Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 2

However, the power of Zeng Jing’s fist instantly destroyed his two thousand years of cultivation, so that there were no scum left. He smashed all his Purple Mansion, Jin Dan, and Yuan Ying, and his entire body was fist-powered. It flew backwards, flying over the mountains, over the plains, over the rushing Yellow River and the Yangtze River...

With a clank, the old man turned into a star in the sky.

Zeng Jing retracted his fist and said to the direction of his disappearance: "4.6 billion years of cultivation!"

(PS: For a little explanation, the level of cultivation in this book is body refining, foundation building, qi refining, pill formation, golden pill, primordial infant, primordial spirit, and earth immortal.)

(PS: In general novels, Qi refining is placed before foundation building, but this book respects the Taoist "Pill Sutra". All cultivators must start by building a foundation. Without building a foundation, they can’t cultivate, so the book does not begin until the foundation is built. gas.)

Chapter 2 The Old Demon Worshiping the Moon Was Beaten Up

A bad guy was punched, but Zeng Jing was not happy about it, but only worried.

Just now the old man said that he destroyed the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate, is it true?

Generally speaking, if a bad person speaks to you in a serious manner, you cannot believe it.But a bad guy can believe at least half of what he says while pretending to be compelling.

He became more worried, so he had to hurry under his feet and continue climbing towards the mountain.

It didn't take long before I discovered a small natural valley, with thick smoke billowing in the valley, and something seemed to be burning.

Knowing that she had found a place, Zeng Jing ran over quickly.

A huge stone stele stands in Taniguchi. On the stele, a line of official script characters "Shushan Immortal Sword Gate" is written in the middle and upright, with a strong sense of decent respect.

However, Zeng Jing has no time to appreciate the calligraphy on the stone tablet now. He hurriedly stepped into the valley. As soon as he walked in, he smelled a strong smell of blood. There were two corpses lying on the side of the road. They looked like disciples guarding the mountain gate. , Qiqiao bleeds, and the sword breaks.

Zeng Jing's heart sank and continued to move towards the depths of the valley. There was a house in front of him. Most of the houses had been burnt to ashes, and several houses were still burning with black smoke billowing.

There are corpses lying down everywhere in the front and back of the room, there are outer disciples who are obviously not influential in dress, and Jianmen monks who are obviously dressed as core masters, men and women, old and young, all bleeding from their abilities. , I can't die again.

Hundreds of people's corpses were everywhere, miserable!

"Spicy hands!" Zeng Jing suddenly regretted it. It was too cheap for him to blow the old man away with just a punch. Doing such a bad thing would logically not be an exaggeration.

Thinking of this, he felt a little annoyed. He wanted to join the Shushan Fairy Sword Sect to apprentice, but it was out of the picture. The Shushan Fairy Sword Sect would be removed from the rivers and lakes.

Just thinking of this, I suddenly heard a sound in my ears, which seemed to be coming from under the ground. Something was beating under the ground.

Looking for the reputation, it was a well that made the sound. A huge bronze tripod was pressed at the mouth of the well. A talisman was also posted on the tripod. The symbol painted on the talisman was not recognized by Zeng Jing, but he could roughly guess that it was used to suppress the copper. Tripod, so that it cannot be used by the people in the well.

There are still people alive in the well!

Zeng Jing's spirits lifted up and hurried over, stretched out his hand on the talisman and lifted the talisman, and the talisman fell in his hand. Then, there was a loud "boom", and it seemed that someone slapped the copper cauldron hard underneath. Ding Gao flew high, and the people in the well sprang out.

A woman with a wet body!

It seems to be about two years old, about the same age as Zeng Jing, with very beautiful features, very elegant, with two long swords crossed on her back. If she is not completely wet, she should be a beauty. But now it looks very embarrassed.

As soon as she came out, her clothes began to dry out. It was about what kind of exercises she used to dry her clothes quickly. In a blink of an eye, her clothes became fluttering and beautiful as a fairy.

Seeing a corpse in one place, her beautiful face was obviously sad, but there was no tears or death. It seemed that when she was soaking in the well, she was mentally prepared for the situation outside.

Her beautiful eyes locked on Zeng Jing, with a clear look in her eyes: "Who are you?"

Zeng Jing said: "Sister, don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person, my name is Zeng Jing, I'm just an ordinary person."

The woman looked at Zeng Jing's eyes carefully, and felt that there was no aura in him, and he really looked like an ordinary person.Looking at him holding a piece of talisman paper in his hand, he immediately understood that it was he who lifted the "Zhenshan Talisman" pasted on the bronze cauldron and let himself out.

"My name is Bai Yan! Thank you for letting me out." The woman reported her name, and then quickly returned to the mouth of the well, shouting to the bottom: "Junior sister, you can come out."

With a sound of water, another person jumped out from the well.

Zeng Jing took a closer look. This time, it was a loli who appeared to be about the size of a teenager. She had a white face and cute facial features, but her expression was not as calm as Bai Yan. She came out of the well. , Glanced at the corpses all over the place outside, and immediately started crying: "Master...senior sister...senior brother...senior sister...all dead...oooo...all dead..."

Loli knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, which made people feel distressed.

Zeng Jing: "..."

Bai Yan patted Loli on the shoulder: "Junior sister, stop crying, we have to leave as soon as possible. If the old moon worshiper kills the carbine again, the two of us will be over. We can't die now, if we two If we are dead, the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect is really destroyed, so we must live, live well, hone the cultivation base desperately, and revitalize the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, in order to kill the old moon worshiping demon and revenge. "

After hearing this, Lori finally stopped crying: "But we have to at least bury everyone's bodies..."

"I can't take care of it!" Bai Yan gritted his teeth and said: "You can't take such a big risk for people who have already died. You are the only one who can't die anyway, otherwise my Shushan Immortal Sword Gate will really be gone. When the enemy came, Master pushed the two of us down into the well and held it down with a bronze cauldron and a Zhenshan Talisman. He wanted you to survive, and my task was to help you revive the Shushan Fairy Sword Gate. If you take any risk, everyone will understand why we didn’t bury them. Let’s go."

"That!" Zeng Jing suddenly raised his hand to speak: "If you are worried about the return of the old moon worshiper, I don't think it is necessary. I just..."

He was about to say that I just punched him away.

But when this word came to my lips, I hurriedly pressed it back. It would be too pretending to say it. Brother is not such a pretending person. You should be low-key, low-key and rewarding.

He changed to an urgent turn and said, "On the way up the mountain, I saw the old demon of worshipping moon being beaten by a righteous master."

"Hey?" Bai Yan and Lori turned their heads together, looking at him in surprise: "Really?"

"Really!" Zeng Jing said, "Isn’t the old demon worshipping an old man in his eighties? He is wearing a very particular chivalrous uniform with many jade ornaments..."

Bai Yan said: "Ah, it's him."

Zeng Jing said: "That's right, he just pretended to sweep a passing righteous master with his spiritual sense, and angered the master, and then the master fought him, and I didn't understand how they fought. Anyway, the old moon worshiper was beaten by the righteous master and turned into a star in the sky. Don't ask me who the righteous master is. I am an ordinary person who knows nothing, and I don't know people from the world."

Bai Yan: "..."

Loli: "..."

PS: The new book starts, it is very gentle at the beginning, it needs to be updated slowly!Don't be anxious, everyone will soon get into the rhythm.

PS: The new book needs a lot of recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, blades and other things to make the list. I hope new and old readers and friends can help, thank you.

Chapter 3 Outer Disciple

The two women were dubious, and suddenly, several changhongs passed in the sky, and a group of Taoist swords flew over.

These Taoist priests, Zeng Jing, actually recognized that they belonged to the Qingcheng Sect. Not long ago, Zeng Jing had found the Qingcheng Mountain while searching for the Immortal Sword Gate of the Shu Mountain.

The Taoist priests gathered their swords and fell, and stood around in a circle. First, they were solemn and mourned for the corpse on the ground for a while.

Then someone said to Bai Yan and Lolita: "I am waiting to hear that the old moon worshipping demon attacked the noble faction, and I have come to reinforce it. I am helpless to be one step late, which is very regrettable."

Bai Yan and Lori returned the gift, thank you.

The Taoist priest said: "On the way we rushed, the sword was flying. Suddenly, I saw something flying oncoming. It was so powerful. I quickly dodged it. When the thing passed by us, I found out that it was actually a moon worship. The old demon seemed to be blown away by a punch, and I don’t know which fellow Taoist had such a profound cultivation base that he was able to blast the moon-worshiping eagle hundreds of miles away, and his flight speed was still as fast as an electric flash. I don’t mean to stop yet. I think it will fly into stars in the sky when I see the castration."

Bai Yan was surprised: "Really?"

Taoist said: "So many of us have seen it with our own eyes, but it can still be fake. We thought that there was such a capable person in the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate, but thought that you had repelled the powerful enemy. Unexpectedly... The Shushan Immortal Sword Gate is already... …Oh... the person who beats the old moon to worship the old demon is so strong that he doesn’t know what is sacred. On this road of cultivation, there is really a hidden dragon and a tiger.

Zeng Jing didn't know what to say, so she had to remain silent. At this time, if she jumped out and said, "That person is me", it might seem like a horror, but it's really stupid.

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