Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 66

Because Zeng Jing was converging her strength anytime and anywhere, so as not to bomb the earth.

Ling Chong heard the sound of his nasal bone breaking, and then his brain was rippling a bit by the huge force, commonly known as a concussion, and the whole person flew back.

After all, he is a cultivator of the Primordial Spirit Stage, and his reaction is very fast. At the moment he was hit, his foot slammed hard on the ground, and he flew backwards first, and then the fist that he ate, he took the initiative to fly backwards. A part of his fist was resolved by his power, but he still took a part.

Although it's only a part of the punch, it's not easy.

He flew back several tens of meters. When he landed, he wanted to try to stand still, but under the condition of brain concussion, his body was completely out of control, and the thought of standing still could not be transmitted to his hands and feet. When he landed, he made a pop. Back to the ground.

Then he rolled back, hit the ground and knocked down a tree, continued to roll, flattened a piece of grass, and hit a tree again, and finally hit a rock and hit a big pit with a bang. Finally stopped.

Those moon worshippers who rushed towards Zero exclaimed, "Master Rudder!"

Surrounding the audience: "Wow!"

Zeng Jing looked at her fist and was a little proud. It wasn't that she overwhelmed someone, but she was satisfied with the control of her power. Having been in this world for a long time, he is now more and more comfortable. Control your own power.

This time he carefully controlled the amount of force he exerted. It was necessary to be able to overturn a primordial monk, but not to break through the mountains, to hit the canyon or to have some shocking effects, so the control of the power was quite difficult.

Humans are weird. If you knock over their enemies, people will be very happy.

But after you knocked over their enemy with one punch, and knocked over two mountains, people will feel scared of you.

Zeng Jing doesn't like to be afraid of others. He is a member of society. He wants to live with the people and does not want to isolate himself from the top.

Now that such a visual effect is played, the crowds are very happy, especially the female disciples of the Emei school, applauded together: "Senior fox, what a powerful fist."

"It's amazing to knock down the moon worship demon with one punch."

After dozens of seconds, Zero Chong got up from the ground. She was dusty and looked very embarrassed. His mind seemed to be a little dizzy and he couldn't stand still.

He stood swayingly, before he had time to shake off the scene, he heard Zeng Jing say: "Have you stood up? Then I have to make a second move."

When Ling Chong heard this, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly said, "Isn't it said that there is only one trick?"

Zeng Jing said: "I said one trick, but you refused. You said there would be more tricks."

Ling Chong sweats profusely: "No, no, no, I...I think it will be enough if you click it until it is finished, one move is enough."

Zeng Jing: "You obviously didn't say that just now."

Zero Chong shook his hand: "That's because you heard it wrong. We have no grievances or grudges, and we will discuss a trick in a friendly manner. It will stop when you click. This is the best."

Zeng Jing said: "Why are you like this? It doesn't matter if you say it well, I don't care. Anyway, you have just mentioned two tricks, I have to do at least one more trick."

Ling Chong thought: Just one move beat me like this, and now the blood is surging, the spiritual energy is disturbed, and the purple mansion seems to have been injured a little, and the head is still dizzy. Do you want another move?My meow, no, flash, I will only have a dead end if I hit.

He didn't even say anything in the scene, he leaped back, and the spare magic weapon hidden at his waist flew out and held it under his feet, and then turned into a long rainbow, brushing the ground and heading southeast.

Chapter 86

This zero rush was extremely arrogant when he first came, but when he left, he was so embarrassed. He didn't even have the face of the old master of the soul. Not only did he say good things more than a few tricks, he didn't dare to pick up, and he didn't even say anything about the scene. Fleeing from wasteland is really cheating.

The cultivators present were speechless, not knowing what to say.

The most embarrassing thing is the twenty-odd moon worshippers. They rushed along with the zero. Only the rudder master was looking forward. It was very exciting just now. Now the rudder master fled in a blink of an eye, leaving only twenty of them. Standing here, the presence is gone.

If you keep it any longer, it looks a bit like a clown.

The congregants stopped talking about the scene, and together the imperial weapon flew up, and followed in the direction of the zero attack escape, still shouting: "Master Rudder, wait for us."

The group fled quickly, and in a blink of an eye, they all disappeared.

It wasn't until they were all gone that all the soy sauce people present laughed together: "Hahaha, the moon worship cult has suffered a big loss this time."

"I was so ridiculous, wasn't it great just now? Why are you talking now?"

"It's the master who bullies the soft and fears the hard."

Zeng Jing thought to herself: You guys are also boring enough. When the people who worshipped the Moon Sect were still there, you didn't dare to cheer for me. Only the young ladies of the Emei School and the Daoists of Balangzong dare to come out. Say a few words.When the people who worshipped the moon worship had left, did you start to stand up and talk. A group of staffs still dare to say that the worship of the moon was bullying and fearing hardship. Are you not the same thing as bullying and fearing hardship?

When he was thinking of this, he saw Daoist Shui Gezi of the Qingcheng faction approaching him and bowing to him as a salute: "Hello fellow Daoist, congratulations to fellow Daoist for victory and defeat the moon worship demon."

"Guicai and you are fellow daoists." Zeng Jing rolled her eyes at him: "What's the congratulations on this."

Seeing that he was not polite at all, Shui Gezi couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He thought to himself: The people of the rivers and lakes have to give me a bit of face from the Qingcheng faction. Why is this person so polite?

Zeng Jing didn’t bother to pay attention to him, and left him there. Turning back to the female disciples of the Emei school, they were looking at Zeng Jing with admiration: "Thank you again, senior for helping. It's a big loss."

Zeng Jing said gently and honestly: "You all said you don't need to thank you, you are all good girls, but in the future, you have to be careful. Don't confront the evil cult monster when the teacher is away. That's very dangerous."

A female Emei disciple said: "But, if we don't stand up and resist, who else will come? We can't coy like...cough...."

A few words are omitted here, but anyone who doesn't make a rod can hear it, and the words "like these guys next to them" are omitted.

The Soy Sauce Party nearby couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and the Shui Gezi of the Qingcheng School was also stiff.

Zeng Jing thought about this question seriously, and she couldn't help but sighed for a long time: "You are right. If you don't stand up at this time, although you seem smarter, it will actually become a stick. People who seem to be very good at making rods, but actually... still making rods. While I despise the people who are counseling me, I also advise you not to stand up for your own safety, so I am also a rod maker."

Everyone: "..."

Zeng Jing said: "Life is really difficult. It is obviously not too difficult to choose, but no matter how you choose it is to make a rod. In the adult world, there is really no easy word."

Everyone: "..."

Zeng Jing turned to watch the soy sauce party: "Well, I decided to forgive you, because it is reasonable for you not to stand up." Having said that, he suddenly turned to the Taoist Taoist under the tree next to him: "But, why don't you stand? Come out? You should be able to stand up."

Fengchen Taoist smiled and said: "Because I found you early, anyway, if you want to come out, I won't come out."

Zeng Jing said unhappily: "Old fried dough sticks are really annoying."

Fengchen Taoist laughed loudly: "Let’s not bluff or make sense. My Balangzong is a big sect. If I go out against the moon worship cult, I might harm the whole sect. But you are different. Anyway, you Covering your face, no one knows who you are. One person does things and the other person can’t deceive others. And you have a very good fortune, and you don’t have to be afraid of anything. In this case, it is a reasonable choice for me to let you out. If If you don’t make it, I will make it in the end."

Zeng Jing: "Sounds so reasonable, I was speechless."

Fengchen Taoist stood up, patted his butt and left: "It's gone, there is nothing to see here, I have to go elsewhere to watch the excitement."

Zeng Jing smiled and cursed at his back: "If you don't hurry to practice, you will rise to the immortal realm as soon as possible, but you are playing the world here. You are lazy."

Fengchen Taoist laughed and said: "I'm not being lazy. I'm breaking through a bottleneck called the'Red Dust Realm'. To break through this realm, you have to crawl in the red dust and watch the world's scenery, you know what a fart. "

"Huh? Is there such an interesting state?"

"Hahaha! This is something all Shushan knows. I have been stuck in this bottleneck for one hundred and fifty years, and I have traveled in the red dust for one hundred and fifty years. Who doesn't know this Shushan area? But you don't know! You! Isn't it someone near here?"

Fengchen Taoist laughed, and a yellow banner used for fortune-telling flew over to support him, brushing the ground and flew into the distance.

Zeng Jing was secretly happy: I am obviously from the Immortal Sword Gate of the Shu Mountain, so why not count as a person nearby?You veteran should already know my identity, but you deliberately said this loudly to the people around you, obviously you want to bring the rhythm of the crowd watching, so that they can't guess my identity.

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