Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 49

Ji Menghan also has many spirit stones on her body. A few days ago, she used them as rewards and asked the real person Fengchen to help her divination. However, her spirit stones are very small and very ordinary.

Ordinary spirit stones can only provide non-attribute auras, they need to be transformed, refined with other medicines with attributes, and then absorbed to have the corresponding attributes of the five elements, but this one that the owner of Wolong took out is naturally born. The fire-attributed spirit stone is much rarer than the non-attributed spirit stone, and it is still a large piece. If it is cut into small pieces, it can match dozens of small spirit stones like Ji Menghan.

Such a good thing, it was incredible that the owner of the money fan gave it to Zeng Jing for his cultivation.

Bai Yan and the head Lori are a little confused about what medicine is sold in the owner's gourd.

The two looked at each other, their eyes were filled with confusion, and they always felt that something was wrong.

Zeng Jing knew exactly what had happened, and sighed inwardly: This scum dealer!I came to apologize for what happened last time.

But forget it, this owner can't be said to be a bad guy, he can only regard him as that kind of very snob neighbor.

You don’t like this kind of neighbor, but you don’t need to treat him as an enemy. Everyone meets to make haha, commercial flattery, usually small things can also take care of each other a small favor, but do not count on him for big things. As long as you don't fall into serious trouble, he will still be your good neighbor and can help you solve many trivial problems.

Zeng Jing smiled at him and said: "Then I would like to thank Uncle Master for his generous gift."

The owner is really worried that Zeng Jing will not accept it. If he refuses to accept it, it will be very troublesome if he still remembers the grievances of the last time. However, Zeng Jing said that he accepted it, which means that the matter of the last time will be ignored. It's not a big deal after all.

The owner of the village chuckled: "If there is any difficulty in Jianmen in the future, just write to us, but the two factions should be good friends for generations."

Zeng Jing also put a commercial smile on her face: "If you have any difficulties in Wolong Village in the future, just write to us and we will definitely help."

After the two said, they laughed together, looking like a pair of good-forgotten friends.

Bai Yan and the head Lori couldn't understand, but Ji Menghan whispered beside him: "Cut! Two old foxes, with good mouths, sold each other in a blink of an eye."

After the owner of Wolong dropped the flame spirit stone and a lot of living supplies, he withdrew.Bai Yan and the head Lori were still in their dreams, and they couldn't figure out what happened.

Ji Menghan carried a bag of supplies on his shoulders and said: "Don't be in a daze, move these things into the warehouse first, it's ugly to put them here."

"Oh, yes, right, put things away first." Bai Yan hurriedly started, and did not forget to say to the head Lori: "Don't move, because the teacher has delayed a lot of time, you should go back and practice quickly. , These sundries, we can deal with them."

She turned to Zeng Jing with a smile on her face: "Brother, this is really an infinite road. Now you don’t need to go down the mountain to practice. You can stay on the mountain and do the exercises with us. To be honest, if you really leave. , I'm kind of lonely."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "I feel the same way too! It will be very lonely if I don't see the senior sister and the boss."

Ji Menghan next to him squinted, then squinted again, secretly spitting out in his heart: It's a frantic mutual flirt!Hey, let me take care of this pair.A sister-in-law and a helper demon, the people next to him can't help it.

Chapter 62

At noon today, the sun in Shuangqing City is extremely venomous.The father-in-law stood on the balcony looking at the sun and found that the sun was shining, which actually formed a "+"-shaped light on my glasses.

This is God’s will, I had to add one more


I don't know the years in the mountains, and the time of cultivation always passes very quickly. In a blink of an eye, I don't know how long has passed.

The snow has already stopped for a long time, there is a round of sunshine in the sky, and the mountain flowers are blooming. Although the year and month are not known, everyone knows that spring is here.

Spring is the best time to practice wood-attribute exercises. The head Lori has been practicing desperately. She hasn't shown her head for several days. She even slept very little. She meditates in the gathering formation every day. After Yan delivered the food to the Spirit Gathering Array every day, he kept on protecting the law.

Make Denuo a big sword gate, as if there were only two people, Zeng Jing and Ji Menghan.

That's good. Zeng Jing could mess around freely without the senior sister staring at him. He took advantage of this opportunity to practice a lot of magic weapons, and there were already 400 magic weapons hanging in the sword formation.

Ji Menghan began to feel that Yali Mountain was big. This man practiced one magic weapon after another. He kept practicing, continuously injecting fire-attribute spirit energy into the refining cauldron. He never touched that piece of flame spiritual stone throughout the winter. Absorbing half of the ignition aura, but injecting the fire aura into the refining cauldron every day, just like this, he has made four hundred magic weapons, and his aura has not been exhausted...

This is a bit abnormal now!Not to mention the old primordial soul, even the old primordial soul can't do it.

As for whether the earth immortal can do it, Ji Menghan is not sure, because people in this world know very little about earth immortals. Everyone will ascend to the immortal realm after reaching the realm of earth immortal, and cannot stay in this world for long, so Few people knew the strength of the Earth Immortal level.

"How profound is your cultivation?" She sat next to the refining cauldron, watching Zeng Jing's 401st magic weapon, she couldn't help but ask.

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "About...same as heaven and earth."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Ji Menghan said: "You have a limit for nonsense."

Zeng Jing did not explain, and threw a pebble into the refining cauldron again, intending to refining the 402nd magic weapon.

Ji Menghan felt dizzy for a while: "I've said that I don't use this rubbish to refine magic weapons, I'm going crazy."

Zeng Jing was about to vomit her. Suddenly, Ji Menghan jumped up, "Someone is coming again."

"Huh?" Zeng Jing said with a smile: "Is the owner of Wolong Village coming again?"

"No." Ji Menghan said: "As soon as I felt the breath of the other party, the other party directly swept the divine sense on me, not being polite at all. This is not a respectable person."

As soon as she finished saying these words, Zeng Jing also felt it, a cold feeling, from the hair on the top of her head to the shells of her toenails, it was filtered through the ground...

This kind of person who will scan you with X-rays and take CT scans at the first meeting, Zeng Jing has only encountered one after coming into this world, and that is the old demon worshiping the moon. No one else would do that. .

Because this is really very impolite, non-evil people, disdain it.

Having said that, Zeng Jing suddenly thought of one thing. He turned his head to Ji Menghan and said, "Can you scan a woman like this, can you get her figure out? For example, how big is the hip, how thin is the waist, and whether there is a thick cushion on the chest? ?"

"Go to hell!" Ji Menghan stepped on the back of Zeng Jing's instep: "Rogue! Sweeping people can only scan out the other's appearance and cultivation. Where can I find the figure? Otherwise, I have already yelled indecently. The people who rushed out to sweep me went desperately."

"Really? That's boring." Zeng Jing said: "If divine consciousness has such a good use, I will immediately break through the point where divine consciousness can sweep people. If it can't, then I don't bother to break through."

Ji Menghan: "Apologize to my divine sense, hello..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, the two of us have swept our heads, and we should go out and have a look." Zeng Jing patted her butt and stood up and said, "Don't let these people's divine consciousness swept back. Going to the mountain, lest the senior sister and the head are alarmed, it is not convenient for me to do it with them watching."

Ji Menghan said: "The other party has swept over, and of course I have to swipe it too. It's impolite to come and not go."

She stood up with Zeng Jing, and the two of them flew to the mountain gate with their swords. At the same time, Ji Menghan's consciousness also swept out and swept back at the incoming person.

Zeng Jing said: "Why are you here? What did you get?"

Ji Menghan whispered: "Two men in black, I can only scan their appearance, but the cultivation base is not clear. It seems that the cultivation base is deeper than mine."

Zeng Jing said: "You are in the early stage of Jin Dan, deeper than you, that is more than two Jin Dan, tusk, put it on the rivers and lakes, you can already build two different martial arts."

The overlord of Shuai Zong and the leader of the Black Mountain Baishui Yellow Flower and Green Willow Alliance are both in the Golden Elixir period. This is also the standard level of the Zayu Sect. This Zayu Sect can only recruit some crooked melons. A disciple, there is a big gap with respectable disciples.

Of course, the current Shushan Immortal Sword Sect had only two disciples at the pill formation stage, which was worse than miscellaneous fish.

When Zeng Jing and Bai Yan flew to the gate of the mountain, they saw two men in black who were swaying in from the gate of the mountain, acting as an authentic evil guest.

Polite guests will stop before the welcoming pine and wait for the host to come out. How can they walk inside without asking?

Zeng Jing came with the sword, and as soon as he fell in front of the two men in black, he said when others were polite, but if others were not polite, Zeng Jing would not be polite and put out a picture An unhappy face: "Is this your home? Walk straight in there, be careful with the mountain guard sword formation."

The two men in black had already seen Zeng Jing flying over, and had already swept him with their divine consciousness, so they didn't care at all. One of them sneered and said: "You are the rumored new male disciple of the swordsman, tusk! Trash fish at the beginning of the refining period."

Zeng Jing put on a stinky face: "I'm really sorry for my low cultivation base."

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