Shi Guo, Wuwangfu.

Shi Chen slowly opened his eyes in the cultivation secret room, only to feel a surging power of qi and blood surging through his body, and indeed brought back all the results of his experience in the Void Heaven Realm.

This is also the magic of the will of the gods, and now Shi Chen is far from being able to spy on this field.

In this way, Shi Chen stayed in the secret room for another day, thoroughly integrating all kinds of gains, and then pushed open the door and walked out

Unexpectedly, outside the secret room at this moment, there were already people standing, and the person at the head was King Wu.

His parents stood next to King Wu, in Qin Yi’s arms, his younger brother Shi Hao flashed big black eyes, and when he saw him come out, he immediately danced his little hands and babbled: “Brother, brother, come out.” ”

After all, Shi Chen has been a human for two lifetimes, and although he is a young child, he always maintains the composure of an adult, but when he saw Shi Hao’s innocent appearance at this time, he couldn’t help but smile slightly, and flashed to him.

“Dad, mom, I’m back.”

Shi Chen first said hello to Shi Ling and Qin Yi, and then teased his younger brother Shi Hao.

“Look what good things my brother brought you.”

Shi Chen flipped his palm, took out a cup of life source, and under the guidance of spiritual power, a water column gushed out from the cup, turned into a ball of water, and flew in front of Shi Hao.

This source of life, like the source of strength, is a fetish that can enhance the origin, and if this cup goes down, it can increase the life expectancy for at least ten years, and the value is amazing.

Only taking out a water balloon was not that Shi Chen was reluctant, but he was worried that Shi Hao was too young to digest it.

Xiao Shi Hao blinked, took a big mouthful, and swallowed the water ball directly, and soon the life essence burst out, making his little face flushed.

But he didn’t realize it, only waved his little hand, and babbled again: “Brother, water polo, delicious.” ”

Everyone around laughed when they heard this.

King Wu said loudly, “Chen’er, you really are a young supreme. We all already know about the things in the Void Realm, this time you really made a shocking move, and it won’t be long before the entire Great Wilderness will sing your prestige. ”

Although Shi Ling and Qin Yi did not speak, their eyes looking at Shi Chen were also full of pride, God knows how shocked they were when they received the news.

Thinking that their son was about to become famous, they also felt happy from the bottom of their hearts.

“It’s just a blood realm to honor it. The word ‘youth’ is not worth mentioning, and I still understand this truth. ”

Shi Chen said lightly, without showing the slightest pride and pride.

Seeing Shi Chen’s performance like this, King Wu became more and more satisfied in his heart, and said with a smile: “Just now, the human emperor sent someone to pass on the message, and let you go to the palace tomorrow morning, it should be a chance for you.” Time is urgent, our side will not disturb you, let your family reunite for a while. ”

Shi Chen looked at King Wu’s appearance like this, and couldn’t help but sigh secretly in his heart.

In the original work, after Shi Hao was dug up for the supreme bone, this person favored Shi Yi with all his might, and even did not hesitate to fight a decisive battle with the Great Demon God.

But in this life, he was as enthusiastic as fire about him, and devoted the resources of the Martial King Mansion to cultivate him, but he was very cold to Shi Yi.

Therefore, he had no opinion about King Wu in his heart, this person just followed the tradition of the Great Wilderness, focusing everything on the clan, and only cultivating the most talented juniors.

Thinking of this, Shi Chen also made a decision and took out a golden scroll and sent it to King Wu, “I have gained a lot in the Void Heaven Realm this time, this Imperial Dao Divine Fist is suitable for grandpa to cultivate, so give it to grandpa.” ”

King Wu took the scroll, looked surprised after browsing it, and laughed: “Good! This technique was indeed very appetizing to me, so I accepted it unceremoniously. ”

“Imperial Dao Divine Fist” is one of the magical powers in the “Imperial Dao Sutra” obtained by Shi Chen.

The reason why he only passed on the “Imperial Dao Divine Fist” is not that Shi Chen was stingy, but that there are rules of the avenue in this world, and the law cannot be passed on lightly, and the transmission must inherit its cause and effect.

The more top-level the martial arts, the more it cannot be easily taught, even if there are restrictions between relatives.

For example, among families and sects, the top inheritance can only be passed on to one or two juniors at most, and if you teach more, you will be punished by heaven.

This is also the reason for the formation of the follower system.

Only by becoming a follower who determines the relationship between servants can the master be blessed with all kinds of magical powers, otherwise he must have the power of cause and effect.

Even so, Shi Chen could not directly teach the exercises at the level of “Calm Chaos Technique” and “Divine Elephant Town Prison Gong” to his followers at once, or to multiple followers at the same time.

With the bloodline relationship between Shi Chen and King Wu, it is not a problem to only teach the Imperial Dao Divine Fist, but it is somewhat inappropriate to teach the complete Imperial Dao Sutra at one time.

King Wu naturally understood the mystery of this, so he did not covet the various treasures obtained by Shi Chen.

Of course, this restriction is also related to strength, the more top the strong, the less constrained it will be, the fantasy world, after all, the strength is respected.


Just as Shi Chen’s family was reuniting, his followers also returned to the real world.

Xuan Domain, Tianlan Ancient Kingdom.

After Mu Jiuhuang returned, he immediately rushed to the main hall of the palace and saluted the Tianlan Emperor on the dragon chair

“See Father Emperor.”

Tianlan Huang looked only in his thirties, wearing a golden dragon robe, looked at Mu Jiuhuang lovingly, and said softly:

“I already know about the matter of the Void Realm, and I really wronged you this time.”

“Father Emperor knows that you are sensible, you are born with holy phoenix luck, and you are destined to become a monarch in the future, let you follow others, and even become a maid, you must feel very uncomfortable in your heart.”

“But the father emperor really has no other way, the Tianlan Ancient Kingdom is in imminent danger, and can only rely on the stronger to survive.”

Mu Jiuhuang listened quietly, but a sweet smile appeared on his face, “Tianlan gave birth to me and raised me, spending countless resources to cultivate me, and I should be a fountain of retribution.” If I were a follower of others, I would indeed be reluctant, but now, I have no regrets, but I am glad that I seized this opportunity. ”

“Serendipity? Are you really impressed by that chaotic body? Tianlan Huang asked with some surprise.

Mu Jiuhuang nodded slightly, recalling in his mind Shi Chen’s invincible figure in suppressing the core area with one hand, and said dreamily:

“Father, watch it.”

“The pattern formed by the great desolation for thousands of years will be broken by the master’s force.”

“All the heavens and all the worlds will submit to the feet of their masters, and no one will be able to compete with them.”

“Such an invincible thing, I can serve it, it is already a supreme glory, how can I have the slightest discomfort?”

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