Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 5

He slept soundly that night.

Maybe he has built a foundation and has a relationship with the Purple Mansion. He, a guy without spiritual roots, can actually feel aura. In his sleep, the overflowing aura of Shushan envelops him, and he is even in his sleep. Trying to absorb those auras, but...

The cultivation base of 4.6 billion years has actually been so vigorous that it can't be added. The aura outside of the body, Zifu simply doesn't look good at all, and he kicked the aura of Shu Mountain out of disgust, so he wouldn't breathe, and it would piss you off.


The next day, the singing of birds and insects in the forest awakened Zeng Jing.

The first thing to get up is to fetch water and boil water.

Pick up two buckets of water from the well, boil it in the kitchen, pour it into a copper basin, mix it with some cold water, and turn it into two basins of hot face wash.

Holding a basin of water in one hand, he came to the house of Bai Yan and the head Lori, kicked the door with his foot and shouted: "Head, Sister Bai, the wash water is ready, get up quickly."

After shouting twice, there was no response in the room.

Zeng Jing couldn't help but complain: "How can I cultivate since I'm too lazy to get up so late?"

As soon as I finished complaining, I heard Bai Yan's voice in the open space behind the house: "You only get up so late to boil water? How can you be an outer disciple if you are too lazy? Come to the martial arts field behind."

Zeng Jing: "..."

This is very face-slapped!

Zeng Jing felt her face crackling, but she had no choice but to recognize it obediently.

Bypassing the row of houses in front of him, there is a spacious martial arts training ground behind them. The two masters, Loli and Bai Yan, are practicing swords.

Both women have changed their clothes. They are no longer as embarrassed as they were when they were wiped out yesterday, and they look a lot more vigorous.Little Lolita hasn’t opened up yet, so that’s all, but Bai Yan’s current appearance can really be called "Ping Ran Ruo Xian", that pure facial features, coupled with a fluttering long skirt, when swinging two swords, the skirt hem Spinning like a dream made Zeng Jing stare blankly for a second.

This young lady is more beautiful than the class flower in college!

Before, Banhua didn't even bother to look at Zeng Jing, but this woman who was more beautiful than Banhua smiled at Zeng Jing gently: "We are a little confused now, so we don't dare to practice, so we have to practice sword."

Zeng Jing said, "What is the state of mind?"

Bai Yan didn't dislike him asking some basic questions, and replied earnestly: "The state of mind! It is the most important thing in cultivation. Simply put, it is a state of mind. A good state of mind can make the practice twice the result with half the effort, but it is disordered. The state of mind, however, will make cultivation even more difficult, and may even get into trouble and hurt the Purple Mansion."

Zeng Jing said, "Oh! I understand! Just when you are dumped by your girlfriend, don't play League of Legends, because you can't play League of Legends at that time. You will only kneel all the way, and even become a wise man who gives away his head maliciously. Hard people."

Bai Yan: "What did you say?"

Zeng Jing said: "I didn't say anything!"

At this moment, Lori, the head of the side, suddenly shook her hand and fell down with a clanging sound. The long sword in her hand fell to the ground, bounced, fell, bounced again, and rolled into the distance, sending out an unpleasant metal paddle. sound……

She bit her lower lip, two teardrops hung in the corner of her eyes, and said angrily: "It's really annoying! We should be working hard at this time to cultivate and become strong, but why can't we adjust our mood at all and practice here? What is the use of a sword? No matter how good swordsmanship is, it is a body refining. Even if the body refining is to the extreme, it is just a scum, and there is no power to revive the sword."

Bai Yan sadly said, "I only had a catastrophe yesterday. I want to adjust my mood today. It's impossible."

"No, it is possible." The head Lori suddenly took out a copy of the "Alchemy" from her arms, turned a few pages, pointed to one of them and said: "Look, this thing!"

Zeng Jing leaned over to see that a strange herb was drawn on that page, with "Clean Heart Grass" written next to it, which had the effect of "eliminating worries and regulating mood".

The head Lori said: "We have to find this kind of grass and adjust our mood as quickly as possible."

Chapter 6 Senior Sister Takes You to Fly

The head Lori said: "Sister, let's go find Qingxincao."

Bai Yan nodded, and at the same time said in a low voice: "Junior Sister, we have to bring Zeng Jing along."

"He?" Lori looked at Zeng Jing embarrassedly: "He only started yesterday, and he hasn't built the foundation yet. What use is it for us to take him there? It will drag our schedule instead."

Bai Yan said: "However, there are only three of us at the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate. Once the two of us leave, he is the only one left here. If something like lions, tigers, or monsters comes, how about he alone? Resist? If you leave him here alone, it really makes people worry."

When Zeng Jing heard it next to her, she thought to herself: Miss Bai Yan is really kind and careful, very considerate.

The head Lori is not unkind. It’s just that she is still young, and she is not as comprehensive and detailed as Bai Yan. When Bai Yan reminded her, she remembered the current situation of Jianmen and sighed: "Senior sister is right, we Now all have to act together, no one can stand alone."

Zeng Jing raised her hand: "Actually, I am not afraid of lions, tigers and monsters. I walked into the mountains alone."

"That's true!" Bai Yan remembered. Zeng Jing should also have a little bit of skill. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to walk into this vast mountain alone, but she immediately shook her head and said, "To be honest, stay in the sword. The door is more dangerous than if you walk in from the outside alone. Maybe there will be a powerful enemy coming. It is much more terrifying than lions, tigers, and monsters. No matter when, the most terrifying thing in the world is people. ."

Zeng Jing thought for a while, forget it, don't argue, anyway, she wants to follow Qingxincao, maybe the process is very interesting.

The two women are about to start preparing to set off...

Their means of transportation is a sword!

The head Lori is a single sword, while Bai Yan is a double sword.

Zeng Jingxi said: "Do you want to play Yujian Jue? Oh! I really like this, I want to learn it too. Who can teach me Yujian Jue quickly, I have learned how to go out with you."

The two women glared at him together.

The head Lolita shook her head and said: "At least after the foundation has been built, you must enter the Qi refining period before you can learn the Imperial Sword Art. You haven't built the foundation yet.

Zeng Jing said, "I built the foundation last night."

The two women directly ignored them. No one could build a foundation overnight. This really can't be blamed on them, only Zeng Jing is too common sense.

Zeng Jing said: "I have really built the foundation. Look, I broke the tree with a punch."

He turned to a large tree next to him, and with a bang, the tree suddenly broke in two.

The head Lori said: "It seems that you are still practicing well."

Bai Yan also said: "It looks like you have a strong internal strength. Come on, work hard. Once you have a good internal strength, you will be able to get through the Ren Du channel."

Zeng Jing: Well, these two women regard me as a martial arts master in the low martial arts world.After all, martial arts masters can also break trees with one punch, which is not a great skill.For example, in the Legend of the Dragon Slaying the Dragon, the Golden Retriever Lion King broke a tree with one punch with seven wounds.

Zeng Jing had no choice but to turn her eyes to a mountain next to her, thinking: Should I hit this mountain with a punch to prove that I have built the foundation?No, there seems to be something wrong!A punch to fly a mountain is not the level of foundation building, right? It is the magical power of moving mountains and overwhelming the sea, almost at the immortal level.I really want to perform flying a mountain. It will definitely scare them. Don't teach me about swordsmanship at that time. It's possible to treat me like a bad guy who is deliberately trying to learn magic skills.

Zeng Jing had no choice but to give up, and later slowly figured out a way to explain.

The head Lori pinched a sword tactic in her hand. As soon as she raised her finger, her sword was suspended in the air, and then she brushed the ground and jumped onto the sword.

This is the authentic fairy gate sword technique, Zeng Jing looked jealous, and wanted to learn it early.

He had to sit on the high lemon mountain and said: "Master, I can't fly with swords! You said you want to take me out, but don't teach me swordsmanship, what should I do?"

The head Lori said: "Senior Sister will take you to fly."

Zeng Jing turned her head and glanced at Bai Yan, who was as beautiful as a fairy. A beautiful picture appeared in her mind. The fairy-like senior sister was flying with a sword while he was standing behind her, stretching his hands around her waist. In this way, the same flying sword is shared, and the wings are two gray...

The picture is so beautiful, it's fascinating when I think about it!The mood is unstable as soon as he is out of mind, and if he cultivates in this state of mind now, he will definitely become confused on the spot.

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