Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation

Comprehension beginners with 4.6 billion years of cultivation base Chapter 95

This place is not in the wilderness, but in the city of Deyang. At this time, the city of Deyang is the place where the outer disciples of the major cultivation sects of Shushan gather temporarily, because no one can go to Jinguan City to do business, outer disciples. Those who want to buy, sell and do business can only be found in Deyang. Therefore, there are many cultivators in Deyang.Fang Wushang, like the Black Mountain White Water Yellow Flower Green Willow Alliance, was also walking around the city at this time.

These cultivators felt a sudden explosion of spiritual energy in the city at the same time.

They couldn't help turning their heads to look over, and then, they saw hundreds of flying swords soaring into the sky, flying into the sky, and then flying the third team, attacking in three directions.

Everyone was shocked: "That's... the Thousand Sword Art of the Shushan Immortal Sword Gate!"

"Isn't Shushan finished? Why can someone play this trick again?"

"Furthermore, hundreds of flying swords fly out at a time. This is at least the cultivator of Yuanying stage can do."

"Is there a Yuanying monk at the Shushan Fairy Sword Gate?"

"I think should not be!"

"Could it be that when the old demon of worshipping the moon attacked the sword gate, there happened to be an elder of the Yuan Ying stage traveling outside the sword gate, so he was not killed, and now Hu Hansan is back."

"It's possible."

The people who eat melons are happily watching, but the parties are not so happy.

Feijian first attacked the three men in yellow clothes surrounding Zeng Jing and Huayu. The souls of the three were all frightened and they wanted to run quickly, but at this time they ran away. Feijian was like rain. Falling on them, the sword passed through the body, showing no mercy. For a moment, the three men in yellow clothes were dressed like a hornet's nest by the flying sword, and fell to the ground, unable to die again.

But the other two flying swords flew away aggressively towards the other two circles.

Chapter 123: A Master Is Still Alive

At this time, Bai Yan was two blocks away, fighting hard!

Her magic weapon is double swords, but this does not mean that her combat power is twice, but the combination of two swords can defeat a magic weapon of an opponent of the same level.But at this time, her opponents were two people in yellow clothes and two golden bamboo magic weapons, which forced her into a mess.

The two flying swords dealt with a golden bamboo each, and the aura was far inferior. She could only delay time by relying on the flexible manipulation of the flying swords, and secretly prayed in her heart that the woman named Huayu could escape from birth, but she I also know that it is almost impossible for ordinary people to escape the pursuit of cultivators.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that there was a lot of water-attribute spiritual energy in the sky. When she looked up, she found a large swath of flying swords shining with cyan light. A hundred handles, flying in a neat and uniform motion, look like a large school of fish in the deep sea.

"Ten Thousand Sword Art!" Bai Yan still can't admit wrong with this magical skill. Before the sword gate was not destroyed, he had seen many uncles and uncles playing this hand, but he didn't remember which uncle was playing with water. Attribute Feijian.

Those flying swords flew over her head, stopped, then turned around together, and flew towards the bottom. The two fastest flying swords first met the two golden bamboos of the yellow-clothed man.

With a snap, the golden bamboo was cut in half by the flying sword. This was not over yet, the following flying sword followed closely, brushing the two golden bamboos into fragments and flying all over the sky. Then, the flying sword turned A bend, shot at the two yellow clothes.

The faces of the two people in yellow clothes are black, and they want to run, but where their feet can run to win Feijian, they are caught up in an instant, and then the Feijian brushes through the body, and they don’t know how to get out. How many holes fell to the ground.

Bai Yan raised up to the sky and exclaimed, "Which one of the uncles, uncles, or ancestors of this school is here?"

However, no one responded in the sky.

At the same time, there is a team of flying swords flying towards the head Lori.

Little Lolita has no experience in rivers and lakes, and is unreasonable in human relations. She was tricked out of the mountain by a trick to move the tiger away from the mountain. She was flying in circles in the sky and chasing the man in yellow. She was about to catch up. The man in yellow stopped suddenly. Laughed and said: "You are fooled."

The head Lori said: "What are you talking about? Prepare to be beaten."

The yellow-clothed man smiled and said, "You were deceived by me. Your senior sister, and the one with the surname Hua, are now dead."

When he said this, the head Lori couldn’t help but her face changed drastically. Then she found out that she was in the middle of the game. She couldn’t help but hate her lack of experience in the world. She quickly turned her head and wanted to help Bai Yan back. The consciousness was also put back.

However, as soon as the divine sense was released, the first thing I sensed was a dense swarm of flying swords, which was flying towards the face.

The head Lori froze, and then she saw a hundred flying swords coming like a school of fish. They did not come to attack the head Lori, but passed by her and faced her behind. The man in yellow went.

The yellow-clothed man couldn't help but hesitated. When he remembered to escape, it was too late. Feijian chased him in mid-air, and then pierced his body continuously. The yellow-clothed man wanted to parry. Two times, but with so many swords, he didn't know which one to fight against. In a blink of an eye, he was pierced a hundred times. The dead body fell from the sky and hit the ground with a bang. A pit comes.

A large group of people came from all directions, watching the corpse...

Head Lori: "Scared? What's the situation? Some seniors are still alive?"

She hurriedly wanted to chase those flying swords, to see where they flew back, and to find people after chasing them, however, Zeng Jing could not leave such a flaw. When he thought, those flying swords disappeared in midair. It became a smoke, turned into aura slag, and could not be traced at all.


Hua Yu was stunned...

Although she is an ordinary person, she doesn't understand things in the realm of cultivation, and she doesn't know anything about realm, but as long as she has a normal IQ, she can tell that Zeng Jing just played a hand, compared to those in yellow clothes who appeared in the previous stage. Bai Yan, head Lori and the like are much more powerful.

She was surprised and said: "You, why do you seem to be better than the master?"

Zeng Jing raised a finger at her: "Shhh! Don't tell anyone, look, I killed all the people in yellow clothes who knew about this."

Hua Yu: "Aren't you walking the way for the sky?"

Zeng Jing said: "No, it's killing people on the pretext of walking for the sky."

Hua Yu: "..."

This was very embarrassing, Hua Yu didn't know for a moment that the person in front of him was an evil.

Zeng Jing: "I don't think you are like a talkative person. In short, don't tell me what you see today. Come with me. We will leave this place as soon as possible. A group of cultivators will fly over to explore what happened here. What happened."

Hua Yu is a person who doesn’t like publicity. As soon as he heard that there were many people coming around, he quickly lowered his head and followed Zeng Jing obediently. The two of them went around two lanes, then deliberately turned one more turn, and then The other side got out and walked to Bai Yan's side.

Bai Yan was still looking stupidly at the sky in a daze: "There is still a Master Uncle living in this door, at least the Master Uncle Yuan Yingqi is alive! I have another Yuan Ying at the Sword Gate of the Shu Mountain."

When Zeng Jing walked to her, a green light flashed in the sky, and the head Lori came back. She hurriedly said: "Sister Bai, Junior Brother Zeng, Senior Sister Hua, are you all right? I, I'm a fool. Someone else’s plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain, thanks to the help of the uncle of the master, huh? You are here too..."

Bai Yan was overjoyed and said: "Sister-in-chief, our Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, and a Yuanying-level uncle, did you see the Wan Jian Jue just now?"

The head Lori said: "I saw it, so I came back, but why doesn't this uncle show up?"

Bai Yan said: "It may be because of the great power of the moon worship cult. If the uncle appears in the light, it is easy to be calculated, so he hides in the dark, secretly protects us, and secretly fights the moon worship cult. Yes, it must be like this. ."

The head Lori said with joy: "It turns out to be like this, it makes perfect sense."

Zeng Jing: "..."

Hua Yu: "..."

Bai Yan found out that Zeng Jing and Huayu were coming, and she quickly grabbed Huayu's hand: "Miss Hua, are you okay? Did something happen just now?"

Hua Yu looked embarrassed: "It's okay!" After speaking, she looked at Zeng Jing.

Zeng Jing was really worried that she would say it, but Hua Yu didn't really say it, she just glanced at Zeng Jing, then lowered her head and was silent.

Zeng Jing took the conversation over and said: "I just came over there and ran into three yellow-clothed men chasing the flower girl, so I came out to protect the flower girl. I couldn't beat it with one to three. At this time there was suddenly in the sky. Hundreds of flying swords fell down and killed the three men in yellow clothes. We will come and look for you."

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