking the mountain gate was the old primordial eldest man who had conspired against the Taoist Emei.

This old monster has a deep cultivation level, his aura condenses into a lot of roots, and the roots are dancing all over the sky. The magic weapon commanded by the sword formation is fighting against his roots, and after a while, there is a root entangled. He stayed with a magic weapon and fell to the ground. The magic weapon slammed and rolled on the ground for a few times. It seemed to have been smashed away from the spiritual energy and turned into a mortal thing.

On the ground beside him, several magic weapons were still falling. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the magic weapons in the sword formation were shot down by him.

At this time, Taoist Emei had already arrived at the mountain gate.

She offered Huchen and wanted to come to help, but the moment she took it, the old primordial infant stepped back, exited the attack range of the mountain guard sword formation, and then manipulated his roots and the Daunt Emei’s brush Fought.

Dao Aunt Emei had just been poisoned. Although he was cured with Zeng Jing, the aura he lost in order to fight against Gu Poison has not been fully recovered. She is not yet an opponent of Yuan Ying old monster, and Flick was suppressed within a moment.The old primordial Yuan Ying took the time to throw out a poisonous needle. Fortunately, Taoist Emei was completely infused this time. She didn't get another stroke, but was forced to return to the sword formation by the poisonous needle...

Chapter 142

The old monster Yuan Ying was secretly proud, this time he gave the order from above to attack the small school of the Black Mountain White Water Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance as a part of the overall strategy.

The order given to him above is that if the two gates of Emei Qingcheng send master masters of the soul, he will retreat quickly, don’t try hard, anyway, the decent sect always will not rush to kill, as long as he sees the enemy is strong, he will retreat, usually Nothing will happen, the most is to be caught with some soul chicken soup.

And if the reinforcements sent by the decent people are not strong, he will find the opportunity to kill the opponent, and then attack the alliance.

At present, the task on his side should be successfully completed.

The leader promised that after the success of this mission, all the treasures in the Black Mountain White Water, Yellow Flowers and Green Willow Alliance belong to him, and he can enjoy them as he pleases.

This guy is a fat guy!Conquering a weak sect, but can get a lot of heaven and earth treasures, it is really a wave of blood.

However, when he just thought of this, he saw the figure in front of him, a man with a white tiger head and a white tiger coat standing in front of him.

The old Yuan Ying stunned slightly, and heard a subordinate shouting loudly next to him: "Ah, it's the real fox! My goodness, the real fox is here."

The old monster Yuan Ying is a new thug who has just reinforced from Miao Jiang. He doesn’t know much about things here. He just heard from the master of the rudder, Ling Chong, that there is a real fox here who is very powerful. It must be avoided as soon as possible.

Boss Yuan Ying was really taken aback when he heard his subordinates calling for the real fox, but when he fixed his eyes, how could he look like a fox in front of him?

He "snapped" to his next man with an ear brace, and said angrily: "Do you think I can't even distinguish a tiger from a fox? How does he cat like a real fox?"

The subordinates were embarrassed: "This... let me explain..."

"Explanation, no matter how much you explain, you can't interpret a tiger as a fox."

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