Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 85

The head of Qingcheng said: "Back, let's go back to Mount Emei and discuss with Emei School and Wolongzhuang."

The Taoist priests in Qingcheng turned their flying directions and returned to Mount Emei.

I saw the Emei golden dome, the disciples of Emei and Wolongzhuang were still cleaning the venue, dismantling the wooden table, and cleaning.

The head of Qingcheng came to the head of Emei and Zhuge Chunfeng, and whispered: "Senior sister, brother, do you feel the spiritual consciousness of the moon worshiper just now?"

The head of Emei and Zhuge Chunfeng said, "I feel it, it's really scary."

The head of Qingcheng said: "Then what should we do? Like that, if the Emperor Da Meng does not make a move, I will not be able to resist it. Even if we form an alliance, it is not enough to worship the moon and teach one hand to fight."

The head of Emei said: "That's not what I said. I'm decent martial arts, and there is a hero who can compete with him."

The head of Qingcheng said: "Who? Who else?"

The head of Emei said: "Huh? Didn't you feel it?"

The head of Qingcheng: "What do you feel?"

Head of Emei: "???"

Zhuge Chunfeng who was next to him understood in an instant, and he almost laughed on the ground again. He suppressed his smile and said in a serious manner: "Brother Qingcheng, you must not be like this. We are also self-satisfied, how can we? When I see evil ways rampant, I’m in trouble? Although I am weak in Wolongzhuang, I will never be afraid of the moon worship cult. If the master of the moon worship does not come, then if he dares to come, I will come first in Zhuge Spring Breeze. I fought with him."

The head of Qingcheng gave Zhuge Chunfeng a slanted look and thought: You, the old fox who is best at seeing the wind and steering the rudder, is really here to worship the moon. You must run faster than the rabbit. What did you say?When I am mentally disabled?

It's weird, how could Zhuge Chunfeng's coercion become hardened?What makes you so stiff?

A question mark from the head of Qingcheng.

Zhuge Chunfeng said: "Brother, don't worry about it! We can win."

Master Emei said: "Well, we can win."

If Zhuge Chunfeng alone said this, the head of Qingcheng really didn't believe the old fox, but the head of Emei would have to believe it.She is respected and respected, and she never speaks out.

The head of Qingcheng had no choice but to go back home full of question marks.

Since the beginning of this day, the entire Qingcheng faction spent every day with a black question mark on the face, and they didn't realize it until the Moon Worship Sect was really killed.However, many days have been spent in the black question mark at that time, wasted years, exhausted, and miserable.


Zeng Jing's spiritual consciousness is still sweeping the sky above Shu Mountain.

Not to mention, it is really fun to use the divine consciousness in this way, and it is very practical.

With this scan, he found several monsters hiding in the valley, and the cultivation base of these monsters is not low. It seems that there are still very powerful inner alchemy. It is estimated that they still have some treasures of heaven and earth. Can be used.

And after the divine sense entered the earth, a few spiritual stones were still found under the ground.

Of course, he has expanded his divine consciousness too broadly, and he will inevitably search for things in a coarser way. After narrowing the scope and searching carefully, he may be able to find more useful and interesting things. This has to be done slowly in the future. , Don't worry.

Collected the consciousness and came out of the woods.

The expressions on the faces of Bai Yan, the head of Lori, and those black-clothed gangs of Shuai Zizong became calmer. They were also scared by the moon worshiper just now, but now they have become a little bit. Don't panic.

"It's great that I also have heroes in the right way." Bai Yan said: "So we have nothing to worry about. The only thing we have to worry about is to drag him back. Sister-in-chief, let's go back to practice."

The head Lori also squeezed her small fist: "Okay, we only got the Seven-Colored Golden Lotus from Master Emei. This thing is very helpful to my progress in cultivation. I will definitely get my results as soon as possible. I failed the help of the master teacher too."

At this time, Zeng Jing adjusted the aura of Sun Sun Refining Jue to the forefront, and followed them up and said, "I will also work hard to cross the Qi Refining Period as soon as possible and enter the Pill Consolidation Period to help the senior sister and the head fend off the enemy."

The handsome character Zong and Ji Menghan next to each other rolled their eyes together, thinking: You guy, you acted so fake.

Chapter 111

At the moment of the great enemy, all the big sects in the Shu Mountain have begun to step up their cultivation.

Of course, only those with good aptitudes in the sect are stepping up their cultivation, while the tool people are desperately refining equipment, refining medicine, strengthening the mountain guarding sword formation, preparing the heaven and earth treasures, and concentrating all the resources on the best disciples of the sect. The creation of "thugs" was just for a decisive battle with the moon worship cult.

This atmosphere is quite thriving.

In the Shushan Fairy Sword Gate...

The head Lori has been practicing more desperately these days, often sitting in the gathering spirits even eating.

The seven-color golden lotus given by the head of Emei is truly extraordinary, and its spiritual gathering effect is far superior to the tattered ones bought from the Black Mountain White Water Alliance before.The head Lolita is a talented and intelligent talent with infinite potential. She is a rare cultivator in a thousand years, so the progress of her training is maddeningly fast.

She is fast, which means Zeng Jing is fast!

After a few days, when the head Lori announced that she had entered the late stage of the pill formation and was about to start to condense the golden core, Zeng Jing also generously announced to her senior sister: "I have broken through the refining period and entered the pill formation. Time is coming."

Bai Yan couldn't help being overjoyed, and then she focused more on the role of a tool person for the younger sisters and younger brothers. In addition to cooking, she took almost all other chores in the past and stopped letting Zeng Jing do it, trying to save Zeng Jing. time.

Ji Menghan is not idle either. In these days, she often sneaks to Jinguan City to observe the movement of the moon worship cult.

Since the last time the real fox hit zero punch, a mysterious man and woman hit Xuanshui and others, the moon worshippers of Jinguan and rudder have started to behave in a low-key manner, because they also understand the truth that "good guys don't suffer from immediate losses". Although there are many masters of the Moon Worship Cult, the masters are all staying at the rudder of the Miao borders and practicing desperately.

If the master did not come, they would jump in Jinguan City, and be careful to be slapped to death by these mysterious decent masters. When the time comes, the people at the rudder can only avenge them.

Who is so happy that makes people avenge themselves?

Therefore, it is inevitable to keep a low profile. While keeping a low profile, build the facilities in the sub-rudder and prepare things like the spirit gathering so that the masters of the general rudder can easily come here to sit here. If there is no gathering spirit, the general The rudder master is not willing to move.

This also gave the various martial arts the opportunity to operate in Jinguan City. Taking advantage of the low-key moon worshipers for the time being, the outer disciples of various martial arts can also do business and trade in Jinguan City more conveniently. Supplies.

There is a brief peace in the arena.

That evening...

Zeng Jing was practicing "Wan Jian Jue" in front of her cabin.

Wan Jian Jue is a method of using spiritual energy to condense into a sword shape, and then manipulate them to fly and attack the enemy.

Zeng Jing first ate a black date and transformed into a blue long sword in the sky. On a whim, she ate a chili and transformed into a red long sword in the sky. Unexpectedly, he did so. It works.A red and a blue, two long swords were suspended above his head at the same time.

"Oh! Practice two exercises at the same time, and you can actually make swords of two colors." Zeng Jing was overjoyed: "Then I will learn more exercises in the future. Wouldn't it be possible to make all the flying swords of the five elements color? , Make a five-color rainbow, handsome."

Just thinking of this, a ray of light flew in the distance, and it was Ji Menghan who had returned.

She carried a large package on her back, which contained many daily necessities. She flew to Zeng Jing, threw the large package to the ground, and smiled: "Well, you can practice comfortably by yourself, but you make me go shopping. After going back and forth, I almost became an outer disciple of the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate."

Zeng Jing smiled and said: "Why don't you just join our sword gate? Enter now and you will directly become the elder of the central guardian of the faction."

Ji Menghan couldn't laugh or cry: "I love freedom by nature. After I avenge my family, I will retreat from the world and become an ordinary person. I don't want to join any famous sect."

Zeng Jing said: "That's because the general famous sect will restrain the disciple of the sect, which makes people feel unfree, but where my sword sect is still restraining others, look at me, hide here and play secretly with the water and fire double swords. The head doesn't even know."

Ji Menghan: "..."

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