Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

A Comprehension Beginner with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 369

Therefore, today's Shu Mountain is still peaceful.

Chapter 466

A huge free trade market has been established in the middle zone between the Demon Xiu Country and the Dameng Country.

This market is almost entirely led by the people of the Dameng Nation. After all, the Demon Xiu Nation is basically a nomadic social structure, and they are not good at large constructions, and they are not good at trading markets.

Therefore, at the beginning of the establishment of this trading market, basically all products sold were Han Chinese.

Zeng Jing’s promise is not just for fun. All the previously prohibited materials are now sold here. If you want salt, I will give you salt. If you want tea, I will give you tea, even as strategic materials. The iron is also allowed to be placed in this trade market and sold to the demons at will.

The demon cultivators who have been accustomed to the poor life, seeing these good things from Dameng Nation, couldn’t help their eyes light up. They hurriedly shipped the demon cultivators’ good things to this trade market like ginseng and deer antler. ,wool……

These things are also rare goodies for the people of Dameng, so the transaction was happily concluded, and both parties got what they wanted.

The trade market continues to attract businessmen from the two countries, and its scale is also constantly growing.

Many people moved to live next to the market in order to obtain various commodities conveniently, but it is very inconvenient for the nomads to settle in one place. Once their cattle and sheep have eaten up the grass, they will be hungry and must move. , But they don’t want to relocate.

Therefore, they had no choice but to learn lifestyles other than grazing from the people of Dameng Country, and Dameng Country is not at all private. Under the guidance of Zeng Jing’s thoughts, Dameng Country puts its best to use their own culture and technology. , Taught to the people of the Demon Xiu Country, showing a kind of unselfish mind.

People in Demon Xiu Country gradually learned various lifestyles besides herding, and some people began to learn to farm, for example, the earthworm demon is one of them.

Some people became craftsmen and started to make various crafts popular in the country.

Some people even learned the characters, paintings, and music of Dameng Country, claiming to be talents, and being proud in the Demon Xiu Country.

With these skills, they no longer need to graze and can settle down. So, with the trade market as the center, they began to slowly form a small city.

As the population increased, the city began to grow bigger and bigger. In the end, its scale became the largest city in the Demon Xiu Nation. At this point, even the emperor Nuhachi of Demon Xiu Nation could not help it. In order to make life more convenient, Nuhachi announced the move of the capital and moved the capital of the Demon Xiu Kingdom directly to the north of the trade market. With the continuous expansion of the trade market, the Demon Xiu King continued to protect the capital.

In the end, the capital and the trade market actually merged into a super city, just like the Jinguan City of the Dameng Kingdom, covering an extremely large area and having a large population, just like a political and economic center.

Early this morning, the sun was great.

Xiaoyi stretched, got up from the bed, opened the curtains, and saw the bustling streets outside, a bustling look.

She now lives in a hotel in the trading city. This hotel is a joint venture between the merchants of the Dameng country and the native indigenous people of the Yaoxiu country. It also receives tourists from two countries and is the largest hotel in the trading city.

Looking out from the hotel window, the bustling trading city can be seen in full view.

Xiaoyi couldn't help but sighed for a long time: "Who can imagine that the two countries had to fight to their deaths a few years ago? Now just looking at this, I think these two countries have coexisted peacefully for many years. "

Zeng Jing, who was lying on the bed, stretched her head out of the bed and smiled: "People, it's the easiest. Give him a good life, and he doesn't care about anything. It is not as important to live a happy and happy life as any country or family. As long as we live in this way for hundreds of years and generations, when peace has become a habit, then even if the evil rulers want to start war, the people will not agree."

Xiaoyi smiled and said: "Well, let's not talk about these major events. I am a little girl, but I am not really interested in national events. It is true that you have fun with me."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "If you want me to play with you, you have to play with me first."

Xiao Yi's voice suddenly became charming: "Oh? You didn't enjoy yourself after playing all night, then you say, how can you enjoy yourself?"

Zeng Jing chuckled and said, "You stick out the fox ears, and the fox tail also sticks out, but the human form is kept in other places, let's play again. Hey hey, fox ears mother fox ears..."

Xiaoyi chuckled and laughed: "Sure enough, humans are really the least particular race. Not only does it care about women's age, but it doesn't even matter whether women look like humans."

Zeng Jing: "Yes, human men are so frantic."

Little one: "Well, actually I don't mind men's lust, hehehe, because I'm also super horny."

After speaking, two fox ears appeared on her head, and a big furry tail appeared behind her.The big tail actually got into the bed and swept across Zeng Jing lightly, so that the goose bumps all over his body appeared, so sour.

Zeng Jing grabbed Maomao's big tail and rubbed it in her hands: "Hey, I can play with this tail for a whole year."

Little one: "One year is not enough. Our life span is very long. If we don't soar, let alone a thousand years, we can live even if it is ten thousand years."

Zeng Jing said: "Then I will play for ten thousand years!"

He dragged Xiao Yi into the bed, and then it got dark...

Damn, I wrote this chapter at the beginning. It’s early morning and the sky can’t be dark at all. I have to use other technical means to shield the key shots. So, the blue sky and white clouds, the breeze is blowing, and I don’t know how long it has been. The frantic guy finally got up from the bed.

I went to the window and saw that it was dusk outside.

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Okay, you can go to dinner directly."

Xiaoyi leaned on his back with a smile, hanging his neck with both hands, hanging her body like a sack, and smiled: "Eat fish, eat fish!"

"Okay!" Zeng Jing said, "Just eat the sour soup group."

The two got dressed and went downstairs. They looked left and right on the street. They searched for two large circles, but they didn't find a fish shop. It turned out that the trading city has only been built for a few years, but now the goods are already abundant. However, it is difficult to bring in fresh fresh food that is not produced on the prairie like fish.

The technology of this era does not support long-distance transportation of fresh food.

Zeng Jing stood on the street and frantically complained: "I'm rubbing, my wife wants to eat fish, is there not a single fish for sale in this broken city? Come on, contact me with dead fat paper, I want a fish dealer, a lot of fish dealers. "

Xiao Yi laughed: "Okay, don't mess around, it's so difficult to transport fish. It's not appropriate to toss fat paper for this bit of trouble. We will all fly anyway. Let's go to a seaside city to find fish to eat."

"Ha, well, my wife is very understanding."

The two held hands with a smile and flew to another city together...

Today's Da Meng Country is still peaceful.

(End of the book)

PS: This time is really over!Please turn back a page and have a conclusion.

End of this testimonial

That's it!

This book is not very long, almost reaching 1 million words. Among all the novels of the father-in-law, it can be regarded as a relatively short one.

However, the length of this book is already equal to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Therefore, in the entire novel world, it is actually a novel. The Condor Shooting is also defined as a novel (serious face).

A few days ago, some friends saw that the book was about to be finished, and they began to complain that the father-in-law was unfinished, but these friends obviously got the definition of unfinished.

Unfinished: nouns, verbs, refer to a novel that has a large number of unexplained plots, and the author randomly writes an ending to indicate the end.

The novel by the father-in-law obviously does not conform to the interpretation of this term. There is no unexplained plot in this book. All the characters have been arranged, and the ending is a logical one.

Unless the father-in-law forces a protagonist to fly to the fairy world, change the map and fight the monsters, this novel can continue, but everyone thinks about your conscience, do you really like this kind of forced fate novel?That's the real irrigation.

So, after a novel is over, everyone just needs to think about whether everything that should be written has been written. If so, smile and bless its end, and then look forward to the next new story.

Father-in-law’s next story is planned to open on December 1.

Why not open it tomorrow?

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