Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 30

Zeng Jing said strangely: "Huh?"

Bai Yan said: "It seems that Junior Sister was trapped in this realm, and she didn't dare to break through, because failure to break through may lead to a madness, but now that she has a gathering formation, she can give it a go."

Chapter 37

Hearing what Bai Yan said, Zeng Jing was not in a hurry to engage in her own spirit gathering formation. Let's take a look at the breakthrough of Lori, the headmaster. This might be a good-looking mouthpiece.

The spirit gathering array seemed to be spinning like crazy. The three-color golden lotus and two pieces of cold jade were desperately gathering the surrounding auras. These auras were like the essence, forming a blue light in the gathering formation. Gathered on the head Lori in the middle of the eyes.

The head of Lori has five hearts facing the sky, from the two palms, the two feet, and the brain of the Baihui point on the top of the head, aura rushes out at the same time, lingering around her body.

Not to mention, this picture is pretty good!

The time passed by, and I don't know how long it took, the head Lori suddenly exhaled, "drink" with a light chick, a dark green light exploded, and her whole person also suspended.

Zeng Jing’s naked eyes could not see the substantive aura, but she seemed to vaguely see a layer of aura on her body, rushing out of her body, smashing away the aura that bound her layer by layer. Finally, broke out.


All the surrounding scenery seemed to be shattered. The head Lori rushed out of a pile of broken spiritual energy fragments, turned a somersault in mid-air, and fell in front of Bai Yan and Zeng Jing.

"Haha! It succeeded." The head Lori said overjoyed: "I broke through the bottleneck and entered the pill formation period. Shouyuan has increased by 50 years, and my tolerance to cold and heat has increased by 30 degrees. The capacity has also increased dramatically."

"Ah! Congratulations Junior Sister." Bai Yan exclaimed, "In this way, Junior Sister's realm will be the same as mine."

It turned out that Bai Yan was also a monk in the primary realm of the pill formation stage, and the head Lori now reached the pill formation stage, basically the same as Bai Yan.

"Come on, give it a try!"

The two women waved their palms at the same time and patted each other. One palm was glowing with green light, which was the wood technique of the head Lori, and the other was blue, which was Bai Yan's water technique.

Two palms hit in mid-air, and there was a soft sound of waves, and the blue and green lights exploded at the same time, and the two women stepped back a few steps. It seemed that there was almost no distinction between Xuanyuan's skill.

Bai Yan was overjoyed and said: "Sure enough, Junior Sister, your cultivation is no longer under mine."

The head Lolita also said with joy: "Great, I finally caught up with the senior sister."

Bai Yan said: "You are only eleven years old this year, and you have already cultivated to the early stage of alchemy. You are absolutely talented. From now on, our Shushan Immortal Sword Sect will surely be withered trees in your hands and create brilliant future."

The head Lolita was overjoyed and said: "This is all thanks to the senior sister's continuous care, ah, yes, but also thanks to you just helping me set up the spiritual gathering formation, otherwise I will not dare to break through for the time being."

Bai Yan smiled and said, "Speaking of this spirit gathering formation, I have to thank my junior brother. It was he who took a trip to Jinguan City and found the three-color golden lotus and cold jade for you."

The head Lori turned to Robb with a smile on her face. Since the death of the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate, this little Lori has always carried a heavy sense of responsibility on her body. Therefore, Zeng Jing really rarely sees her smile. , Even laughed less than Bai Yan, now it's rare to see her smile, it feels so cute.

Her smile comes from the joy of breaking through the realm, because every time she breaks through the realm, it means one step closer to the revitalization of the sword gate, and the heavy pressure on her body has also been reduced by three points. She smiled and said to Zeng Jing: "Thank you Brother, you are so timely that these heaven, material and earth treasures came to you. I happened to reach the bottleneck last night, and you brought the heaven, material and earth treasures back today, so that the Spirit Gathering Array can be effective, without these three pieces. Treasures of heaven and earth, I definitely have to consolidate my cultivation base and adjust my mood before I dare to break through, but with them, I succeeded in breaking through so soon."

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "Don't thank me, revitalizing Jianmen is not only the responsibility of the leader, I am also a member of Jianmen, and I am also responsible."

The head Lori shook her head and said: "I understand, for my cultivation, you and Sister Bai sacrificed your cultivation time. Without you, I would not be able to settle down and cultivate, eat, wear and live. Enough to annoy me, I will remember your kindness to me."

"Okay, okay, it's just breaking through the Qi refining period, don't look serious." Zeng Jing gently touched the head of Lori, "Come on!"

This little dear gesture, the average child must be very happy to be touched by someone, but the head Lori clutched her head and jumped up: "Wow! Why are you touching my head? I am the head of your family anyway. , Your junior is too lawless."

Zeng Jing: "..."

The head Lori shouted fiercely: "I want to punish you to clean the cottage!"

Zeng Jing spread her hands: "I was cleaning that."

Head Lori: "Then I will punish you to carry water."

Zeng Jing spread her hands: "I am doing that too."

Head Lolita: "Punish you to raise the fire for cooking."

Zeng Jing spread her hands: "I am still doing that."

Head Lori: "..."

Suddenly she flattened her mouth, turned to Bai Yan, and cried out with a "wow": "Senior Sister, Junior Brother bullied me, but I have nothing to punish him."

Bai Yan gently patted the head of Lori on the back, and whispered in her ear: "Junior Brother is not bullying you, but caring about you."

"He touched my head! But I am the master, he has no respect for me at all."

"Although you are the head, but you are still young, in fact, I really want to touch your head."

The head Lori raised her small face: "Senior sister touched it, I am not afraid, I want to be touched by senior sister."

Bai Yan stretched out his hand and gently touched the head of Lolita. Little Lolita's tears turned into a smile, and a happy smile appeared on her face: "Praise me a few more words."

Bai Yan said softly: "Junior Sister is really amazing. She has reached the pill formation stage at such a young age, and she will definitely be able to rejuvenate her in the future."

"Senior Sister, I have praised this sentence, is there nothing else to praise?"

"Junior sister is so smart! Junior sister is so cute."


Little Lolita’s face was filled with a long-lost smile, her face was pink.

Zeng Jing: "..."

Such a little loli, but to be the head of the school to revive a school, is the burden on her shoulders too heavy?

Zeng Jing looked at Xiao Lolita's pink face, and looked at Bai Yan's expectant eyes, she couldn't help shook her head, and sighed in her heart: I will try my best to help you as much as possible.

Joining Shushan Immortal Sword Gate was originally to show off after learning Sword Art and Ten Thousand Sword Art, but now I don’t know why I suddenly wanted to be the nanny of two, it's a bodyguard!

Whoops, a creature like a man is really unbelievable.

But think about it carefully, how can a manly man be a bodyguard for two poor girls?

Isn't that also a super handsome thing?

He was thinking wildly, and Bai Yan suddenly beckoned to him: "Junior Brother, we should set up your Spirit Gathering Formation."

Chapter 38

Still traveling, continue to add more unconditionally


After laughing and making trouble for a while, Lori returned to sit in the middle of her spirit gathering circle. Although she had just broken through a realm, she couldn't stop. She must immediately start practicing and consolidating the new realm. There is a long way to go. .

Bai Yan took Zeng Jing and walked towards the Wood Spirit Gathering Array at the back of the Jianmen Mountain.

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