Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 81

At this time, the elders of Xilingmen finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and stood up and said, “I said Brother Zhuge, you haven’t said anything for a long time. What evil things the moon worship cult has done, naturally we are all I know, now it’s not about how bad they are, but about what should we do next, do we all form a team and then kill the moon worship cult mightily? As long as everyone agrees to do this, It’s okay for me to rush to the forefront, so can you just stop talking about the ones that are not and just talk about the point!"

Zhuge Chunfeng said: "Well, let's kill Miaojiang now. You go to the front."

Elder Xiling: "Ah, I have something to do, let's say goodbye."

Everyone: "..."

"Just kidding, everyone don't care." Zhuge Chunfeng and Elder Xiling restored their serious faces together.

Zhuge Chunfeng said: "Okay, let's return to the focus. At present, the arrogance of the moon worship cult in Jinguan City has been restrained. First of all, their rudder master, Zero Chong, was beaten by the mysterious real fox. Many daoists have witnessed the incident, so I won’t say more. In addition, I also received a news that yesterday a large group of followers of the Moon Worship Cult was attacked by a mysterious monk in the Piaoxiangyuan and knocked over the ground. Therefore, they dare not do evil for the time being. However, with the consistent style of the moon worship cult, they are not willing to suffer such a dumb loss. It is estimated that they are already seeking help from the general rudder, and the moon worship cult will definitely send more immediately. The master of the country came to Central Plains."

When he said this, the expressions on everyone's faces became a little serious.

Because these words are not aimless, the moon worship cult has always been like this. If someone bullies their followers, they will immediately send masters to retaliate. The Shushan Immortal Sword Gate is a lesson for the past.

Zhuge Chunfeng said: "Next, it is foreseeable that the moon worship cult will send at least three or four masters of the Yuan Shen stage to Jinguan City. The pressure we have to face will be greater than ever. Because everyone is also clear in their hearts. Among all the major factions in Shushan, except Qingcheng and Emei, no other sect can produce two masters of Yuanshen. If they are not united, they will be defeated by each."

Chapter 105: Let's Make a Covenant

Everyone understands what Zhuge Chunfeng said.

So stop talking nonsense, and Elder Xiling stood up again: "We all understand the truth, so are we forming an alliance or how to drop it? Just say it."

Zhuge Chunfeng said: "Don't worry! Although everyone understands the truth, we are born to be human, and we don't necessarily do it if we understand the truth."

Having said that, he paused and pointed to a fat man and said, "You know that obesity is not good, but will you work hard to lose weight?"

The fat man hummed: "I will lose a hammer, and I will count the ball to death. I would rather be a pig and eat delicious food."

Zhuge Chunfeng said: "Look, everyone sees it. Human beings don't necessarily do what is right. Sometimes they know that they are so stupid that they will go farther and farther on the wrong principles. This is the norm. ."

Everyone: "..."

Zhuge Chunfeng said: "We know that we can only deal with the moon worship cult if we are united, but we have never united for thousands of years. We all fought separately. When the moon worship demon came, everyone swept their doors. I can't get up and dare to fight against the moon worship demon. As a result, we have been oppressed."

All the people present were speechless, these words were heartbreaking, old iron!

Zhuge Chunfeng said: "I want to review. I am actually such a person. The last time the moon worship cult attacked the Immortal Sword Gate of Shushan Mountain, I was at Wolong Village because of my lack of strength, and I was the only monk at the highest level, so we were scared. Dare to help the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate, which eventually led to the destruction of the Sword Gate. Every time I think about this afterwards, I feel terrified and deeply blame myself..."

The head Lori whispered: "Cut! Now there is a way to blame yourself."

Bai Yan sighed.

Zeng Jing thought to himself: This product is interesting, so that by violating himself in public, he can also wash away some of the gossip that is not good for him.Anyway, everyone understands that you have only one monk in the Nascent Soul Stage in Wolong Village, and even the Xuanshui Lu Yu and the like of the Moon Worship Cult have difficulty in dealing with the moon worship cult. They are completely unable to rescue the Shushan Fairy Sword Gate.It's right that you don't save it. It's really wrong that other schools with masters didn't save it, right?

Sure enough, Zhuge Chunfeng was so embarrassed that he was not ashamed, but the sects with masters of the soul, such as Qingcheng and Emei, the two biggest famous sects, were embarrassed on the spot.

The head of Emei is an old Taoist aunt with high morals and good character. When she said that, she couldn't lift her head in shame.At that time, the Emei faction was really persuaded, and afterwards I really felt ashamed that I couldn't raise my head. Now I was stunned in public. There was no way to speak, the old lady wanted to cry with sadness.

The head of Qingcheng was a bit thick-skinned and good at defending himself. He swept the ground and jumped out and said, "My Qingcheng faction also went to support it, but things happened too fast. When we arrived, the tragedy had already happened. , But our Qingcheng faction really went."

After that, he said to the head of Lori and Bai Yan: "Two nephews, I'm not a lie."

The head Lori didn't want to speak, Bai Yan stood up, sighed lightly, and whispered: "The Qingcheng Sect's uncles and ancestors did indeed rush to the sword gate to support, but I can't blame you for coming late."

All fools knew that Qingcheng had come a step late on purpose, but this couldn't be said in public.

Therefore, sometimes the truth is not that the more debated, the clearer, but the more debated, the more beneficial to the villain. Really good people, like the head of the Emei school, will be deflated when they argue, because people want face, don’t The face is completely fine.

Zeng Jing was upset looking at these old dough sticks, and didn't want Bai Yan to continue talking awkwardly. She stood up and said loudly, "I said, everyone, please stop talking about the swordsman. There is no such thing as a covenant. It’s no problem if we don’t come to reinforce Jianmen. Our Jianmen does not occupy the highest moral point to suppress people. Moreover, it has been a long time, and we don’t want to mention it anymore. We still grasp the main point and say Talk about the future."

This opening of him represented Jianmen's attitude, everyone brushed the floor and all turned to look at him.

Someone couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "Who is that person?"

Someone next to him whispered: "It looks like a new male disciple from Jianmen, the one who just started."

"Why the head of the swordsman does not speak, but a new beginner disciple speaks?"

"Why is the new entry disciple so arrogant? Stand up and talk, do the head of the sword gate and the guardian sister ignore him?"

"It seems that he acquiesced in letting him speak."

"Uh, probably... because he is the only man in Jianmen. At this time, men still have to dare to speak."

The cultivators accepted this last statement. It is as if in a big family, the usual little things of the parents are all carried by the older sisters, working hard to help the younger brother, but when something really happens in the family, the older sisters are all caught blind. , Undecided, showing the woman's indecisive side. At this time, the younger brother, who has not been exposed, can stand up and take the initiative and make a decision.

This is the norm in the world, even the cultivation school is no exception.

(PS: In modern society, this situation is still very serious, especially in the family of Duojie and Yaoer. Normally, my sister looks very powerful. The family has a short thunder experience, but when the old father is sick and hospitalized for surgery, all the sisters Panic, only the younger brother dared to make a decision to be a bully, really, don’t lie to you.)

Just as these scumbags were talking about it, Zhuge Chunfeng immediately took advantage of the momentum of these people’s discussions and took over Zeng Jing’s words: “Thank you, Jianmen’s teacher and nephew, for being generous and ignorant. I know you say so. I want to make Master uncle feel better, but Uncle Master still blames himself extremely."

He faced everyone and sighed: "The master nephew of the Jianmen has a saying that is the point, that is, when the Jianmen was attacked, we did not draw up any covenants. This will cause everyone to wait and see, and no one goes. Rescue. Therefore, our hero meeting should solve this problem. I propose that the various factions in Shushan draw up a vow to unite against the moon worship cult. In the future, no matter which sect is attacked by the moon worship cult, don’t The sects of the sect must give their best to help at the first time. As long as everyone helps together, you don’t have to worry about your weakness and not being able to help."

The head of Emei Taoist aunt stood up: "Junior Brother Zhuge's proposal, I agree with the Emei faction."

The head of Emei was highly respected, and she was the first to stand up for it. Then it was logical. A group of bosses stood up one after another. The Qingcheng, Xiling, Balang and other big factions immediately expressed their opinions, and then the four girls, handsome characters Zong, Heishan Baishui Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance, etc., have expressed their willingness to join.

Chapter 106: Let's Sign a Private Agreement

Suddenly, none of the various factions present at the meeting was unwilling to join. After all, it is indeed a big threat to worship the moon. Secondly, everyone is now expressing to join. If you don’t say anything, it’s not equivalent to all Are the elites of the world an enemy?Only mentally retarded will do the opposite at this time.

However, there is a group of people who are reluctant to join, and that is casual cultivation.

The casual cultivators are different from the decent sects in that they do not have a mountain gate, that is to say, only monks do not have a temple, and there is no possibility that they will be attacked by the moon worship cult.

If they fight with moon worshipers, most of them will be small-scale field battles, and the battle will end in a few strokes, and there is no time to call for rescue. They will not get any benefit from participating in this alliance, but they will have to bear it. It is the duty of rescuing the decent people to be stupid.

The casual cultivators sat aside, not expressing their opinions.

Zhuge Chunfeng didn't bother with the casual repairs either. He turned to the group of Immortal Jianmen in Shushan who were still hesitating, clasped his fists and said, "Several nephews of Jianmen, you haven't expressed your opinion yet."

The head Lori stood up: "We don't have any need to express our position. Jianmen is now the three of us. We are weak and vulnerable. Our joining the alliance will not benefit you at all, and we have no ability to rescue you. , But it comes with a great disadvantage, that is, our Jianmen and the Moon Worship Cult have old feuds. Apart from attracting strong enemies to you, our joining has no other benefits at all. Although I am young, But my mind is very clear, so I won't come to mix with your alliance."

When saying these few words, the head Lolita looked ugly. She was originally a little Lolita who had no knowledge of the world. She didn’t understand these accidents at all, but the memory of the last time she went to Wolongzhuang to eat was too deep. Makes her a lot better in terms of human relations.

As soon as these words were said, all the big sects at the meeting really hesitated. As she said, Jianmen is a big burden...

The heads of several small sects all showed embarrassment on their faces. They wanted to say, "Since Jianmen is unwilling to join, let them chant", but this is something that is said in the public. Nice, I'm sorry to say.

These heads simply looked at Zhuge Chunfeng and thought to themselves: Zhuge Chunfeng, an old fox, is much more sophisticated than us in calculating gains and losses. He must also know the situation of Jianmen. After weighing the pros and cons, he will definitely exclude Jianmen. , Let him be the spokesperson.

A group of heads clasped their fists and said to Zhuge Chunfeng: "Brother Zhuge, you can make up your mind about this matter. You organize this hero meeting. Do you want to join Jianmen?"

They dumped a pot, and then waited for Zhuge Chunfeng to pretend to say: "Since Jianmen doesn't want to join, then we won't force it."

However, after waiting for several seconds, I didn't hear Zhuge old fox say this line. Instead, he saw Zhuge old fox put on a sad, sad, self-blaming, righteous indignation and upright and glorious expression, facing the humanity of Jianmen: "Senior Nephew of Jianmen, you are too far-fetched to talk like this. We are already blaming ourselves about the Jianmen thing. If we build this alliance and we don't allow Jianmen to join, then are we still human? "

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