Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension Beginners with 4.6 Billion Years of Cultivation Chapter 92


Hua Yu drilled around in the alley, looked behind her back, she couldn't see the yellow-clothed man chasing her, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, the breath had just been relieved, and when she turned her head, she found the yellow-clothed man I don't know when, I stood in front of her.

She couldn't help but change her face.

The yellow-clothed man sneered and said: "Flee, continue to escape? I chased you from Shuangqing City and chased you for eight hundred miles. You are really able to escape! An ordinary woman who is only ten miles away from home is panicked and wonders where to go. And you are worthy of being a Jiangmen tiger girl, so you can escape."

With a black face, Hua Yu took out a piece of iron rod from the left sleeve, then took out another piece of iron rod from the right sleeve, and took out two iron rods from the long skirt, and the four iron rods were combined in At the same time, they actually synthesized a Zhang Er iron gun.

She put the iron spear in her hand, danced a spear, and then looked at the man in yellow with solemn expression.

Lori, the head peeking from a distance, whispered: "She has no cultivation base, this gun should be used by pure physical skills. It just looks good, it's not powerful."

Bai Yan said: "You can't say the same thing. If the other party is not a cultivator, physical skills are quite useful for physical skills."

The head Lori sighed: "Unfortunately, the man in yellow clothes is a cultivator. I don't want to be horrified. I didn't use my spiritual sense to sweep his body, but I can feel the aura in him."

Bai Yan said, "That's it."

The man in yellow took a step forward: "Put away your iron gun, it is useless to me, you should understand. How can ordinary martial arts be able to deal with the cultivator? Your iron gun is unbearable in front of my magic weapon. hit."

Hua Yu bit her lower lip: "The generation who will never surrender the door without fighting, even if they hit the stone with a pebble, they must knock the stone a little bit crooked."

The yellow-clothed man was happy: "Even if I stand still and let you poke enough iron, don't want to hurt me a bit. You want to hit me, that's too much."

Hua Yu didn't speak anymore. It seemed that this woman didn't like to speak very much. When she came to the head of Lori to join the school, and when she spoke to Zeng Jing in a low voice, she didn't actually say a few words.

The man in yellow had no choice but to talk solo: "I won't talk nonsense with you anymore, hand over your golden hazel armor."

"That's impossible." Huayu only said four words, so I won't say more.

Bai Yan whispered: "It seems that I have gradually understood something, the yellow-clothed man wants to rob her. It's something called a golden armor."

The head Lori said: "What is that? Is it a magic weapon?"

Bai Yan said: "It sounds like a magic weapon, but it is unlikely that a mortal has a magic weapon. It should be a treasure of heaven and earth, but it was accidentally obtained by a mortal."

The head Lori understood: "This person wants to rob her of the treasures of her family. This is a robbery act. We should help her."

Bai Yan said: "It's hard to tell, we don't understand the things in the mortal world, so let's look at it more."

The yellow-clothed man sneered: "Toast and not eat or drink fine wine, if your family is willing to surrender the golden hazel, you will not be killed, you will not escape eight hundred miles. Don't think I am I don’t know, the golden armor is worn on you, close-fitting, covered with burlap, trying to get through, it’s ridiculous."

Hua Yu's face changed miserably.

Huang Yi said: "Well, since you are not willing to hand it over, I don't mind stopping you, and then slowly peeling off the armor, huh? How do you feel that it is very interesting to think about it, after all, you look good, hey Hey."

As he spoke, his voice had a hint of lewdness, which made people uncomfortable to hear.

The head Lori is unhappy: "Senior Sister, this person is a badass. It is already certain."

Bai Yan nodded: "Indeed! Prepare to save people."

Hua Yu is not a woman with a lot of nonsense. The other party is full of weird words. She has long been unable to bear it. Coupled with the hatred of the family members being killed, it also made her angry. With an iron spear in her hand, she stabbed the man in yellow face to face. Past.

However, the man in yellow didn't bother to move while standing. A weird piece of bamboo flew out from behind him, and in front of him, with a bang, it held Huayu's iron spear.

The bamboo is dried yellow bamboo, soaked in oil, it looks yellow and shiny, just like golden bamboo, it is a very regrettable magic weapon.

Hua Yu was blocked by a shot, but she didn’t feel surprised. She turned the gun in her hand and instantly changed her moves. A spear shot erupted, covering the vitals of the yellow-clothed man's upper body, but the yellow-clothed man was still standing. Without moving, the bamboo magic weapon flew in mid-air, blocking the left and the right, actually blocking all the shadows of Huayu's spear, not even a single move was missed.

Hua Yu's face was extremely ugly.

The man in yellow smiled and said: "It's such an amazing Huajia spear technique. However, this kind of spear technique can only bully an ordinary martial artist. In front of my cultivator, it is useless. I stand still and just need to move my mind. , My magic weapon can take over all your moves, do you think you have a chance?"

Hua Yu froze, then suddenly turned the gun head, and slammed it down at her throat.


With a crisp sound, the iron gun in her hand was smashed by Jin Zhu, and the man in yellow did not even give her the chance to commit suicide.

With a wicked smile on his face, he walked over to Huayu: "Little girl, stop resisting, behave, stand still, uncle is here to help you take off the golden armor."

At this moment, the man in yellow suddenly felt two rays of light flashing in front of him, and then, the two women stood between him and Hua Yu. It was the two of the Shushan Fairy Sword Gate in the center of the street that recruited disciples. girl.

The yellow-clothed man was stunned, and then he smiled: "I should be who I am, and the result is that Shushan is a double waste. Didn't this woman not join the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate? What kind of beams are you still running out?"

Chapter 120-You Have a Misunderstanding

It turned out that the person in yellow had seen the matter of Huayu trying to join the Immortal Sword Gate of Shushan just now.

At that time, he was not in a hurry to come out to speak, but was watching the changes.

The Shushan Immortal Sword Sect didn't accept her, so it was better for him to do more than less, and he didn't jump out at that time.

Unexpectedly, Jianmen obviously confiscated this disciple, but would jump out of the beam at this time.

The head Lolita hummed: "Everyone stepped on the road to see unevenness, it has nothing to do with whether she joined our school or not."

"The road sees unevenness?" The man in yellow smiled: "You have to have strength to see the unevenness, Shushan double waste, the famous scum, who doesn't know that you are the last two useless in Jianmen Disciple, what is your ability to see unevenness? Beware that you have become uneven, and you need other schools to help you step on it."

The head Lori was furious: "Look down on people?"

The man in yellow smiled and said, "What's wrong with looking down on it? Two pill formation periods..."

Before he could finish a sentence, Lori waved her hand, and a flying sword flew from the scabbard on her back, holding the green light, and slashing at the yellow-clothed man.

The man in yellow was lighthearted when facing Huayu just now, but when facing the real cultivator, he didn't dare to neglect, holding a royal weapon tactic in his hand, his golden bamboo also flew up in midair when he thought of it. With a sound, the head Lori's flying sword was held.

This man's golden bamboo contains the gold-based exercises, and Jin Kemu just restrained the master Lori’s wooden-based exercises. With this one, he felt steady in his heart and felt that he would win.

Unexpectedly, the head of Lori's Fei Jian slammed his golden bamboo aside with a clattering sound, as if there was no such thing as a fighting technique.

The man in yellow was taken aback: "What the hell? Are you not in the pill formation period?"

The head Lori sneered: "I have reached the golden core period."

The people in Huangyi were shocked by this. The Shushan Shuangfu is a famous sect in the world (there is also a male disciple who has just started to be ignored and not counted as a population). This is a laughing stock to laugh at the decent and decent sects that have fallen to the West, but she didn't expect that this little girl was so young that she had reached the golden age.

The man in yellow gritted his teeth and thought to himself: This kid is pretending to be a liar, don’t I understand?You are only ten years old, a golden ass pill, how can you reach the golden pill stage so young?That's just nonsense.

He just thought of this when he saw that the head Lori had introduced a sword tactic. The flying sword in the sky suddenly split into two, two into four, and four into eight...Swipe, for an instant, Thirty-two flying swords appeared in the sky.

"Yes...the famous stunt of the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate, Wan Jian Jue?" The man in yellow was taken aback: No, Wan Jian Jue is said to be a skill that can only be used during the Golden Elixir period. This little girl can really play it. come out?That means she really has a golden core stage cultivation base.

The head Lori waved forward, and thirty-two flying swords shot at the man in yellow at the same time.

The man in yellow scared one Buddha into the world, and the second Buddha ascended to heaven. Jin Zhu revolved behind the temple, but he himself ran away.

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