Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation base Chapter 26

Fang Wushang Daqi, is Brother Zeng so afraid of death?Dress yourself up like this?After a while, a powerful enemy comes. He is going to pretend that a small animal is not successful in the grass?This is too embarrassing to the face of the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate, we cultivators, even if we die, we can't be so persuaded, this has reached the point where it affects the mood.

Just thinking of this, he saw Zeng Jing walking out from behind the big tree, stepping away from the uncle, and passing in the direction where the leader flew.

"Hey, hey? Brother Zeng didn't want to hide, but went to the front, so why did he dress himself up like that?" Fang Wushang couldn't understand, but he didn't dare to follow him, thinking about it, hesitated. For a long time, he crawled out of the grass and cautiously moved toward the front of the woods.

Zeng Jing has a fox head on his head, rabbit skin covering her face, and her clothes are covered with rabbit skin everywhere. They are furry and look very strange, but he doesn't care, anyway, as long as he can hide his identity.

A few strides came to the front of the woods, where the fight had not yet begun.

The leader brought more than 20 inner disciples, facing a dozen uninvited guests, and was chatting awkwardly.

The uninvited guests wore a mess of clothes, did not have a uniform, and they used a variety of magic weapons. They had swords, knives and sticks. It seemed that they were not serious sects. The first middle-aged man had a gloomy face and looked like a villain.Of course, looking like a middle-aged person does not mean that you are middle-aged. The "age" in the cultivation world is so deep that you cannot trust your own eyes.

The leader said: "I don't know where the contemptible alliance has offended all fellow daoists. He suddenly came to the door and wounded my outer disciple if he said nothing."

The middle-aged man chuckled and said: "The Black Mountain White Water Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance, a very weak junk school, a group of scums who have forgotten how to practice in business, if you are hiding on Longmen Mountain and can’t come out, rely on Protecting the mountain sword formation, I still feel a bit tricky, but if you have to leave Longmen Mountain and run to the west of Jinguan City to find death, you can’t blame us. I don’t bother to talk nonsense with you and collect all the natural materials you have collected. Hand over all the earth treasures, and today I will spare your dog's life."

The lord's face was embarrassed: "It turns out that it was the treasures of the squad alliance. These treasures of the world, materials and treasures, are all my disciples who have abandoned their cultivation time and desperately collected them everywhere. Your Excellency said. It’s a bit too unreasonable."

The middle-aged man stretched out a fist: "Cultivation world, this is the truth!"

The leader knows that he is not good, the other party has obviously investigated his side, and he knows everything about the sword formation of the mountain. It seems that he has worked hard. This kind of enemy can't make a move. Once he makes a move, he must have a complete grasp. If this one is hard today, it will probably be unbeatable.

For the sake of the life of the disciple, it is better to pay money to avoid disasters.

However, just confessing in this way is a bit too much.

The leader whispered: "It's not impossible to ask me to obediently hand over everything to you, but at least you have to show your skills and convince me, right?"

"That's what I said." The middle-aged man smiled and waved his hand. A coiled dragon stick flew out from behind him. The stick grew up facing each other and suddenly became bigger. In a blink of an eye, it changed from a small stick. It became a giant like a century-old tree, and he waved forward, and the giant stick smashed into the open space next to the leader with a "whoop".


There was a loud bang. The rocks within a radius of tens of meters bounced in mid-air, and the aura of fire attribute rushed out of the wooden stick and filled in all directions. Several inner disciples of the alliance were blown away by this aura. , The body couldn't help flying backwards, drifting out for several meters before holding the pile to stand firmly.

All the robe of the lord's body was rushed backwards by aura, and his hairstyle was blown into a big back.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Do you understand?"

The leader's expression was miserable, the opponent's stick, at least the Nascent Soul level cultivation base, was much more powerful than his own Golden Core level.And the most irritating thing is that the opponent's fire-attribute exercises, the fire suppresses gold, and the leader's metallic exercises are utterly conquered.

The realm is not as good as the five elements restrain each other, and this battle cannot be fought.

Chapter 32 What is my name?

When traveling, I don’t have time to add more reasons

Because there is no time to add one more


The leader's face was miserable: "The skill is not as good as humans. I am not your opponent, but there are countless cultivators in Jinguan City right now. You are robbing the League at this time, are you not afraid to provoke public anger?"

The man laughed loudly: "You don't look at what level of school your broken alliance is. Who cares about rubbish like you? People are angry? Who will be angry for you?"

Before he could finish a sentence, he suddenly heard a strange voice pinching a noise behind him: "Oh! I don't like to hear that. You really don't have a righteous person in the world? That's you. Lonely and ignorant! Let me tell you that, as small as helping the old woman cross the road and generally helping the victim catch the robbers, there are many people in the world who are righteous and brave. You must have watched too little on the news network to think that the world is indifferent. Brother advise you to watch more positive energy things and stay away from negative energy things, so that you will have a happier life."

After finishing talking, a weird man with a fox head, rabbit skin masked and many rabbit skins on the chevalier uniform, walked out from behind.This fluffy shape made the group of people on the opposite side stunned. It was a bit daunting. What kind of ghost shape is he?

Of course, this style is second, the messy lines just now hardly understood by a few people.

The middle-aged man looked at Zeng Jing dumbfounded: "Who are you?"

Zeng Jing said, "Well... wait, I just forgot to think about my name when I appeared on the stage. I think now... Do you think it's okay for me to name it like Fox?"

Middle-aged: "You are obviously dressed in rabbit skin."

Zeng Jing: "Then my name is White Rabbit Reality?"

Middle-aged man: "You are obviously a fox head."

Zeng Jing: "No fox, nor rabbit, what do you want me to do?"

Middle-aged: "Don't you dare to give out your real name?"

Zeng Jing shook her head and said: "The education I have received since I was a child is that you must not leave a name for doing good things. If you are a hero, you must cover your face. If you leave a name for doing good things, you will be sprayed by the sour red-eyed patient, saying you It’s not good to brush heat."

Middle-aged: "..."

Everyone beside: "..."

Zeng Jing smiled and summed up: "So, you can call me the real white rabbit or the real fox, whatever you want. I won't tell you who I am anyway. I can't think of human flesh. Search me."

Middle-aged: "..."

Everyone beside: "..."

A speech that was unreliable and incomprehensible made everyone dizzy, but the middle-aged person at least understood one thing. It was the fox-headed rabbit-skin guy in front of him.

He glanced at Robb very uncomfortably, and thought: Since this guy didn't dare to sign up, it doesn't seem to be a decent person. The decent person likes to do justice and bravely, and then he will promote his integrity.

Zeng Jing said: "Don't swipe your weird gaze on me. I just want to advise you to be kind and don't take things that are not your own. In addition, learn to respect the rivers and lakes, feel the truth, goodness and beauty, and don't always think No one cares about doing bad things. There are more people in charge in this world. Moreover, other people who like to act bravely are not so good to talk to me. Maybe they don’t tell you a word of nonsense and just kill you. If you don’t even have a chance to reform, wouldn’t it be miserable?”

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Before saying this nonsense, have you ever thought about whether you can stand up this Liangzi?"

He pointed his finger at the Panlong stick that was still lying on the ground: "Did you not see what I saw just now?"

"I saw it!" Zeng Jing said, "But you are just like that."

When I said this, the middle-aged man was shocked.Seeing his own methods, does this person dare to be arrogant?That is to say, if the good ones do not come, the ones who come are not good.

He became wary in his heart: "It is not impossible to ask me to retreat, but at least you have to show your skills and convince me, right?"

After he said this sentence, he suddenly remembered that this line was said by someone of the Black Mountain White Water Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance. The moment he said this sentence, his momentum has withered.

The situation seems to have reversed!

Zeng Jing spread her hands: "Showing Kung Fu?"

It’s really inconvenient for him to show his kung fu. It’s easy to shake the world if he just shows his hands. This is not in the Shu Mountain. The mountains are inaccessible. Even if he makes a big move, a group of cultivators are startled, but this is Jinguan City, southwestern China. In the largest city, if a fire dragon is created here, or a huge hole is smashed into the ground, the earth dragon turns over or something, it will affect countless ordinary people in the entire city.

He used to be an ordinary person, so he never wanted to interfere with ordinary people's life. If you can handle it in a low-key manner, just keep it low.

Zeng Jing said: "You don't need to show Kungfu. You know that I don't want to cause trouble when you look at my look. Besides, you didn't directly kill the people in the alliance, but were robbing civilly and politely, so I didn't want to. It's too bloody. So, I won't show any effort anymore, just stand here and don't move, you hit it casually, knock me back half a step, I don't care about this, how?"

The middle-aged man was secretly surprised: Stand still and let me fight casually?What the hell is it?I beat you to the ground with a stick, believe it or not?

However, behind this idea, a new idea immediately followed: Since he dared to stand and let me fight, he must have enough confidence. This guy is probably practicing water system exercises, specifically restraining me, and water system Gongfa is good at resolving the opponent's attacks.That's why he dared to be so big, but I am a cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage, even if the Nascent Stage cultivator is here, I may not dare to stand still and let me fight. How confident are you?

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