Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

A Beginner with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 169

Seeing this flag, Zeng Jing couldn't help rolling her eyes. Could the prize be more boring?This is not as good as the "reward" issued by the Moon.

This is obviously not something sent by the emperor. It is estimated that the emperor can't afford to lose this person, and he doesn't want to see people in the world. This should be something that the thirty-two father-in-law and the Jinyiwei have discussed to fool people.

Zeng Jing's MMP in her heart, she smiled on the surface: "Oh, it's so honorable. I can receive this award today, thanks to CCTV and my agent..."

The thirty-two father-in-law smiled and said, "By the way, where is the real fox? I want to personally hand him this pennant."

Here comes the main show!Zeng Jing knew that people from the government came, and it was the chief executive eunuch in the palace. It would not be a small school like Shushan Xianjianmen. It seems that it is a business to find a real fox, and the government is looking for a fox. Zeng Jing is actually quite interested in knowing what the real person wants to say.

After all, he is the real fox, and the real fox is him. The guy who was locked up by him for labor reform is just a guise, and this can be regarded as something related to Zeng Jing's immediate interests.

He smiled and said, "Okay, I will invite the real fox out."

Bai Yan, who was next to him, came over and whispered in his ear: "The real fox likes quietness. He doesn't even live with us, but lives alone in a small cave outside. He definitely doesn't want to see these courts. People, let’s ask his opinion before deciding whether to invite him out."

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "It's okay. I have talked a lot with the real fox, and now I know him quite well. He definitely doesn't mind talking to these people."

Bai Yan did not comment.

Zeng Jing turned back to the martial art, then came out from the side, and went to the small cave to call the real fox.

As soon as he walked into the cave where he lived, he smelled a stinky smell. Sure enough, this guy didn’t put on the clothes Zeng Jing gave him last time. The whole person was still stinking. I don’t know how long it has been. I didn't change my underwear and middle clothes in the bath. The smell was so terrible that Zeng Jing almost refused to enter this cave.

Oh, no, I really refused. He stood at the entrance of the cave and shouted, "Hey, the real fox, come out to meet the guests."

In the cave rang out the real, fake fox's sharp voice, "Here's here."

He drilled out of the cave and saw that there was only Zeng Jing outside, so he didn't pretend, and asked in a low voice, "Which guest do you want to see? Qingcheng or Emei? Is there any regulation for me?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Neither, but from the court."

As soon as the words came out, the real fake fox panicked and turned around and wanted to run.

Zeng Jing stretched out her hand and clasped his shoulder...

I've never touched him before, but only after this touch I found out that the real fake fox is quite skinny, and he doesn't feel much flesh.

Being held by Zeng Jing, he was obviously panicked and exclaimed: "Let me go, let me go!"

"Why panic?" Zeng Jing said: "When you heard that you were a person who met the court, you panicked like this. Could it be that you have nothing to do with the court?"

The real fake fox heard that Zeng Jing said, only to realize that Zeng Jing did not see through his identity. He secretly relieved, and quickly turned around: "Ah? Nothing! I just heard that because I was a liar. The word government is afraid. How can a liar like me have anything to do with the court? You think too much."

"Oh?" Zeng Jing squinted his eyes meaningfully. In the situation just now, the fool could see some problems, but he forced to pretend, then let him pretend, and slowly study what happened to him.

Zeng Jing said: "The court just sent someone over and gave us two pennants, one for us at the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate, and the other for the real fox."

The fake fox stiffened and sighed, "Well, it's mainly for the real fox."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "It's okay if you understand. If you don't go out to see them, I'm afraid you won't be fooled."

The voice of the real fake fox became a bit bitter: "Big brother, since I was arrested by you, I have listened to you everything. I have been obediently doing things according to your instructions. Can you see that I have always been obedient? This time... I don’t want me to help you anymore. You can do it yourself. Anyway, as soon as you put on your fox fur clothes and a tiger head, you can live together. You can change your clothes at any time."

Zeng Jing: "Oh, I'm still very afraid of meeting people from the court. You dare to lie to me that you have nothing to do with the court."

Real fake fox: "..."

Chapter 215

Zeng Jing said: "You also know that I am a reasonable person. If you clarify your difficulties, I might agree to your request and I won't let you see the guests this time."

He spoke sincerely and set out to solve the problem. He didn't expect the fake fox to say: "Oh, what's the problem? I just said, I'm a liar, and I'm afraid that the government will catch me."

Zeng Jing: "I'll wipe it! Give me this set at this time? Well, you asked for it! Go, follow me to the people who met the court in front."

Real fake fox: "Just go!"

Zeng Jingle, this person is obviously very afraid of meeting people from the court, but when he wants him to talk about his difficulties, he would rather go to see the people from the court than to say it. This is a strict defense, and I don’t want to go with you if I make it clear. Heart nest.

There is nothing to say.

Zeng Jing guarded him against the possibility of running away, holding him all the way, and flew to the mountain gate together.

At this time, Thirty-two Father-in-law and her sisters were pulling their parents in front of the mountain gate. None of these girls were savvy. Facing the official accent of the Thirty-two Father-in-law, they were all said to have nothing to resist. I had to express that I didn't want to talk to him. Seeing that Zeng Jing came with a real fox, the girls were all relieved.

When the real fox saw the eunuch costume on the thirty-two father-in-law, his whole body was obviously tense, but he still bite the bullet and flew over and fell in front of the thirty-two father-in-law with a squeaking voice. Said: "I should be some kind of guest who came to me, and it turned out to be a court eagle dog. You eagle paws came to look for real people. What's the point? Needless to say, I don’t want to listen. ."

After speaking, he turned and wanted to leave.

Thirty-two father-in-law and his party: "..."

When Zeng Jing heard his line, she really couldn't laugh or cry, meow, isn't this guy usually very slick?When you see the government officials, you will immediately adopt this attitude. This is to show that you don't want to talk to the government officials.

The more you are like this, the more I have to see how you are.

Zeng Jing stood in front of him and blocked him: "Senior, don't rush to leave, listen to what the officials say first, and the pennant is missing."

The thirty-two father-in-law and the others were being embarrassed. Seeing Zeng Jing coming out of the field, he was relieved and hurriedly gave Zeng Jing an expression of "You are a real man".

Zeng Jing smiled.

The real fake fox knew that he couldn’t leave today. There were wolves at the front door and tigers at the back door. It didn’t seem to be a good deal, but it was really hard to move. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Well, I will give Xiaoyou Zeng a face, listen. What nonsense do you imperial eagle dogs have to say."

Father Thirty-two hurriedly offered the pennant with both hands.

The real fake fox glared at Zeng Jing's side and winked, but this time he didn't listen to Zeng Jing's instructions. He still didn't have a good attitude towards the thirty-two father-in-law and his party. He snorted and took the pennant and threw it aside: "Such a fool with a broken flag, the court really wants to reward me, or the money, the official, or the land. How can you give me a flag? Do you think I am a three-year-old kid? Straightforward."

Father Thirty-two smiled awkwardly: "Well, this time I came to see the real fox senior. It is true that there are other important things. This award is indeed a cover."

The real fake fox hummed: "Oh? What's the matter?"

Thirty-two justice: "I heard that your cultivation base is extremely powerful, and the divine sense can reach a thousand miles. If you stand in the official city of Jin in Shu, the divine sense should cover the entire boundary of Shu."

The fake fox said humanely: "Yes, it is true, what do you guys say about this?"

Thirty-two justice: "We are sincere and sincere, and would like to ask you to help find someone with our spiritual knowledge."

"Looking for someone?" The body of the fake fox trembled clearly. The thirty-two father-in-law on the opposite side didn't notice it, but Zeng Jing, who was standing next to him, clearly felt that he was shaking.

The fake fox said humanely: "Who are you looking for?"

Thirty-two justice: "This person’s identity is very subtle. I can’t tell you now that if you agree to help find him, I can tell you his specific situation. Of course, after it’s done, you will have to thank you again. I have to ask you to help keep it secret, and don’t spread the information about this person."

Hearing what he said, Zeng Jing felt a bit interesting.

The real fake fox felt very boring, and he snorted: "Sorry, I'm not interested in finding someone for you. You don't bother me for this kind of mess. The Emperor Dameng has five thousand. What is the cultivation base of the year? The release of the divine consciousness can reach a thousand li, let him find it."

Thirty-two justice: "Your Majesty needs to sit in Yanjing, there is really no time to come to the middle of Shu."

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