Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 55

Zeng Jing: "Oh?"

Ji Menghan flipped through the secret book and turned to the back of the alchemy chapter, and saw that there was a special chapter here, which read: "The exercises described in this chapter require extremely huge spiritual energy, even for monks above the Primordial Spirit stage, After using this technique, it takes several months to rest before it can replenish the lost spirit. Use it with caution, use it with caution, use it with caution (say the important things three times)."

Zeng Jing hasn't read the content yet, just reading this prompt, can't help but smile: "Oh, it seems to be a great exercise. I like this kind of thing that is repeatedly prompted to be used with caution."

Ji Menghan rolled his beautiful eyes, and then read: "All things metamorphosis magical power: The surgeon injects a large amount of water-attribute spiritual energy on plants, which can accelerate plant growth. This technique changes the laws of nature and destroys the balance of all things in the world. Heaven, so the loss of spiritual energy is huge..."

Zeng Jing said: "Ha, this is good! Are we not short of medicine? With this, there will be no shortage. Throw a few magical powers at the medicinal field, and the herbs in the medicinal field will grow longer."

Ji Menghan said: "Hey, give me a good explanation. The spiritual energy is very depleted. If you are not careful, you will die. Even if you are a primordial veteran, you can't use this kind of exercise at will. Besides, you are not trying to hide it. Bai Yan and Yuan Yingjie? If you put this thing at your own medicine field, you can't hide it."

Zeng Jing didn't care about the loss of aura or something, but the last half sentence had to be guarded.

Zeng Jing said: "Then let's go out, on the wild hillside outside, just find any weeds and wild medicines and use this one. After ripening the herbs, they secretly dug them back to make alchemy. Senior sister doesn't know. As for our own medicines Tian, ​​I control my skill and I only urge it lightly. Anyway, relying on the two golden core monks buried inside the fat fields, I should be able to harvest some good things."

Ji Menghan said: "Have you listened to what I just said? This exercise is extremely depleted! It is as if you haven't heard it. First, you said it should be used for wild medicine outside, and you should use it for your own medicine field. When it's over, the spiritual power is exhausted, and in a short period of time, even people in the Qi refining period can't be beaten. That's funny."

"I heard it, I heard it, this skill goes against the natural balance, so the loss is great. I listened to it." Zeng Jing said, "Is it a loss to practice two hundred magic weapons? Didn't I also practice it? You are blind What to worry about."

Ji Menghan: "..."

She woke up suddenly, but just forgot that this guy's cultivation is terribly deep, as if he would not be tired at all when refining magic weapons, God knows whether "all things metamorphosing supernatural powers" will tire him.

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Well, come and teach me this exercise."


The days of study are always boring.

(The editor lady put on her gloves with a click: "If you write a book like this, you will teach the kids badly and promote positive energy for me." The father-in-law quickly rewritten it.)

The days of study are always happy, happy and joyful. We love learning the most.

Zeng Jing began to learn the "Clear Water Feishang Jue" from Ji Menghan, and his "Sunburning Fire Refining Jue" was simply left there.

It is not convenient for the fire system to break through again, lest the senior sister and the head Lori are surprised, and for him, the breakthrough is useless.For others to break through the realm is to become stronger, the cultivation base is increased, the upper limit of aura, the attack power is increased, the body expansion is also stronger, the life span is increased, and the cold and heat resistance is increased.

However, these things are not very attractive to Zeng Jing. He is invincible if he does not break through. There is no need to rush to break through. Just slow down the progress. The only thing that appeals to him is his lifespan. But this thing is not in a hurry. He is only eighteen years old. Is it necessary to rush to extend his life?

"Huh?" After Ji Menghan swept Zeng Jing with his spiritual sense, he curiously said: "It's strange, your practice is obviously the fire attribute technique, but I found that your foundation building is actually partial to water."

"That's because I once ate the gall of a Xuanbing Bear Demon." Zeng Jing said, "So that's it."

Ji Menghan: "Why do you practice the fire system after eating that thing?"

Zeng Jing: "Because I like it."

Ji Menghan and this unfamiliar guy have no reason to talk about it. In short, let's teach me, how much he can learn depends on his good fortune...

I don't know the years in the mountains, and in a blink of an eye, many more days have passed.

After some practice, Zeng Jing's water system practice has also begun to take its way.

He discovered that an interesting thing happened in his purple mansion. His three auras were now divided into three groups, each occupying a part of the purple mansion. In the middle is a huge group, 4.6 billion years old. The cultivation base's non-attribute aura, on the left is a group of fire aura that has been practised for several months, and on the right is a group of pitiful water aura that has just begun to absorb.

If ordinary people practice the fire attribute exercises and the fire attribute exercises at the same time, the two auras of water and fire will inevitably conflict, restrain each other, and interfere with each other in the purple mansion, which will eventually lead to a disorder of the aura, making it difficult to make progress in cultivation, and may even become confused.

However, in the center of Zeng Jing's Purple Mansion is a group of 4.6 billion years of non-attribute cultivation base occupying the top of the mountain, squeezing the water and fire methods on each side, and can't touch the head at all. How can they resist?

Therefore, he practiced both exercises at the same time without a pear, and there was nothing wrong with it.

This morning, Zeng Jing was turning her fire aura to the back, blocking the 4.6 billion-year non-attribute cultivation base in the middle, and then putting the weak water aura to the front, and began to practice the clear water flying frost technique. .

Ji Menghan came to him and swept his body with God's consciousness, and couldn't help being surprised: "Huh? It's weird! I can't sweep the fire attribute technique on your body anymore. Now sweeping you with God's consciousness, you have become The water attribute monk in the early stage of refining."

Chapter 70

Ji Menghan was a little confused, and Zeng Jing herself felt curious: "Huh? Fire attribute exercises, can't your spiritual sense be swept away?"

"Yes!" Ji Menghan said: "You can't sweep the fire, you can only sweep the water aura you just learned. Strange, it must be hidden by you."

In fact, it is not surprising to hide the cultivation base. A cultivator with a high cultivation base can hide his cultivation base from a person with a low cultivation base, so that the opponent's divine sense cannot penetrate into his physical strength, so that the other party can only see a void.

However, most people only practice one kind of exercise, and once they hide it, they hide it all.If a cultivator swipes something on the enemy with his divine sense but can't get it out, he can guess that the opponent is deeper than his own cultivation level, and he can quickly run for his life, or clip his tail to be a human being.

But this is not the case with Zeng Jing. He can hide the fire attribute cultivation base alone, and only show people the water attribute cultivation base outside, which makes Ji Menghan feel incredible.

She couldn't help asking: "How did you do it?"

After thinking about it carefully, Zeng Jing realized that his 4.6 billion years cultivation base is too deep, and it is impossible for anyone to use his spiritual knowledge to sweep through these cultivation bases. When he hid the fire attribute cultivation base in 46 years without attribute cultivation base Later, when others swept the 4.6 billion years of cultivation base, they could no longer be swept away.Therefore, others can only scan the little water attribute that he put in front of him.

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Wait!"

He ran the exercises, hid the water attribute spirit energy to the back, adjusted the fire attribute to the front, and said with a smile: "Okay, you can try to sweep it with the spirit sense."

Ji Menghan swept away in accordance with his words: "Huh? You have become a fire monk in the middle stage of refining Qi again. How did you do it?"

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "Now I understand, hehehe, hehehe, you don't need to deliberately suppress the progress this time, hehehe, I can keep the Sunburning Fire Technique without breaking through, and slowly play with them. Then, other exercises desperately break through."

Ji Menghan: "..."

"Okay, let's break through the Jade Water Feishuang Secret Art now." Zeng Jing said to Ji Meng, "How many realms are there in the Qi Refining Period of this Jade Water Feishuang Secret Art? How is a breakthrough method?"

Ji Menghan introduced: "The refining period of the Bishui Feishhuang Jue is also divided into three stages of initial stage, middle stage, and late stage. They are the realm of stream, pond, and lake." She introduced the realm, and then began to introduce the breakthrough. Specific rules.

However, after she finished the introduction, she added in a low voice: "I know you are very powerful, and I don't know how many cultivation bases you have hidden. However, you have just started to practice water attribute exercises, and there is very little water aura in your body. , As you are now, there is no way to break through these multiple realms. You have to practice more and absorb more water aura."

This is a problem, but Zeng Jing has already figured out a solution.

He can turn the non-attribute cultivation into fire by eating hot peppers, and naturally he can also turn the cultivation into water by eating something else, but this conversion method is very low and not handsome at all.He didn't want others to see that he was so hot, so he couldn't say anything to Ji Menghan for the time being, he hehe smiled and said, "Just wait and see."

At noon that day, it was time for dinner.

Lolita, who had just finished meditation and practiced for a small week, rushed into the dining room with a smile, "Junior, what do you have for lunch today?"

Bai Yan followed up, crying and laughing: "Sister-in-chief, why are you so excited when you eat, it was not like this before."

The head Lori said: "Because the food made by the younger brother is delicious, it is much better than those made by the outer disciples before."

Zeng Jing couldn't help but laughed and said, "Of course, it's not me. My knowledge of diet originally had more than a thousand years of cultivation."

Bai Yan smiled and shook his head: "Junior Brother is starting to babble again."

In fact, Zeng Jing is really not talking nonsense. Although he is not a chef, but after all, he is in later generations and he has seen many foods. Many of them are eaten that ancient people could not even think of. The diet has been cultivated for thousands of years. There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

The head Lori doesn't want to entangle these messy things, just want to eat delicious food quickly: "What are you eating today? Junior brother, don't patronize bragging."

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Eat bedding today."

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