Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

A Beginner with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 156

Zhuge Chunfeng said: "Hold it for a while, let everyone go back and prepare, and then he would embezzle the materials prepared by the famous martial arts, and then take the opportunity to drive away. Then the various martial arts realized that they had been cheated, and the plan to attack the moon worship I had to die still."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Shishu Zhuge seems to be very comfortable talking about this set."

Zhuge Chunfeng smiled and said, "Although I am not a liar, I know how to do that."

Zeng Jing spit out angrily: "What's so good about this? Forget it, don't vomit your groove, what you have to do now is to make the liar unable to escape and be forced to run to attack the moon worship."

Zhuge Chunfeng nodded: "This is not difficult, as long as you keep staring at him to death."

While the two of them were discussing here, the liar over there began to talk and talk about how to attack the moon worship and teach the clouds, and take all the tough battles, a picture "Just listen to me Make arrangements to ensure that you can get rid of the appearance of worshipping the moon.

The big sects were deceived so that they were unnecessary, and then began to divide the work, and each took on some preparations for medicines.

The meeting proceeded in an orderly manner.

This is a united conference, a progressive conference.

At this meeting, the famous martial arts of Shushan agreed on the general purpose and principle of unity and friendship, and jointly besieged the moon worship cult, which laid a firm foundation for the subsequent defeat of the moon worship cult.

At the end of the conference, the head of Emei took the lead in taking out a porcelain vase: "This is the treasure of my Emei sect, the golden top resurrection pill, as long as the person is not dead, no matter how many injuries, after eating, There is only one that can be brought back to life in this sect. I want to contribute this medicine to the daoists who have been severely injured and died when they attack the moon worship."

When everyone heard this, all their eyes turned to the porcelain bottle. I rubbed it. This medicine is terrible. Can it be cured no matter how many injuries are taken?This Nima can already be regarded as the second life, and only a "trench gate" like Emei can get such a good thing.

What price this medicine can sell is simply unimaginable.

The two Qingcheng elders next to him were not to be outdone, and they also said: "My Qingcheng faction also has a unique medicine. Although it is a little less effective than Emei’s golden-topped resurrection pill, there are also people who will be seriously injured and dying. The effect of pulling the ghost gate back."

They also took out a porcelain bottle and placed it next to the Emei pie bottle like a comparison.

The two big schools donated medicine, and the other schools can't help but express, everyone, you donate a little, I donate a little, revealing the atmosphere of unity and friendship to build a beautiful new Shu mountain that is prosperous and strong.

The real fake fox's eyes lit up, he came, and finally waited for what he wanted, so he swept away all these good medicines, and all other garbage was gone.

He coughed old-fashionedly: "All schools and factions are willing to contribute to the killing of evil. It's really great, but with so many good medicines piled together, keeping it a problem? Everyone said, Which school should I put it in?"

This is just a nonsense. The precious elixir of various schools and schools, how can they be willing to keep them in other schools?It is helpless for him to donate it. Others have donated it. How can there be no reason for his own school to scream?What a shame!

However, the donated medicine still wants to be placed in the hands of more secure people, and does not want to be filled with private pockets.

A person of the little school said: "I think these medicines should be placed in the hands of the master of the Emei school. I can believe that the master of the master has a good character."

A group of little sects responded in unison.

However, the two elders of the Qingcheng faction were unhappy. They said, "Is the Qingcheng faction not good at character?"

The head of Emei said too: "I think it would be good to be in Qingcheng."

As soon as she finished speaking, a group of small sects said in unison: "We think Emei is better."

Qingcheng: "..."

This is a bit unreasonable!

The two sides stared at each other for a while, and finally, the head of Emei had no choice but to suggest: "I think these medicines can be placed here with the real fox. He has a superb cultivation base and will soon ascend. These mundane pills have also been seen. It’s fairest if it’s not in your eyes, it’s kept by him, but what do you think?"

Everyone's foreheads stiffened, and then they all said, "It's reasonable!"

The two Qingcheng elders next to him also knew that this was good. It was better than Qingcheng and Emei. They immediately said, "It's so good. Of course, these medicines are collected by the old foxes. The best, fairest and fairest. "

The fake fox was overjoyed in his heart: "Okay! Those who are able to work harder, I will take care of this. Anyway, I have swept away my spiritual sense, and whoever hurts the most, who is the least hurt, and who should use which medicine, can immediately be clear. I must not teach these drugs to be abused."

Everyone applauded together.

Then began the nonsense stage. A group of decent people began to discuss the offensive line, and they also took Zhuge Chunfeng to become a military division, and asked him to arrange whether he would go head-on or take it back. Zhuge Chunfeng knew that this was a farce, but on the surface It didn't show up at all, and he followed the group of people to make suggestions.

Zeng Jing's eyes followed the real fox.

I saw that the person asked the people of the Qingcheng faction to bring a shoulder-style medicine box, and put the medicine donated by various factions into the medicine box. The small medicine box was quickly filled. He also meticulously labelled all kinds of small porcelain bottles, indicating what kind of medicine is inside, which seemed to be very serious and responsible.

The Qingcheng disciple didn't know that this product was for reselling in the future to figure out which bottle should be sold for how much, and happily helped him to do everything well.

Then, we have reached a critical step!

The real fake fox began to look for opportunities to run away. He drilled left and drilled in the crowd, pretending to say hello to the big guys from all walks of life, looking like a very enthusiastic appearance, making a lot of noise, but this way It was useless to make noise. The two Qingcheng female disciples who accompanied him did their duties and followed him all the time. He didn't find a chance to get rid of these two female disciples and couldn't escape.

This person had a plan again and walked towards the hut behind...

Zeng Jing couldn't help but feel happy when he saw him using this trick. It was really not creative at all.Don’t you know that real foxes are also masters of peeing?Every time I want to get rid of Bai Yan and the head of Lolita, I use urine to escape. I didn't expect you to use this trick as a fake.

Zeng Jing stood up with a grin, and walked towards the cottage.

Chapter 199

When Zeng Jing walked to the door of the cottage, the real fox had just got in, and the two female disciples who had been accompanying him were standing outside the cottage with embarrassment.

The two girls are quite cute, and they are both lay disciples. They don't need to wear a robes to dress up, so they can be fashionable. Zeng Jing thinks these two girls are quite seductive, especially when they stand at the door of the cottage. This is really exciting.

Whose cottage is so gorgeous, sending two beauties as door gods is really too much for a man to bear.

Zeng Jing waved at them: "Hi!"

The two beauties didn't want to talk to Zeng Jing. Think about this scene carefully. A man is talking to the two beauties at the door of the cottage. How can the beauties meet?The two women turned their heads together, pretending to look at the distant sky, ah, that cloud and cloud.

Zeng Jing didn’t want to entangle with the two girls for too long, because his consciousness was swept, and the real fox who stepped into the hut first was about to turn out from the small window behind the hut, but he couldn’t give him a chance to make such a noise. It's coming.

Therefore, Zeng Jing did not embarrass her sister to play, and got into the hut with three steps in two.

The huts of the martial arts are awesome. They are very large and wide. The squatting positions are extended out in rows. At a glance, they can accommodate at least thirty-four people in the toilet, which is too awesome.

The sound of Zeng Jing's footsteps shocked the real fox who was turning the window. He hurriedly stopped turning the window and fell back to the ground, turning in circles in front of a squatting position, looking like he wanted to go to the toilet.

Zeng Jing smiled and walked to him: "Old man, real fox, hello."

The fake fox smiled and said, "Young man, hello!"

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "Last time I asked you to come to Qingcheng Pie, it is indeed correct. I eat well here, slept well, beautiful young lady, and a great gift of spirit medicine. My Shushan Immortal Sword Gate is strong."

The fake fox said in truth: "Ah! I am a cultivator, and I don't value these extraneous things. In fact, I also like the quietness of the little school."

"Oh?" Zeng Jing said: "Oh, I'm sorry, I said a bunch of nonsense, I disturbed you to go to the bathroom, please feel free to leave me alone."

The real fake fox wants to go to a fart toilet. He just wants to open the window and sneak out from behind, but once there was a picture of "I want to watch you go into the toilet" next to him, and he turned the fart window.

He had to say awkwardly: "I am not used to having people next to me when I go to the toilet."

Zeng Jing said: "Huh? Then should I avoid it right away... However, my stomach hurts so much, I have to squat a pit. If I avoid it, I will pull it in my pants."

Real fake fox: "..."

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