Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Cultivation Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 87

Zeng Jing smiled and said, "Hey, that's right! Anyway, the principle is very simple, just like the operation method of the last ginseng planting, right?"

Episode 113

Ji Menghan whispered: "Hey, this is not as simple as you think."

Zeng Jing said: "Oh? What's the matter? Is it different from growing ginseng? It's not all using your own aura to nourish each other, the difference is that one nourishes ginseng and the other nourishes people."

Ji Menghan said: "The difference is whether your cultivation is temporary or permanent."

Zeng Jing said strangely: "What do you say?"

Ji Menghan said: "When you use the miraculous powers of all things to nourish plants, your aura is only a temporary loss. The plants absorb the aura you give them and grow, and they grow while also breathing in and releasing the aura. It is given back to the heaven and the earth. These auras belong to you, so when they return to the space between the heaven and the earth, they will slowly flow into your body. After a few days, your aura will be able to replenish it, as if it had not been lost."

"But it’s different to be an elder to pass the gong. You have to know that you are facing a monk who is forming a pill. She will greedily absorb all the auras around her, wrap them in her own aura, and finally condense. In the golden core, you won't be returned to you again, these spiritual energy different masters, and will never return in the future, you will truly deplete your cultivation."

At this moment, Zeng Jing understood: "In other words, if you nourish plants, you will lose the blue bars. As an elder, you will lose the upper bound of the blue bars."

Ji Menghan squinted: "What weird thing is saying? What blue bar, upper limit box, I don't understand."

Regardless of whether she can understand or not, Zeng Jingcai touched her chin with one hand and seriously considered the question: "Use your own upper limit frame to help others. This is a bit of abandonment, buddy, I don't seem to be that. This kind of selfless dedication to others."

He whispered: "Miss Sister, do you estimate, if we want to change my Lolita's elixir from the third product to the first product, how much spiritual energy is needed to pass?"

Ji Menghan said: "Let’s think about it... well... Generally speaking, the amount of aura required to form a first-grade golden core is nine times more than that of a nine-grade golden core. It is equivalent to the amount of a person with ordinary qualifications who has cultivated for about 20 years... The first level is nine times that of mine, which is the amount of cultivation of a mediocre person who has cultivated for 180 years, and then deducts her own pill. The strength between the third to the fifth rank, that is to say..."

She turned her head and said to Zeng Jing seriously: "Help her produce a first-grade golden core. You may need to release five hundred years of cultivation and permeate her to help her condense golden core, and she will suck about one golden core. The cultivation base of about a hundred years, these are sucked away, it is your hard loss."

Zeng Jing said: "Wow, I'm so afraid of losing a hundred years of cultivation base, I'm terrified."

Ji Menghan spread his hands: "This is indeed a fortune. No one has the courage to take a hundred years of cultivation and give it to others directly. The loss is unbearable, and one hundred years of cultivation is in vain..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard Zeng Jing say to Bai Yan: "Oh, senior sister, I need to squat."

Bai Yan said in a very angry manner: "Hey, Junior Sister is about to form a pill, we need to protect the law, what pit are you squatting now?"

Zeng Jing said: "I will be back soon."

Bai Yan said helplessly: "Go, go, no enemy is coming anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't protect the law."

Zeng Jing made a face at Ji Menghan, and then went into the woods next to her.

Ji Menghan froze suddenly: This...this guy is going to hide in the woods and secretly spread the power?At this time, he said to go to the pit, he must be going to spread the gong!My goodness, he really intends to give a hundred years of cultivation base to the head Lori?This... what kind of selfless dedication is this, wouldn't he feel distressed for a hundred years of cultivation?This is a hundred years, not a year, or months of cultivation.In life, how many years are there to live?

As soon as she thought of this, she felt the water aura in the spirit gathering formation suddenly became more abundant.

Bai Yan clearly felt it too, and couldn't help but curiously said: "Huh? What happened? Where did the water spirit come from? Suddenly, it was rising."

Ji Menghan sighed lightly and helped to cover up: "Maybe it's a sudden explosion of spiritual energy between heaven and earth. People with deep blessings will occasionally encounter this kind of thing."

Bai Yan did not doubt that it had it, and said loudly to the head of the formation, Lori: "Junior sister, it seems that you have a deep blessing, and suddenly there is a great spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and it happens to be water aura. This is your best opportunity. Hurry up to form a pill, hurry, hurry!"

The head Lori is not stupid. As soon as she feels this incomparable water aura, she immediately refreshed. She feels that her spirit gathering formation is frantically gathering these water auras to her side, making her whole person Soaked in ample aura.

Of course, she couldn't absorb these auras at this time, because she had reached the Great Perfection realm at the end of the pill formation, just like a bottle filled with auras, there was no way to absorb the auras, unless she broke through to the next realm.

She quickly condensed all the aura in her body into a ball, and began to shrink and squeeze!

The golden core began to form slowly in her purple mansion, her aura continuously entered the golden core, and then there was a gap in the aura, and she quickly absorbed the aura from the body to supplement it, and injected it into the golden core.In this way, the spirit energy is generally consumed to condense the golden core, while absorbing the spirit energy from the body to replenish the ammunition.

As a result, the golden core condenses more and more and becomes more and more beautiful.

The head Lori herself knew that, limited by the conditions, she could only produce the third-rank golden core, but this time the aura exploded and she did not expect it. At this time, the aura she absorbed far exceeded her own expectations. Beyond the bonus effect that the Spirit Gathering Array can bring to her.

I don't know how long it took, the head Lori suddenly opened her eyes, exhaled and jumped up.

The whole body is full of green light!

She exclaimed with endless joy: "Senior Sister, Junior Brother, I succeeded in forming a pill, first-grade! First-grade golden pill."

"What, first-grade?" Bai Yan overjoyed: "Is it really first-grade? The best pill, you will be able to advance in the future, so don't make a mistake."

"It's really a first-class! It's a first-class!" The head Lori cried with joy: "I didn't expect that there is no high-level spirit gathering formation, no elixir, and no help from the elders. Under such embarrassing conditions, it can actually be After producing a first-grade golden core, the heaven and the earth are so alive, this...this must be the blessing of heaven."

"Yes, yes, this must be God's favor." Bai Yan hurriedly took the head Lori's hand and said: "Let's thank heaven and earth quickly!"

Together, the two seriously bowed to the sky: "Thank God for your caress. The sky is endless, I am Shushan Immortal Sword Gate."

Chapter 114

The two girls were there to worship the sky, but Ji Menghan next to him had an old groove. He was really uncomfortable and almost suffered internal injuries. Finally, she saw Zeng Jing emerge from the woods. She quickly grabbed Zeng Jing. He whispered in his ear: "Are you really spreading power?"

"Passed it!"

"How much did you lose?"

"You are very correct. There is only a slight deviation." Zeng Jing smiled and said: "I have lost about 96 years of cultivation base."

Ji Menghan said with a sweat: "The loss is so great, you can actually laugh."

Zeng Jing said: "Oh, I have lost a lot, I am too tired, I am too tired to stand still, I need the tender embrace of a beautiful woman..."

After speaking, he leaned forward and fell on Ji Menghan.

I thought that Ji Menghan would stretch out his hand to hug him, but she gave way to the side, and Zeng Jing fell to the ground with a "puff".

Zeng Jing said: "Hello!"

Ji Menghan hummed: "Thousands-old old monsters, don't even want to eat tender grass, I won't let you wipe your oil."

Zeng Jing said: "I'm eighteen...cough, I should be nineteen, a handsome young man, if you hold me, is it you eating tender grass, okay, you still look disgusting?"

Ji Menghan: "Go and go, the ghost believes in you."

Zeng Jing: "It is true that the world is going downhill, and people's hearts are not old."

Ji Menghan: "The man who fell on the woman is the one who is not old. If you are really an old man, you should not do this kind of hooliganism."

The two said a few words, Bai Yan over there also finished worshipping God. She suddenly jumped up and turned around and ran in front of Zeng Jing. At this time, Zeng Jing was still lying on the ground, and Bai Yan faced it. After a stop, he said anxiously: "Junior, what are you still doing while lying down here? Quick, get up and practice."

"Huh?" Zeng Jing said strangely: "What kind of practice?"

Bai Yan said: "The spiritual energy explodes between heaven and earth. At this time, cultivation will get twice the result with half the effort. Hurry up...Huh?"

She suddenly discovered that the aura that had just filled her side had now disappeared without a trace.

"Ah, what a pity." Bai Yan bent forward in frustration and threw himself to the ground with a puff: "This is such a good opportunity, Junior Brother, but you spent it in the pit, my poor Junior Brother, just now, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi In a big explosion, you can at least absorb the cultivation base equivalent to several years."

Zeng Jing: "..."

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