Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 207

Zeng Jing thought to herself: It is best if someone else comes, and one by one will blow up.

However, there is no need to say such things. He smiled and said to Chenghua: "That's right, let's withdraw first."

The three of them came out of the small ruined house. Chenghua saw him with one hand and picked up both wild boar spirits. The Shuaizizong disciple picked up the snake spirit. She couldn't help wondering: "You want Where to take them? Are they still alive?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "If you catch an enemy spy, there is no reason for him to die easily. It must be tortured and digging into the other party's intelligence. This is in line with normal thinking. It is too wasteful to kill it directly."

Chenghua thought about it carefully, isn't it true?

Zeng Jing and his party were carrying three demon cultivators, and not shying away from ordinary people, they walked on the streets of Jinguan City.

When the people on the street saw that they were carrying a huge wild boar and a weird snake in their hands, they couldn't help but startled. Someone shouted, "Youkai! That's a monster."

"Did the three strong men come back after fighting the monsters?"

The crowd was turbulent, and soon the whole city became known.

Qingcheng Chenghua is a typical cultivator thinking, likes to be low-key and quiet. Seeing Zeng Jing's ups and downs in the city, she couldn't help but whispered: "Brother, would you be too public like this?"

Zeng Jing said: "It's just to be like this. I have to let ordinary people know that there are monsters lurking in this city, so that they will be careful in their daily life. They will be on the street before midnight and be repaired by monsters. It hurt, God knows if these demon cultivators will kill and eat people."

With a word awakened the dreamer, Qingcheng Chenghua suddenly understood that Zhang Yang was for this.

This brother, it seems pretty good.

At this time, Fang Wushang asked next to him: "Brother Zeng, do you plan to take these three demon cultivators back?"

"No!" Zeng Jing said: "Bringing three inexplicable men back to the mountain gate is such a stupid thing, and I am not good at torture to extract confessions. To be honest, I can slap an enemy to death very simply, but it takes me very slowly. Slowly cutting people, breaking people’s fingers, giving people a tiger stool or something, I can’t do this, it’s too cruel. So I plan to hand them over to the government, anyway, the government is very good at doing this."

Fang Wushang thought carefully, too, most people actually can't do these things, but the government is very good at doing this.

Zeng Jing led them to turn left and right in Jinguan City, and soon came to the front of the official mansion.

Knocked on the door, and a Jinyiwei came out.

Zeng Jing heard from the thirty-two father-in-law that the main force here has already been transferred, and the Jinyiwei troops have returned to Beijing. Only a few Jinyiwei guards are left here. The rest are hired casual cultivators. These people may not know themselves. So I didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly took out the token from the thirty-two father-in-law.

When the Jin Yiwei looked at the token, he immediately awed in awe and whispered: "It turns out to be the Secret Envoy."

Yo?Did I become a secret agent?Okay!

Chapter 262

I ate takeaway just now, and when I finished eating, I threw the disposable chopsticks into the trash. The two chopsticks were actually placed in the trash can as a "+".

This is God’s will, I had to add one more


Zeng Jing has become a secret emissary inexplicably, and it feels as if the official is very large, but the official position is of no use to him.

He shook his hand and threw two wild boars in front of Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei froze slightly, and came to understand at will: "My Secret Envoy caught two demon repairs?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "There is another one behind."

Fang Wushang also threw the snake spirit on his shoulder to the ground.

Jin Yiwei was overjoyed and said, "My Secret Service is so capable. We couldn't find these demon cultivators everywhere. Unexpectedly, the Secret Service will throw out three of them when he shakes his hand."

Qingcheng Chenghua wanted to say: Another vixen became me and went to Qingcheng.However, when the words came to her lips, she thought that this was the Qingcheng faction herself, and did not want the imperial eagle dog to intervene, and then pressed the words back.

She just looked at Zeng Jing with curious eyes and thought: How could this senior from the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate be the secret emissary of the court?It's too strange, when did the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate play with the court?But it doesn't matter. Brother saved my life and is innocent. Brother must be a good person.

Jin Yiwei said: "Please come from the Secret Envoy."

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "I won't go in anymore. Collect these demon cultivators and dispose of them as spies. I don't care. If I have anything else, I will come to you."

Jin Yiwei quickly said: "Yes!"

Zeng Jing waved her hand and left.

Na Jin Yiwei greeted a group of colleagues, moved the two wild boars and snake spirits into the dungeon, first took the talisman paper and pasted them on the forehead, locked their cultivation base, and then came to investigate their physical condition. I don’t know. I was shocked, these two wild boar spirits and snake spirits were knocked down by a frontal blow, so there was only a little injury on their bodies.

These three guys are not weak in cultivation, but they were directly knocked down by a frontal blow, which shows that the secret agent's cultivation is really terrifying.

A Jin Yiwei said: "The secret agent lets us dispose of it at will, so what shall we do?"

Another person said: "Nonsense, of course, it is torture a confession, let them confess other demon cultivators lurking in Shu, and then kill them one by one, uprooting all the demon cultivators' spies."

"Strictly exercising a confession, I feel I am not very good at it."

"I'm not very good either."

Several Jin Yiwei shook their heads and sighed. At this time, a casual practitioner hired by them raised his hand: "I am good at it!"

Several Jin Yiwei turned their heads and took a look. The casual repairman who raised his hand was called Zero Chong. He was a newcomer who joined the department in the last few days. Jin Yiwei could not help asking: "Are you good at forcing confessions? We have to remind you that it is It’s very difficult. You need someone with a very bad heart and too dark to get it right."

Ling Chong laughed and said: "Then you are looking for me. Although I am trying to be a good person, I haven't completely changed for the better yet. I am still the kind of person with a very bad heart and too dark."

Jinyi guards: "..."

Ling Chong smiled and said, "Wait for my good news!" He beckoned, and two cronies, Xuan Shui and Lu Yu, emerged from behind. They laughed together, "Okay, get ready to do it."

Worshiping the moon teaches 108 kinds of torture. Which one is better for these three demon cultivators?

Or just do it all again!

When the Jinyiweis looked at the smiles of these three people, they knew that they were really cruel people. They couldn't help sweating profusely. They couldn't help but say, "Hey, the most important thing is intelligence. You guys should be steady. Killed."

Ling Chong smiled and said: "Don't worry, they can't die if they want, hehehe, hehehe."

The Jinyi guards sweated profusely, stepped aside, and discussed in a low voice: "Where are these three people hired? It feels terrible."

"There is a kind of rush to the bones."

"Did we hire any great monsters?"

"Shhh! I secretly tell you that these three people seem to have escaped from apostasy in the moon worship."

"Huh? From the Moon Worship Church? Good Lord Ward."

"No wonder it gives people a vicious and vicious kick."

"The worshippers of the moon are really impressive."

"Speaking of which, the wicked have to be grinded by the wicked, let's see how the three of them sneer..."

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