Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation base Chapter 204

The two demon cultivators brought Qingcheng Chenghua into the house. Although the house was very dilapidated, there was a basement. Many of the poor people's homes these days had basements, which were mainly used to store food.

The two of them threw Chenghua in the basement. They saw that they were going to stage a plot like that secret room. However, the two demon cultivators really had no interest in human women. They didn't even want to look at Chenghua. She threw it into the basement and came out, back to the living room upstairs.

Zeng Jing waited patiently, but the Shuai Zizong disciple and Fang Wushang next to him were very anxious.

After another while, the Shuai Zizong disciple suddenly whispered: "Here!"

Zeng Jing: "Oh?"

"Their contact person is here and will come every night when it gets dark."

Zeng Jing's spirits lifted up: "Interesting, it seems that something fun is coming."

I saw a man in mud-leg costume walking in on the other side of the street corner. He looked like an ordinary poor man. He pretended to walk inadvertently, and when he reached the door of the opposite house, he took a vigilant look at the street nearby. The cuisine is supreme, and he glanced at Zeng Jing and Shuai Zizong's disciple.

He probably felt that these people did not seem to be threatening people, just like ordinary people in the slums, so he was no longer vigilant and knocked on the door.

The two people in the door asked: "What kind of leather is the toughest and durable?"

The person outside the door responded: "Pigskin is invincible in the world!"

The door opened from the inside, the signal matched, and the man got in as soon as he buried his head.

The three disciples of Zeng Jing, Fang Wushang, and Shuai Zizong sweat profusely: "What kind of secret signal?"

Looking at the room again, the three people were already sitting around the table.

This humanity came in from behind: "Report regularly, have you found anything today?"

The two people in the room chuckled and said, "We caught a female disciple of the Qingcheng faction, maybe we can make a breakthrough from here."

Later this human said: "Huh?"

The two people in the room said: "Recently, the Qingcheng faction took a fancy to a kid next to us, saying that he is an excellent training material. We have been observing it all the time. Today Qingcheng sent a female disciple to persuade, and we took action. She grabbed it, and now she is in the basement."

Later this person was overjoyed and said, "Qingcheng has always been the leader of the Shushan decent sect. If we get a Qingcheng disciple, we really can get a lot of useful information."

The two said: "We think so too."

Later this humanity said: "Very well, wait, I will find someone to deal with this woman's affairs."

The two said: "Yes!"

Zeng Jing’s divine consciousness immediately divided it out again. Following this man, I saw this man quickly go out to the north of the city and entered another ruined house. Zeng Jing found a stronghold for the demon cultivators. It’s a pity. Yes, there is actually only one person in this stronghold, a beautiful woman with a sharp chin, and she looks very gorgeous in her dress, and she looks a bit ecstasy.

The man said to this beautiful woman: "Little one, we caught a female disciple of the Qingcheng faction, now it's up to you to take action."

The woman called Xiaoyi smiled slightly, and she actually gave birth to a charming and charming taste, but Zeng Jing only knew, but did not see it, and would not be tempted by it.

Xiaoyi followed the man, and the two returned from the north of the city to the slum in the west of the city.

At this moment, Zeng Jing no longer scans with her spiritual sense, but can see this woman called Xiaoyi with the naked eye. I don’t know it. At first glance, it is really shocking and messy. The feeling when I see it with my eyes, sure enough It is completely different from the divine consciousness.

Zeng Jing has seen photos of many top stars after PS in later life, but he has not seen the woman in front of him so amazing. She is a kind of sensation, seduction, seduction, this kind that can numb people to the bones. I feel not only from her appearance and figure, but also from her temperament and talent.

The eyes of the Shuai Zizong disciple next to him almost fell out, and Fang Wushang was even more silly. He didn't know if the vegetables he was holding fell to the ground.

Until Xiaoyi and the man who contacted him entered the house together, the two men recovered their sanity and said in astonishment: "It's so beautiful, it's even more beautiful than Qingcheng Chenghua, I will wipe it."

Zeng Jing said: "Don't be charmed, if I guessed correctly, this should be a vixen."

When the two heard this, they immediately woke up. Yes, the other party is a demon cultivator. It’s not surprising that there are a few foxes in the demon cultivator. This kind of thing is not the kind of ecstasy that fascinates men to pay for their lives What.Skins are just appearances. What the vixen is best at is to create skins that can confuse men. This kind of beauty is contrived, and it can't compare to the natural beauty of Qingcheng City Flowers.

The two hurriedly settled!

Zeng Jing's spiritual sense followed into the room. When the two of them saw the woman coming, they stood up together: "Ah, the little one is here, it's great."

The villain smiled charmingly: "Where is the woman?"

"In the basement."

Xiaoyi quickly went down to the basement and saw that Qingcheng Chenghua was still unconscious on the ground. She took some cold water and patted Chenghua's forehead lightly. Chenghua woke up slowly and saw three obvious A man who was not a good person, standing in front of him with a fascinating woman, couldn't help but panicked, and subconsciously went to find his magic weapon flying sword, only to find that the flying sword fell in the opponent's hand.

She panicked and said quickly: "Who are you? What are you going to do?"

The three men laughed and did not speak.

Xiao Yi raised her ears and listened carefully to Chenghua's words. After listening, about three seconds later, she suddenly said, "Who are you? What are you going to do?"

As soon as this voice came out, Qingcheng Chenghua's face changed suddenly. It turned out that the sentence Xiaoyi said just now was exactly the same as her voice. Not only the words used, but also the tone, voice, and ups and downs. Looks like.

Qingcheng Chenghua was shocked: "What's the matter with you?"

Xiaoyi was also surprised: "What's the matter with you?"

"Why do you follow me?"

"Why do you follow me?"

With exactly the same voice, Qingcheng Chenghua didn't dare to say any more, looking at Xiao Yi in horror.

Xiao Yi turned to the three men and smiled: "I basically mastered the tone of this woman's speech. Next is her appearance, which is even simpler."

After saying this, her appearance began to change. The chin was retracted a little bit, not so sharp anymore, and the whole person began to become less charming, but began to transform towards the pure and natural nature of the city flower. After a minute, she actually turned into a Qingcheng city flower.

Qingcheng Chenghua was so startled that he didn't want it, and the whole person froze.

The young couple smiled at her: "It was supposed to be the three of them who forcibly stripped your clothes, but as a woman, I don’t want to do such disgusting things. After the three of them avoided, you took off your clothes to me. How? Otherwise, I really can only let the three of them do it."

Chapter 259

I went to bed early last night and got up very well today. Then I went to the balcony to take a look. On the playground of Shizishan Sports Park outside, many people were running in the morning. They actually ran and ran into a "+ "word.

This is God's will, so I had to add one more.


The Qingcheng school girl was so scared that he didn't want to be so scared, how dare to fight his opponents at this time.

After the three men returned upstairs, she quickly took off her clothes and handed them to Xiaoyi. Xiaoyi also took off her clothes and threw them into Chenghua's hands. Then she took Chenghua's. The clothes were worn on myself.

In this way, she really became a city flower perfectly, with the same clothes, the same voice, and even the same smiles and expressions.

Qingcheng Chenghua looked a little weird when she put on Xiaoyi’s clothes. It turned out that Xiaoyi’s clothes were a typical set of "charm" style clothes, with arms and legs open, and the chest was open. It's almost the same as those worn by women in the ancient brothel.

Qingcheng Chenghua is dressed like this for the first time in her life, thanks to Shanda Yali!However, without this, she has no clothes to wear. She also knows that people will definitely not return her clothes to her. In this case, even if she is a rod maker, she can guess that the woman in front of her becomes herself Is what to do.

Qingcheng Chenghua grasped her shirt with her hand, tried to close it a little, and said in a trembled voice: "You become like me, are you going to make trouble in my Qingcheng faction?"

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