Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 34

The two casual cultivators smirked and walked towards Zeng Jing.

Chapter 42 AWSL

When the two San Xiu arrived at Zeng Jing's side, their eyes were first on Zeng Jing's magic weapon. However, the inferior peach wood sword with a missing corner was really given away for nothing.

Although these two loose cultivators were acting as thieves, they were also thieves in the pill formation stage, and they were a little reserved, like this kind of rubbish magic weapon, it is absolutely not to be seen.

The two wanted to reach out for his pocket.

At this moment, Zeng Jing "swiped" and sat up.

The two casual repairers were shocked: "Oh, I'm cheating a corpse."

"Cheat you a ghost." Zeng Jing said: "I'm not dead. Don't curse people to death."

Two people: "..."

Zeng Jing turned her head to face the two scattered immortals: "The two came to my sword gate uninvited, and they didn't sign up from the mountain gate, but sneaked in from the back mountain. Watching me fall to the ground, I actually wanted to come over and touch me. Corpse, if what I expected is not bad, you are thieves?"

The two casual cultivators reflexively waved their hands together: "No, no!"

However, after shaking their hands, the two suddenly remembered that there is no need to deny it, so what if we admit it?This guy in front of us is a new beginner disciple who can even overturn his swordsmanship. Are we afraid of him?

A casual cultivator: "Haha! Now that you have seen through, there is nothing to hide. That's right, this uncle is a thief."

Another casual cultivator: "Hey, even if you admit it, there is no need to recognize it as arrogant. It doesn't seem like being a thief is so glorious."

The humanity who spoke earlier: "However, as a thief in the pill formation stage, I have reason to be arrogant in front of the master in the early stage of Qi refining."

After that, he turned to Zeng Jing, with a proud face: "My uncle is a thief. It's a showdown. Are you going to come here?"

Zeng Jing was too lazy to talk nonsense, and hit him in the face with a fist on the ground. The man screamed, fell back five meters and hit a big rock, and finally stopped. , Got up with a blue nose and a swollen face: "I'll wipe, you hit someone suddenly without making a sound."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Does the master need a reason to fight the thief?"

He looked at his fist and was very satisfied with the power of the punch just now.Because he knows that his 4.6 billion years of cultivation is not trivial, if he makes a full shot, one punch may even hammer the planet, so when he hits someone, he must suppress his strength so as not to kill the person without moving.

He also noticed just now that the cultivation bases of the two thieves in front of him are not very high, so when he strikes this punch, his power converges and converges, and he only produces a small, small, small, small amount of strength. , The result was not bad, he only knocked this guy out a few meters, and got a bruised face, just right.

This also shows that he knows more and more how to control power.

This is certainly something to be happy about.

However, for the two thieves, they were not very happy.

The beaten thief brushed the ground and sacrificed his magic weapon. Zeng Jing fixed his eyes, and the magic weapon was actually a brick...

"Wow, how poor were you before? Picking up a brick to make a magic weapon, this is too miserable."

After Zeng Jing uttered a word, Fang Zhuan patted him in the face with a cry.

Zeng Jing could have blocked the tiles with her hands, but now it was a good opportunity to exercise her magic weapon manipulation proficiency. She quickly raised her mahogany sword and greeted the tiles.

The two magic weapons collided in mid-air with a muffled sound.

Zeng Jing’s mahogany sword held the square brick!

"Huh?" The thief whispered softly, a little bit unbelievable. His cultivation in the middle stage of the pill formation was actually blocked by a guy in the refining stage with a substandard magic weapon, which is really incredible.

Not believing in evil, he continued to urge the square bricks and slammed down against Zeng Jing.

However, the mahogany sword hung in the air, slamming his square brick to death, without moving, no matter how the thief used his skills, the square brick could not be smashed down another half inch.

Zeng Jing blinked at him and smiled: "Don't use brute force, if you can't get it down, let's play tricks."

"Okay, that's what you said." The thief's thoughts turned, the square brick suddenly flew out sideways, made a small circle, avoided Zeng Jing's mahogany sword, and continued to smash it.

When Zeng Jing thought about it, the Taomu Sword also turned around and followed.

Two magic weapons were spinning and dancing in mid-air, offensive and defensive advancing and retreating. After less than two laps, Zeng Jing’s mahogany sword was thrown away. After all, he was a beginner, and his control level was really scumbag. If he was placed in Street Fighter, he would now The level of this is just the grade of "Ayougen" just rubbed, and even "Zein Brogen" can't be rubbed.

After throwing away the mahogany sword, the square brick "touched" the ground, covering Zeng Jing's front face.

Zeng Jing shouted: "Awsl!" Yang Tian fell backward.

The thief hummed and sneered: "During the Qi refining period, fight with us, right?"

Another thief said: "Then we can touch his pocket again..."

He stretched out his hand to touch it, and suddenly saw Zeng Jing sitting up again. He couldn't see the scar on his face caused by the photo of the square brick just now, and there was not even a red mark, as if he was okay.

Zeng Jing said: "I lost the round just now. I was not as skilled as the others. I was willing to lose. However, the skills are all practiced. If you play a few times, you will become proficient. Let's play the second round. We won three rounds. System, you have to win once before you win."

Two thieves: "..."

"Why? Don't you fight?" Zeng Jing said: "If you don't fight, I will fight you. Master fights thieves, it is justified."

The two thieves were shocked. Before they could react, Zeng Jing’s mahogany sword flew up and slapped it on the face of the thief just now. The man was already bruised and swollen. This face was even more swollen. He was shocked for half a second and furious: "Meow, you are seeking your own death."

His square brick flew up with a cry to the ground, and then patted Zeng Jing.

As a result, the square brick and the flying sword fought again in mid-air, three circles from the left and three circles, with a twisted neck and a twisted buttocks. Two magic weapons were doing exercise...


The brick easily threw away the peach wood sword again and slapped it on Zeng Jing's face.

Zeng Jing: "Awsl!" He fell to the sky and fell to the ground.

The two thieves glanced at each other: "This product is really dead this time, we should be able to touch the corpse..."

Before they could finish their sentence, Zeng Jing brushed the floor and sat up again: "Okay, I lost the game just now, but the problem is not big. I only lost two games. We win three games in five games. , You have to win a round before you can be considered a win."

The two thieves couldn't help but vomit at the same time: "Mom's mental retardation, you just said it was two wins in three rounds, why did you change to three wins in five rounds in a blink of an eye?"

Zeng Jing spread his hands: "That's not the point. The point is, can you fight? If you don't fight, I'm about to fight again." His Feijian shouted and flew towards the thief just now.

Chapter 43

Flying sword, square brick, square brick, flying sword!

The two magic weapons were spinning and dancing in midair, constantly attacking and defending.

In such actual combat exercises, Zeng Jing constantly honed his art of imperial weapons. He found that such exercises were quite useful, and better than overturning the car by himself.

This is really like playing Street Fighter. You play against the computer, and no matter how you practice it, it's useless, but if you practice against the player, the effect of the practice is almost like flying.

Of course, the downside of playing against players is that they can easily be abused!

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